Let’s change the Color in Colorism

Same race discrimination has to stop!

 People in black communities and other Hispanic communities often separate into two groups. There are the lighter complexion groups who are more glorified in beauty than the darker complexion. This way of thinking drains people’s idea of true beauty in every person. Colorism is an important discussion to have because more people will feel more comfortable in their skin. The first feature you notice about someone is their skin color and your mind automatically categorizes that person into a certain social group. We look up to the lifestyle we see in movies on television and in music. 

Colorism in children

Children represent the new life of our worLd. It is our job to make sure they grow up knowing that difference and variety is beautiful. CNN‘s Anderson Cooper highlights a project that reveals how children view racial beliefs, attitudes, and preferences. Studies show that younger children get taught these views very young and only grow out of it when they are older. That says a lot.

Colorism in Entertainment

We look up to the lifestyle we see in movies on television and in music. Television feeds the brain with all sorts of information. There are so many classic movies that show colorism and the black people are selling it to our own people. It is 2020 and more and more people are facing the truths behind colorism. We should stop feeding colorism to people and send a message of empowermentt instead.

What can we do to help?

People of color struggle with skin discrimination through entertainment, jobs, and decades of history. The more years pass people realize that there is a problem within the ethnic communities. To stop colorism from passing on into more generations I think it is best that we teach children that color is normal. the younger generation needs to now that color of your skin is only a small part that makes you beautiful.