The Earth is crumbling before us and while people may see this as an invisible threat, the monumental and irreversible damage is catastrophic. If we don’t take action in cleaning and protecting our planet, life as we know it could disappear.
To protect our planet we need like-minded individuals who simply care about the future. I decided to try and embody mother nature for this project, I did this to symbolize that like me the earth is alive. I created a crown to represent the power of nature, no matter how much humans destroy the planet it continues to try and heal itself.
Global Warming is a major issue facing the world right now. This is caused by greenhouse gases and CO2 admissions which spread radiation into outer space. Usually, once something goes into space it would escape however the gases get trapped for years as they heat up and make the planet warmer. I created a vizor in front of the crown so that nature could be protected from this heat. The cans are also metal so they can deflect the sun. (recycled cans)
Water pollution affects everything. Toxins go into our water source and kill our aquatic animals. To protect mother nature from this I have created netted boxing gloves and a face mask to filter out dumping, fertilizers, and much more. For the body piece, I sowed a bathing suit so she would be able to swim as flooding and global temperatures increase.
Last but not least the solution. A lot of times when we think about how drastic of a problem the environmental crisis really is, it’s very overwhelming, but don’t worry. There are ways to protect and heal the planet if we take steps today individually and locally. For my handpiece, I have created a magic wand. As a poisonous frog warns predators with its colors this wand should warn off humans from trying to disturb her peace. But like dual swordsmen, the wand always is a flower that can harvest trees. Deforestation is one more of the top 5 issues the environment is facing.