Altered Book Project

My project covers the topics of creation and evolution. These are complex topics because they raise more questions than answers. There is no exact answer to determine if creation or evolution is true because everyone has different beliefs about these topics. Some people believe in creation; others believe in evolution. I believe in creation because I am very religious. This project allows the viewer to see which side they think is correct or if both are true. For this project, I place the topic of creation on one side and the topic of evolution on the other side.

For the front side, Adam and Eve are on the left to represent creation, the confused modern human is in the middle because she doesn’t know which one is true, and the archaic humans and ape are on the right to represent evolution. The yellow hands, made out of cardboard on the side represent a higher power creating everything. The DNA strands, made out of book pages represent the possible connection between the two topics. The floor was painted green; I put flowers on the left and right side to represent a garden. I also used cotton balls as bushes to form a question mark. On the back side, I made a tree out of cotton balls and a toilet roll and a snake out of tape to represent the story of Adam and Eve, and I made fossils out of aluminium foil to represent archaeological findings, which generally ties to evolution.