Through “His & Hers: Designing for a Post- Gender Society,” Suzanne Tick sends out a message that genders of male and female should no longer be separated in order to “promote acceptance and change.” For many, the old rules of being a man or woman are no longer important compared to how they’ve evolved through time. The author mentions Emma Watson and her speech about the He for She movement which moved many viewers to live in a gender-equal world. Martine Rothblatt, also mentioned by Tick, is the highest paid female executive in America despite her birth as a male, which also shows the changes of society.
Tick additionally claims that there has been a growth in equality in the fashion and beauty industry. There are now masculine looking coats for women as well as makeup for males. Now, Tick believes that the change for equality should be focused on bathrooms. There are now unisex bathrooms that are available for the comfort of all genders, thus represents a new window of opportunity open for gender equality.
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