Jada's Blog

Just another site from Big Daddy



Who is this experience targeted to?
Age: 14 and up
Location: Instagram
Interests: Music

Story World Layout

Through user interface (social media) the artists stories will be told via posts on social media. The artist will create songs with matching visuals (skits) and each week, throughout the week, will post clips of the video on social media. The skit will act out what the song topic is about with only the instrumental or beat of the song playing in the background. It will be like going online every week to watch an episode of your favorite musical show. The songs will be like chapters of a story and the whole project will be a book.

What Technology is needed to experience this world? The Internet, a smart phone/tablet/computer

What are the specifications of that technology? It must have an internet connection and the Instagram app downloaded if using a smart phone or tablet

What Space is needed to experience this world?
  1. Where will this experience live? Online
  2. What size space is needed if location based? N/A
  3. What are the logistics of getting in and out of the experience? Opening and being logged into Instagram. Following that artist Instagram.

Will there be a surrounding environment leading up to the experience?

There will be online content (promo) leading up to the release of each skit.


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