
This was a personal project I did and its a world I imagined for my mother and I, we’ve always felt like we were aliens here anyway. Lol coincidentally it’s also a fictional planet in the universe for one of my stories. What you think?

Project 2: three drawings!

this was fun. my biggest challenge was 2 point perspective. I’ve since learned to correct my posture as well as reminding myself of where my vision is at so I don’t distort the perspective as much now. I still have a ways to go however I am pleased with these.

Atmospheric perspective:

1 point:

2 point:



Sequential Narrative

This project about our dreams has been interesting to say the least. but here is my sequential narrative. its showing a girl who has a strange dream and she eventually ends up where the cat takes her somewhere new and exciting.


I did this before or something similar to before because I love florals! But also this looked so funny to me. I may have to sketch this out so I can show you all…. If you can see, you have 2 guards who caught a beheading!!! Floral fairies are dangerous folk. I really enjoyed this lol One of them is the culprit! I had a vivid image in my head that I tried to translate here., it’s kind of an example of how I view the world. Color is a very big thing for me and super saturated colors, especially anything pink kind of causes that effect with me so im glad I could capture that in photo. 🙂