Memes with a Message


This political meme utilizes two different modes, text and graphics, to convey a liberal stance on a heavily debated topic about women’s right to an abortion. Essentially, the creator of this meme is mocking congressmen who believe they have the authority to mandate what a women should do with her body and health. In fact, congressmen have no credentials to play the role as an OBGYN, though they fill the role anyways for the “concern of women’s health” throughout the nation. Personally, my beliefs coincide with the intentful irony of this meme (which is why I chose this specifically). The government has no right govern women’s bodies. Such a debate perpetuates the behavior that men rule over women with regard to their own, intimate decisions. It’s a women’s body, therefore it’s the particular women’s decision. Of course, I hope she keeps her safety in mind, but government should not control our bodies; that’s not their responsibility. Anyways, the imagery in this meme is successful. The artist illustrated an individual who appears cocky and light-hearted. This man exhibits the under-qualification of his job in regards to women’s health; he has no place to be mandating such decisions. The text contextualizes the man’s purpose by ironically establishing that this political meme is in reference to abortions.