Week 14 Progression

This week I wanted to add more of the actual content I created and show some of the social media pages I have worked on. I need to play around with the formatting of the photos so that they are all matching, and I want to see if it is possible to add videos to my page since I make a lot of reels and Tik Toks. Throughout the weekend, and next week, my goal is to continue adding to my portfolio and finalize the formatting of the website.

I also noticed that I may be having some minor issues with the about me and resume page buttons. Both work, however sometimes it only works if I click on them from the home page. I want to figure out a way where I can just click around without any issues.

Week 12 Progress

This week I worked on some new content to add to my portfolio, I haven’t added it yet, but I worked on and posted a few new videos for my leasing consultant job and my color guard team. I also fixed the layout of my about me and resume page because they didn’t match the rest of me page. Next week I want to add more content, and maybe figure out a way to change the colors because I don’t think they match my style very much.

Week 11 Progress

I feel that I am at a point where I have finished that initial layout of my website, and now I just need to work on adding the content I want into my portfolio. I need to gather some projects I have worked on and put them in a way I can present them onto my website.

At first, I thought it might be difficult to showcase my work because I am not a writer, artist, or have a lot of film projects like a lot of my classmates. I want to showcase my social media work, so I obviously can’t just add in a picture of a painting I created.

I did get inspiration from some of my classmates who added links to their portfolio, and I think that might me something that I can play around with and potential tag some of the social media pages I have worked on.

Week 6 progress

Week 6 was a bit of a challenge for me since I was not very familiar with HTML. I have taken a coding class before, but other than that I have very little experience. One thing I do know from my class is that with coding any little mistake you make could potentially mess up your entire project. I realized that very quickly and found that taking small steps at a time and running the code as I go help me.

When I found that I was at a roadblock I reached out to Professor Pullman and asked for help. He was very helpful in the steps he gave me, and I eventually figured out all the little details I was missing which overall made my process a lot smoother and less stressful. Thank you, Professor Pullman.

For week 7 my goal was to work on adding more details to my original content and personal my website as a whole. I also wanted to fix any small mistakes I may have had. 

Week 4 – AI Portfolio Reconnaissance

I decided to start with chat GPT for my beginning prompts. Here was my prompt: “What might an entry level social media manager include in their portfolio?” 

This was the response:

An entry-level social media manager’s portfolio should showcase their skills, creativity, and understanding of social media platforms. Here are some elements that could be included:

  1. Introduction and Resume:
    • A brief introduction about yourself and your career objectives.
    • Your resume outlining your educational background, relevant coursework, and any internships or part-time positions related to social media.
  2. Social Media Strategy Samples:
    • Examples of social media strategies you’ve developed. This could include hypothetical scenarios or real-world examples if you have prior experience.
    • Demonstrate your understanding of target audiences, goals, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  3. Content Creation:
    • Samples of content you’ve created, including images, graphics, and captions.
    • Highlight your creativity and ability to align content with brand identity.
  4. Campaign Execution:
    • Showcase any social media campaigns you’ve been a part of. Include visuals, analytics, and a brief description of the goals and outcomes.
  5. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Present examples of how you’ve used analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics, social media insights) to track performance.
    • Include reports summarizing key metrics and insights gained from your analysis.
  6. Community Management:
    • Provide evidence of your ability to engage with an audience. This can include screenshots of conversations you’ve had with followers, responses to comments, and examples of community-building activities.
  7. Social Media Platforms Proficiency:
    • Highlight your expertise on various social media platforms. This could be demonstrated through successful campaigns, growth in followers, or innovative uses of platform features.
  8. Professional Development:
    • Showcase any relevant certifications, workshops, or online courses you’ve completed related to social media management.
  9. Writing Samples:
    • If writing is a significant part of your role, include samples of blog posts, articles, or social media copy you’ve written.
  10. Testimonials or Recommendations:
    • If applicable, include positive feedback from colleagues, clients, or supervisors you’ve worked with in the past.
  11. Personal Projects:
    • If you’ve managed any personal social media projects or accounts, include them to demonstrate your passion and initiative.

Remember to tailor your portfolio to the specific job you’re applying for, emphasizing the skills and experiences most relevant to the position.

I also asked Claude AI the same question just to see the differences in the answers, and here is what it provided. 

Here are some things an entry level social media manager may include in their portfolio:

  • Sample social media plans/strategies – For example, develop a hypothetical social media strategy for a brand that includes goal setting, target audience research, platform recommendations, content strategy and calendar, and metrics/analytics.
  • Visual content examples – Create some sample Facebook/Instagram posts, tweets, LinkedIn articles, etc. to demonstrate visual storytelling abilities. Include commentary on why you made certain content choices.
  • Social listening reports – Showcase your skills at synthesizing data by creating sample social listening reports, highlighting key trends and insights.
  • Campaign recaps – Write up brief recap reports of social campaigns you’ve built for class projects, volunteer work, or personal brands. Share goals, tactics, examples of content, and results.
  • Event promotion plans – Share mock plans for promoting events on social platforms leading up to, during, and after conferences, webinars, fundraisers etc.
  • Website/blog content – Include links to any websites, blogs or online profiles where you maintain a professional social presence.
  • Client testimonials (if possible) – Any positive feedback from classroom peers, colleagues, internship managers etc.

The goal is to create shareable materials that give tangible evidence of critical thinking, writing, content creation, and analytical abilities tied to social media strategy.

After reviewing the results of these two prompts, I actually the responses from Claude. I feel that the answer was more detailed when though my prompt was relatively basic. I decided to continue with Claude and ask a couple more to follow up questions.

Here was my follow up prompt: “What are some ways I can learn about and study different social media strategies?” I used this because I feel that this is one of the most important details when it comes to social media management. 

This is the response:

Here are some effective ways to learn about and study social media strategies:

  •  Follow social media thought leaders and read blogs/books – Follow influencers in social media marketing like Gary Vaynerchuk, Neil Patel, or Brian Dean. Read their content and books to stay on top of the latest trends and tactics.
  • Take classes or online courses – Enroll in university classes related to social media marketing if possible. Otherwise, take affordable online courses from sites like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, HubSpot Academy, and others.
  • Listen to podcasts – Subscribe to marketing podcasts like Social Media Marketing Podcast, Social Pros, or The Science of social media. Listen to interviews with experts.
  • Study social media & brand campaigns – Pay attention to campaigns that intrigue you and analyze what made them effective through a strategic lens. Reverse engineers the content or tactics.
  • Conduct competitor audits – Research both competitor and industry leader social media accounts in your niche. Compare and contrast their strategies in an audit report.
  • Experiment with personal accounts – Grow your own social media channels to better understand different platforms and functions. Document what performs well.
  • Read social media examiner surveys – Social Media Examiner releases an annual report on marketing trends and salaries that offers great insights.
  • Network with social media managers – Connect with professionals on forums or social platforms to ask for advice. Offer to interview them for informational meetings.

Immersing yourself in these types of activities will expand your knowledge and reveal the strategic decisions behind great social media marketing.

I also thought it was important to ask how exactly I can include this into my portfolio, so I asked this:

“How can I include in a portfolio that I know how to use social media strategies?”

To which the response was:
Here are some effective ways you can showcase your knowledge of social media strategies in a portfolio:1. Develop sample social media plans for fictional brands or companies that outline the following elements:
– Target audience identification and analysis
– Goals and objectives
– Channel strategies and content plans for each platform
– Implementation timeline and calendars
– Budget and resources
– Measurement plans2. Create visual presentations evaluating the social media performance and strategy of a well-known brand. Highlight strengths and weaknesses in their current efforts along with recommendations.

3. Include screenshots showing the progress of your personal social media channels over time Implement various strategies to grow followers and engagement. Comment on which efforts succeeded or needs adjustment.

4. Write a blog, recording a video, or develop a slide presentation teaching a specific social media marketing tactic step-by-step to demonstrate your process knowledge.

5. Compile reports of interviews with working professionals in the industry discussing their real-life social strategies for brands. Compare and contrast different approaches.

6. Obtain a certificate in a social media course and add the official accreditation to your portfolio. Some reputable options are Hootsuite, Google Analytics, Facebook Blueprint, and more.

Conveying both strategic knowledge and hands-on skills through samples of your work can show employers your ability to plan, manage, and optimize social media efforts. Offer tangible evidence and metrics when possible.

Overall, I find this information to be very helpful. Also, I would like to note that I feel that I am expanding my knowledge on the use of AI and how I can use the information it gives to my advantage when I comes to my future career. I was able to perform a deep dive, and really only highlighted social media strategies, but find it interesting that I could continue on and learn more details.

I feel that I know what I need to do to work in my desired field as I have already started gaining experience though my current job and extracurriculars. I feel that I am creative and capable, however, I think it would be a good idea to continue my research beyond this assignment, and maybe figure out some different methods of learning and studying the skills I need for my future career.

Perhaps that I something I can use as a prompt, “What are different methods I can use to learn the types of skills I need to become a social media manager?”



Week 3- Using AI as a Career Coach

I find using AI for assignment to be very interesting considering a lot of the time professors prohibit you from using it. However, I believe there are many ways to use it as a source for information and research, and the way that it has advance is today fascinating. 

I was already familiar with ChatGPT before starting this assignment but was interested in exploring with the other sources that were given, most of which I have never heard of. I mainly focused on experimenting with Claude and Copilot, along with ChatGPT. 

For each outlet I used this prompt:

“I am about to graduate from college with a degree in media entrepreneurship. I want to find an entry level position social media management job in the beauty or wellness industry. What skills do I need to demonstrate? What kinds of artifacts should I have to show I have those skills? What are some resources that I should pursue to help me learn about what I need to do to find my first industry social media job?”

I know that I want to work in social media management, but am not completely sure what industry yet, so I just put beauty and wellness, as those are two things I am interested in, as a specific industry for now. 

After getting my answers from each AI site, I noticed there was quite a similarity in the responses. I noticed that Copilot and ChatGPT gave me a response in more of a similar format, and Claude answered in more of a list format. As for the specificalities of the responses, ChatGPT and Claude, both gave me specifics of what types of skills I will need to an entry level job in my field, like content creation experience, trend awareness, management skills, and being able to analyze and report analytics. However, I found it interesting that they both also gave me resources and examples about things I can do to network, learn specific creative skills, and job searching outlets. I also found it interesting that I didn’t necessarily have to ask for other questions to get information outside of my original prompt.

In the end, I feel that I can use AI as a tool in my future job searching, and possibly other things like resumes and research. I already knew a lot of the skill that AI told me in order to go into an entry level job in social media, but it was refreshing to get more clarity. I feel that last week I was felt like I learned a lot from our assignment, but now I feel more comfortable with the topics I am talking about. I also enjoy the format of the assignments of this class and feel that I am not just doing an assignment for a grade, but am able to actually learn something from them.


Week 2 – Job Reconnaissance

When searching for a job for this week’s assignment, I used a good pool of websites like Indeed, Moster, ZipRecruiter, and Glassdoor. Before this assignment, I knew that I was interested in working in the marketing field, primarily in social media marketing and management, so I started there. I searched titles likes “social media manager”, “social media marketing”, and “social media coordinator. I know that this type of job is generally pretty flexible, so I looked through the options for jobs located in Atlanta, as well as remote jobs. I feel that in my future career flexibility and independence will be very important to me, so I was more open to the remote jobs. Social media jobs are on the rise in today’s time, and I think it is important for every company to have some type of system where they are able to promote and market to their customers through social media. A lot of the titles I found were companies looking for someone with the knowledge of trends, algorithms, and insights of social media platforms to be able to post, plan, and coordinate the content they are looking to put out. I found, that luckily for me, social media jobs are in high demand, and there are job listing for this type of position in a variety of fields.

A lot of the responsibilities and qualifications that are required are simply things like knowledge, and not necessarily experience or level of education. It is required to be able to develop, implement, and evaluate strategies and campaigns to be able to grow and deepen engagement. Another important asset that these jobs expect is superior writing and editing skills. There is a lot of creativity when it comes to writing and social media, but it is important that you are still able to communicate in a professional and efficient manner. 

Having a sufficient amount of knowledge with Adobe Creative Suite was also another trending qualification that I noticed. This makes sense to me because in the world of social media, being able to creative graphics, different types of digital art, post layouts are detrimental to having an aesthetically please page. At the end of the day, for a lot of companies in today’s times, the social media platforms that are being used are essentially the image of the business and what is being present most to its customers and consumers. It is important that what is being created is being presented well. 

If I were to be applying for these jobs, here is what I think would be the most important for me to include to present what I have to offer.

  • statistics of social media platforms where I have grown numbers
  • creative content samples like reels, Tik Toks, and photo posts
  • promotional and information graphics that I have created
  • any other digital creative projects I have worked on to show the range of my capabilities

I also believe that my educational background will bring me a long way. Like I said before, this type of job isn’t something you necessarily have to have a college degree to do, however, I definitely will have a advantage by having a bachelor’s degree in this type of field. I also feel that by going to school, I was able to gain experience in many different things that might help me even if it’s not directly for my future career by taking different types of classes like accounting, economics, business, and creative media classes.

In the end of my job search, I have more clarity on exactly what is expected of me for the types of job I will be looking for when I graduate. I feel I am on the right track with my skillsets by starting to gain experience in this field now, and working on internships and other outside projects that will help me with my career. I am feeling confident that with my education, experience, and skills I will be able to transition to a real “big girl” job with a little more ease, and I feel ready to do so. I think the social media industry is also about the people you know as well, so I want to get a little better at connected with others who are interested in the same career field, and/or already work in it and have an upper hand. I am excited for my future career and feel that this assignment has left me feeling motived.

Week 1- Career Apsirations

My name is Kierra James, and I am a junior this year at Georgia State. I am a media entrepreneurship major with a concentration in marketing, management, and business. When I graduate, I hope to work in the field of social media. I have a passion for content creation, and since I started my college career, I realized that I also enjoy organizing, planning, and managing. One day, I hope to work as a social media manager for a brand, or even have my own agency where I can manage clients. 

In my free time I create my own content, mainly Tik Tok videos, and I believe starting this hobby sparked my career goal of working in the social media industry. I have always been a creative person, and have jumped around many career options like photography, graphic design, and journalism. I feel the most confident about the choice I have made now, and I hope that this path will take me a long way.


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