Table 3. Regional meetings

Kim D. Reimann. Forthcoming. Indigenous Peoples Activism on Climate Change in Southeast Asia: The Role of Regional Scalar Bridging Organizations. The Pacific Review.

Supplementary Table 3. Selected Indigenous Peoples’ Regional Meetings in Southeast Asia Related to Climate Change

December 2019Southeast Asian Indigenous Women Leaders 3 Day Conference in BangkokParallel regional meeting to COP 25.
Organizer: AIPP, Cuso Int’l Asia
October 2019Regional Forum on Indigenous Knowledge in Rights-based Sustainable Development, Jogjakarta100+ participants from Southeast Asia.
Organizer: Samdhana
September 2019Asia Pacific Indigenous Peoples (IP) Dialogue with the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)Regional dialogue for Asian civil society actors.
Organizers: World Bank and Tebtebba
March 2018Adaptation Learning Highway, Northern Luzon
3-day IP immersion for building resiliency on climate change adaptation
Exchange and sharing of strategies and IP practices related to climate change.
Organizer: AIPP initiative
February 2017Asia Regional Exchange on Indigenous Peoples and Local Community (IPLC) engagement in Climate Change and Policy, Chiang MaiWorkshop to strengthen IPLC participation in UNFCCC programs and representation at various political levels.
Organizer: Dedicated Grant Mechanism
October 20163rd Regional Exchange of Asia Indigenous Women, YangonAsian Indigenous women formulate recommendations for UNFCCC COP 21 in Marrakech.
Organizer: AIPP
September 2015Asian Regional Preparatory Meeting for COP 21 (Paris), Chiang MaiIPO representatives from 12 Asian countries.
Organizer: AIPP
September 2012Asia Pacific IP Dialogue with the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), Chiang Mai52 IPO representatives from 12 countries in the Asia Pacific region and states, IGOs, NGOs, etc.
Organizers: Peoples Foundation for Education and Environment (IPF), AIPP
August 2012Asia Pacific IP Dialogue with the UN-REDD Programme, Bangkok74 participants: IPOs from South, Southeast and Pacific Asia, and UNDP, FAO and UNEP.
Organizers: AIPP and UN-REDD Programme
December 2010Global Conference on Indigenous Women, Climate Change and REDD+, ManilaAsian regional meeting for Indigenous women.
Organizer: Asian Indigenous Women’s Network (AIWN)
February 2009Asia Summit on Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples, BaliRegional meeting to prepare for global IP summit in 2009.
Organizers: Tebtebba, AMAN
November 2008Global IPs’ Consultation on REDD, Baguio City -Southeast Asia Regional Consultation on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), Baguio CityOrganizers: Tebtebba, UN University-IAS, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN-REDD Programme
February 2008Asian Indigenous Peoples’ Preparatory Workshop for the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) 7th Session, KathmanduUNPFII’s annual meeting in 2008 focused on climate change and IP. This meeting was for Asian IPOs to prepare for it.
Organizer: AIPP
February 2008Indigenous Peoples’ Consultation with the World Bank on the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), KathmanduEarly meeting between IP and the FCPF.
Organizer: Tebtebba


AIPP 2012a, various internet websites.