Works CIted for BEA

Works Cited Nelms, Ben. “Ant-Man Production Impacts Local Economy.” Text. N.p., 15 July 2015. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.   By KATHLEEN FOODY – Associated Press. Georgia Governor Says He Will Veto Religious Exemption Bill. Associated Press DBA Press Association, 2016. Print.   Ammons, Jesse et al. “Hollywood Comes To… ATLANTA.” Atlanta 51.5 (2011): 80–4. Print. […]

Reading Summary of His & Hers

His and Hers by Suzanne Tick talks about gender equality globally but specifically in the fashion industry. We are now in a time where people identify with groups that they could never successfully do before while still being accepted by society. This new trend of new identities has challenged traditional companies. Tick says the reason […]

Built Environment Description

Description of r/Atlanta   Reddit is the self proclaimed front page of the internet. Within reddit there are countless subreddits. There is a subreddit for almost anything. These subreddits have people from all over the world posting content for their peers to comment on. The subreddit for Atlanta is unique because it has local contributors […]

Annotated Bibliography 1-10

Annotated Bibliography #1-10 Piedmont Park Conservancy. “Piedmont Park Conservancy.” About the Conservancy. N.p., 2012. Web. 4 Feb. 2016. This source is a mission statement for the piedmont park conservancy. The conservancy helps keep the park green, restores any lacking parts of the park and deals with any expansions that the park may be eligible for. […]

Reading Summary 6

Melissa King’s article about the moderation of content on the internet explores the issue of privacy on the internet. More specifically she talks about the effects on comments on the internet and what can be done to avoid those problems. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a common ailment that veterans of war suffer. King asserts […]