February 17


So far this year i have completed reading summaries, annotated bibliographies and descriptions. The process of writing for this class is extremely different from what I have done in the past. The process of writing in this class is easier then previous classes. I have learned that using scholarly documents are easier then googling several different sites. My first summary was, I felt, my best work but my grading says other wise. I have a lot of great ideas and i understand the general topic of an article but I don’t have the skills to chose the main points and relay them in my own words. Now that i received feed back about my summary i applied it to the most recent submitted summary. Now i believe I stayed on topic and stayed in the tone of the article but I did it in less words. I couldn’t meet the minimum of 500 words that was required.

I always try to attempt to do the extra points activities not only for the points but because they are helpful in doing the projects. The writers 2.0 helps me print out what I’m going to do and when. Going forward I plan to ask more questions on the summaries and other projects. My new approach to the assignments is to go ahead of the weeks and do my assignments, that are allowed, earlier so that when class comes I can ask questions and see what i need to improve before i have to turn the assignments in. I will also, to earn extra points, go to office hours, and also travel around Atlanta more and take pictures and discover more place. I hope to grow more in the classes to come and be top point earner every week.


Posted February 17, 2016 by kbattle2 in category Uncategorized

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