#daily practice

Today’s Practice 11/10/16

Practice makes Perfect! Today’s practices are relating to the recent election and its results. We’re going to talk about voting, people. I know you’re probably tired of it, but it’s important that we know the vocabulary and know how to interpret it.

Today’s Expressive Practice is from Eric Liu “There’s no such thing as not voting”

For the interactive script, click here: http://www.ted.com/talks/eric_liu_there_s_no_such_thing_as_not_voting/transcript?language=en


Today’s Receptive Practice comes from the Daily Moth. The Daily Moth is a news program that updates you on the most trending news in ASL. They have a website, a YouTube channel, an Instagram and twitter. Alex the host is covering the election results.

Website: http://dailymoth.com/

YouTube Channel: The Daily Moth

Instagram: @thedailymoth

Twitter: @thedailymoth

Today’s Practice 11/03/2016

Practice makes Perfect!!! I’m so excited!! It’s my favorite subject: Fingerspelling!! I know most of you dread fingerspelling, but it is essential to interpreting. Today the videos are short, so don’t feel overwhelmed.

Today’s Receptive Video features Miss Patty Gold naming all the Presidents


Today’s Receptive Video comes from June McMahon past president of the Florida Association of the Deaf

Today’s Practice 10/25/2016

Practice makes Perfect!!! So before we practiced some educational interpreting, how about some medical interpreting?

To learn some Medical Interpreting Vocab, I suggest checking out Bill Vicar’s Series on Medical Interpreting Vocab. It includes a total of 33 videos. I’m going to post the first one and provide a link for the whole playlist.

Video Link: Medical Interpreting Playlist

If you’re pressed for time, ASL Interpreter S. Hansen provides a few terms and websites to visit for more info. I’ll provide them below.


Video Links:

Deaf Doc

Deaf Health

So you have some of the vocabulary, ready to practice?

Today’s Expressive Practice is a General Exam.

Today’s Receptive video is a Doctor’s Visit.

Today’s Practice 10/06/2016

Practice Makes Perfect!! Happy Mental Illness Awareness Week! October 5-9 is Mental Awareness Week, so I thought we should practice some terms relating to mental illness.

Today’s Expressive Practice is from Kevin Briggs and his Ted Talk “The Bridge Between Suicide and Life”. October 6th is also National Depression Screening Day. If you can, please make sure you go get screened. And if you’re struggling with depression, please know that you’re not alone.

Today’s Receptive Practice comes from Candace M. McCullough from the Deaf Counseling Center. Candace M. McCullough is the CEO of the Deaf-owned and operated psychotherapy and consulting practice. Staffed by Deaf licensed professional therapists, they specialize in work with Deaf people and their families through counseling sessions done in person or through videophone. Today Candace is discussing panic attacks.

Website: http://www.deafcounseling.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deafcounseling



Today’s Practice 09/29/16

Practice makes perfect!!! Let’s explore some educational interpreting today with a little bit of Math. I know that’s everyone’s least favorite subject, but as an Educational Interpreter, you must learn to interpret many different levels of math.

Today’s Expressive Practice is working on interpreting Proportions. Give it a try!

Today’s Receptive Practice is square roots.

Today’s Practice 09/27/2016

Practice Makes Perfect!! Happy Deaf Awareness Month!! We are nearing the end of the month. But please don’t let that stop you. Please stay abreast of all the issues affecting the Deaf Community and learn how to be a good ally.

Today’s Expressive Practice is Rikki Poynter discussing Police Brutality

Today’s Receptive Practice is Gallaudet University’s Doctorate Student Joseph Santini.

Today’s Practice 09/22/2016

Practice Makes Perfect!! Happy Deaf Awareness Month! All throughout the month, I will be posting videos about issues in the Deaf Community from members of the Deaf Community.

Today’s Expressive Practice is Lissa Zeviar. Lissa Zeviar is a Child Of a Deaf Adult (CODA) discussing the Art of Sign Language.

Today’s Receptive Practice is DeafJennyWitty discussing Identifying and Intervening with Deaf Children at Rick of Language Deprivation.

Today’s Practice 09/20/2016

Practice Makes Perfect! Happy Deaf Awareness Month! All this Month I will be posting videos about issues in the Deaf Community from members of the Deaf Community.

Today’s Expressive Practice is Rachel Kolb “Navigating deafness in a hearing world”.

Today’s Receptive Practice is Amy Cohen Efron. Amy is an activist in the Deaf Community and also a psychologist. She discuses language privilege.

Today’s Practice 09/15/2016

Practice Makes Perfect!!  Happy Deaf Awareness Month!! All throughout the Month I will be posting videos about issues in the Deaf Community by Members in the Deaf Community.

Today’s Expressive Practice is Heather Artinian. If you’ve watched Sound and Fury, Heather was the little girl who wanted to get the cochelar implant. She is all grown up now. Hear what she has to say:


Today’s Receptive Practice is from Marvin Miller “Building an ASL Community”. Tip: I would mute it if I were you.

Today’s Practice 09/13/2016

Practice Makes Perfect. Happy Deaf Awareness Month. All throughout the month I will be posting on issues impacting the Deaf Community by people inside the Deaf Community.

Today’s Expressive Practice is interesting. The video I chose for today’s practice is Drisana Levitzke-Gray. Drisana Levitzke-Gray is the recipient of the 2015 Young Australian of the Year Award in recognition of her passion and dedication in advocating for the human rights of deaf people, raising awareness about Auslan (Australian Sign Language), and the rights of deaf children in Australia to access Auslan from birth. Now She’s getting to be signing in Auslan with a voice intepreter, it’ll be interesting to see the interpretation from Auslan to English to ASL.


Today’s Receptive Practice is Peter C. Hauser, the Director of the Deaf Studies Laboratory (DSL) in the Department of American Sign Language and Interpreting Education at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology. He’s going to discuss Audism and Linguisticism.


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