Archive | April 2017

Perosnal Cultural Heritage




The Hairdresser, Tilly Willis, 2001,1048444/?s=TzmzO4AMwYAYpnHUGABNtrGWl9nvsOKSW0nxIfgdOHmeX3KthXmkJnApFjYTZRDZ

My heritage is a combination of African and American cultures. I am not one without the other. I was raised to embrace this, and acknowledge that to truly move forward as a woman of color, loving myself, my roots, and paying homage to my people is my responsibility. It may sound silly to those who are unaware, or uninclined to care, but part of my culture, especially as a woman is hair. Black women are known within our many cultures and sub-cultures, for our variety and versatility with our hair.  It is unique to us, different, difficult, and daringly gorgeous all at once. Something that is very much part of our history is the act of braiding hair. African, as well as African American women traditionally wear braids, in part because it is best for our hair type. This is something true to my heritage, true to the women I come from.






By the Beach, Tilly Willis, 2007,1049634/?s=TzmzO4AMwYAYpnHUGABNtrGWl9nvsOKSW0nxIfgdOHmeX3KthXmkJnApFjYTZRDZ

To think of culture and heritage as a series of moving parts, constantly moving and growing from one another, and with each passing generation, at the foundation, and heart of my heritage, is the black woman. We are the tastemakers for our daughters and sons, the composers to the symphony our blood listens and plays to, and the water that allows our family tree to continue to grow and thrive. The painting is one representation of the hard work and sacrifice we put into caring for our families. There are also three women shown, a portrayal of how when we put in work, whatever it is, we not only have the same goal, but we do it as a community. In black culture, this is just another word for family.


Lavender Jazz, Kaaria Mucherera, 2007,1049678/?s=HSG2cDPE0vCab7wGpLojivCy2lxlA4cRhsS7LN8PXWmRwSF3pthXnyHzgW2UP

Music is in my blood. Every woman in my family can sing, and for generations it has been the tie that has kept us bound. My great, great grandmother has twelve children, and from those twelve children sprung many more children, who each travelled and made lives for themselves all over the world. Music has kept us close despite our distance, because it is through music that we reconnect every two years as a family. We celebrate our bloodline through song, through contact, food, and through stories of our family history. My family stands firm at over two hundred people, and we travel for our family reunions to accommodate everyone. Our music travels with us, because it is within us, and it is a staple of my family, and where we come from. Music is very much part of my heritage.




This entry was posted on April 23, 2017. 4 Comments

I Haz Meme

Memes can be considered art. I think social media produces art daily, and the scope of what is thought to be art is evolving all the time. I think memes are a fun way to make light of situations, and shine light in situations that are difficult to discuss. Memes can be political, social, fun, or anything else they need to be. Internet art, whether its on social media, or some other website, is supposed to convey a message. That is the purpose of art, memes are just a funny way to convey a message.

This entry was posted on April 10, 2017. 4 Comments

Personal Truisms

My personal truism is to get my heels on and keep strutting forward. It means to never falter in what I am, and who I am as a woman for a moment, and keep moving forward. Often when women have weak moments, or are going through rough times, they either isolate themselves, or temporarily let themselves go. Not even for a moment should either of those circumstances occur, ever. I have seen it happen, and I have experienced it first hand. I vowed not to make that mistake again, simply for my personal well being. I am a lot stronger than that, even when I have felt weak. I know one way women have expressed strength throughout history is by looking how they feel, or how they want the world to think they feel. If you dress in a powerful way, whatever that means to whoever it is, people will see that and treat you accordingly. The rest just requires the woman to keep moving forward in life. Once she is armed with one of the greatest assets she has, her signature look, she can move forward with her other assets, her mind and attitude. On the other hand, Jenny Holzer used what was popular at the time to create art that appealed to people and spoke for itself. She has helped inspire a great many other works of art because of her originality.

This entry was posted on April 3, 2017. 5 Comments