GSU opportunities vs Traditional Campuses
When I was young I had a dream of the type of University life I would have. Being able to walk to class every day, sit in the grass to chat with friends, and study under the blue sky. There would also be Frisbee and someone playing a guitar. I now attend Georgia State University which is far from any of that. I take the bus to class and I meet friends in the lounge areas. I study in a spacious but crowded and loud library. Even though Georgia State University is not held in your traditional University setting, for example, we don’t have many open grass areas like traditional campuses, but we do have more opportunities then other schools by being in the city near some of the biggest businesses. Atlanta may not busiest city in the country but it is home of the busiest airport, Harts-field Jackson, and home to many large cooperation’s, Home Depot, Porsche…etc. Being able to be closer to majority of the jobs and already knowing the city so navigation through the busy and confusing streets of Atlanta is easier. V.S
The city holds many diverse businesses. No one large company takes over this city, unlike others, which opens up many different opportunities. Mayor Kasim Reed has made sure that a number of polices have been passed so that Atlanta is pro-growth and pro-business. In this pro-economy city unemployment has dropped to only 5.5 percent (inc. 383). This percentage compared to Albany Georgia which is location of a more traditional campus which is around 8.6 percent. This not only tells the ability for those in the city to find jobs but how many are finding them. Everyone is not guaranteed work but the odds of finding them are greater in Atlanta.
Atlanta is not all about the big businesses. Atlanta has a lower cost of business when compared to other cities, which is good for new and small businesses to thrive.For example, The Municipal Market was founded in 1924 and now houses twenty four individual businesses. There is a wide range of items at the market from popcorn to seafood.(qm2) Atlanta has grown so that small businesses can make and when new businesses they hire young, quick and experienced. We are well educated from attending Georgia State University and working internships while in the city. We are quick to be hired because there is no transition period between us and a new city or work environment.
Many Television programs are finding that Atlanta is a great spot to film. Shows like The walking dead and the Real housewives of Atlanta are filmed in Georgia. They are also in need of extras. Here is when being close to the city is useful for you to get to hear and see film opportunities and watch from behind the scenes. Of course you can just travel to watch and travel back, when you live in Atlanta you don’t have to do much of a commute.
What do these facts about Atlanta’s businesses and growth have to do with Georgia State. Well Georgia State is located in this cross fire of this economic growth, and lets face the facts that not everyone with a degree will get a job in the field of their choosing. When comparing Georgia State University to a more traditional University in my opinion Georgia State beats those campuses. In traditional campuses they are closed down more reserved to only those who attend the school and their guests. You have a set space for the school and its laid out evenly so its easy to remember where everything is. Georgia State University is far from easy to Navigate. On my first day of school i used GPS to map my way to class and i took me about a 20 min walk to get to Langdell hall, but it was only a 2 min walk. This is not a strike for Georgia State Campus it is a plus. I learned that there are many ways to maneuver around the city giving me a good sense of direction for Atlanta which is a plus when doing “door to door” sales in Atlanta. Also when Celebrities hold private impromptu concerts and location is only revealed almost one hour before the start you have to know the layout of Atlanta to make it.
Even if you have never lived in the city of Atlanta you have heard a joke or seen a picture of its traffic. The number of cars and drivers are increasing but the roads seem to be shrinking. This is not only another lesson on the importance of finding alternate routes, but an advantage for Georgia State University Students because it is an opportunity to learn to plan ahead. Its not everyday but the Georgia State Campus is kind of hectic to maneuver through, not because of the set up of the environment, once you get used to it its like a “walk in the park”. The real reason is because of all the events happening around the campus. Turner field is located minutes from Georgia State and with Carnivals, games, fundraisers…etc happening ever other week getting into the Campus may take a little more time. Businesses are always thriving for people who are well prepared for anything. Before attending Georgia State i always calculated how much time it would take to get to my destination and add five minutes so that I would arrive on time. Now that I attend Georgia State I plan for the commute the traffic, the road blocks, and any other unforeseeable matters.
Georgia State is also the best place to network. It is not very hard to Network in the city. In Traditional Campuses Networking is usually between Students and faculty and distinguished guests. In the Georgia State University campus networking is available to us without even trying. Going to lunch you could open the door for your future job interviewer, bump into a CEO in the Elevator or bathroom. If in small towns everyone knows everyone. Then in a big city you may not know everyone but you get to know more and different types of people. Georgia State is very diverse and everyday you meet someone new, without ever running out of people to meet.
Many campuses can not utilize these opportunities like my school and peers can. I would like to have more open areas on campus grounds, or a social gathering areas. It will certainly decrease the amount of students in the school’s library. Atlanta downtown is known for being hectic and have a lot of traffic. I believe having a social gathering area, not only for my school, but for the people of Atlanta, it will encourage carpooling. All schools and cities are not perfect; I have to admit. My school is not exactly my perfect, absolute dream campus, but it is pretty close. At night, when I leave class, it is so pretty. All the huge Atlanta buildings are glowing; many have some people still working. The hotel names light up the city, as you walk down the street, you hear people conversations at the near food café, you see couples laughing and friends having a good time together. The different parts of campus are all surrounded by something new. You will never see the same things while you are downtown it is always something new going on. As for other schools that does not have this opportunity, there is probably not a lot of new things happening. I hope that in reading my Built Environment Analysis, as a Georgia State University Student, you appreciate the campus we have now and the opportunities. My opportunity cost for a more diverse learning environment and wider opportunities is a green space and a more typical experience, but the rewards most definitely out weighs the costs.
All information used to complete this Analysis of Georgia State University in Atlanta was used from the archive. The photos used that display words are works from myself or other students, these were used to collect and right my article and acts as my link to other works in our sites. Under the picture is also the name of the Sites GSU i used to create my paper.