Bonus Opportunity #2: Art in the News

The first topic is about the “Art After Trump” and the second topic is about the “Russian Avant Grade Rising in a ‘Revolutionary Inpulse’. These both of the arts talk about the similar topics but a bit different while the first topic is related to the politics. The first topic is world wide popular which is about the Trump the current president of the United States. An artists are waiting for the response of the 2016 election. Everybody is concerned about this topic as the president determines the vital role for the rules of the United States.

Similarly, the second topic is about the Russian art which is popular and about the Head of a Woman. This art was at the exhibition “A Revolutionary Impulse” at the museum of modern Art. This is created by collecting the art of the photography. So this represents the art of the modern era which is about the new politics, environment, cultures and so on. This shows the progress of the art movement in the modern Russian. This is related to some  movies so it got popular.

In my opinion, the art of “Art After Trump” is a response and a gathering topic which is for the future happenings and the second art which is about the modern art tells about the art of the modern technology and the current situation happening in the different countries mainly in Russia.


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