Wire to Line–Creepy Crawly
For project 2:Wire to Line: Creepy Crawly the class was tasked with building a volumetric sculpture in the shape of a bug using any wire that was left lying around the house. However, before this, I had several steps required to do before creating the initial sculpture. I first had to define the meaning behind creepy-crawly as well as research any specific incest we considered to have interesting characteristics. Then, I drew extensive pictures of three insects with varied physical traits, making sure to detail their individual body parts along with their functions. From those three initial drawings, I had to design my own insect incorporating the unique elements from each and a backstory. After designing my insect I settled on the name “Flying Skylancer.” The story behind my insect is that it is a rare species native to the jungles of Madagascar with powerful legs and a stinger. Once the final design was settled on, I had to create the 3d model of the insect through the use of wire. After buying some jewelry wire, I formed each part of the insect according to the blueprint I created for it. I had to use various methods such as twisting, cutting, knotting, etc to create the final product.