Creative Critter

Two of the most important animals on this earth are bees and ants. These small and sometimes seemingly insignificant creatures contribute to the balance of the Earth. Without ants, rainwater would not be able to circulate through the Earth as quickly. By turning the soil they help progress decomposition. Similar to bees ants help create food, when the ants carry their food, seeds are dropped like bread crumbs allowing for new plants to arise. Bees also play a significant role in every living being’s life. Most plants require pollen to be able to be harvested so without them there would not be enough food to feed animals or people. 

For this project, we had to create a new species of bug by conjoining multiple different insects and adding some creativity. I decided to use an ant and bee as my first two choices because of their importance on earth. I also used a dragonfly for reference as well since they are beautiful. 

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