Studying can be difficult, I should know. I am the queen of procrastination! To make studying easier for us procrastinators it is important to know how your brain works, also how your brain process information. I bet you never heard about neuroplasticity? What about a growth mindset? If I was correct that is wonderful, and now you can practice both by reading the rest of this post.
What is a growth mindset and how is it different from a fixed mindset? A fixed mindset is a belief that others are gifted talents like intelligence and other things. In contrast, a growth mindset is a belief that learning more and studying can build the brain. It is the concept your brain gets stronger the more you exercise it. The next time you are studying hard think of it as a good workout at the gym. The more you do the easier studying becomes.
What on earth is neuroplasticity? Neuroplacisty is the belief that your brain has the ability to rewire. For example, repetitively choosing to study rather than binge-watching a new season of YOU on Netflix. As you can see Neuroplacisty is not a fixed way of thinking because of the belief that you are constantly progressing new habits.
How do I feed my brain correctly? The first step to feeding your brain is to stop procrastinating! Set up a schedule to study every week and actually follow the schedule. Work at your own pace and things will flow smoothly. A great tip is that studying too hard can be overwhelming because you can forget what you studied. Study a little at a time and take small breaks in between. Also, different noise environments work differently for others. You could be in a very silent place and get extremely distracted if this is you try to balance the amount of background noise that works for you. remember your brain is a muscle and exercise makes you stronger.