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James C. Walton, PhD

Current address:

Neuroscience Institute & Center for Behavioral Neuroscience
Georgia State University, Atlanta GA


PhD Neuroscience (2013) The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
BS Biology, summa cum laude (2001) University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME


NIH Postdoctoral Scholar: 2015 -present
Georgia State University, Advisor: Dr. Elliott Albers

Postdoctoral Research Fellow: 2013 – 2015
Georgia State University, Advisor: Dr. Elliott Albers

Graduate Research Associate: 2009 – 2013
Neuroscience Graduate Studies Program, Advisor: Dr. Randy Nelson,
Department of Neuroscience, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Dissertation title: Photoperiod, Brain Plasticity, and Behavior.  (PDF)

NINDS Rodent Behavior Core Facility Manager, Ohio State University 2007 – 2009
Center for Molecular Neurobiology:   Research Associate II & Lab Manager
Laboratories of Dr. Randy Nelson and Dr. Courtney DeVries.
Departments of Psychology and Neuroscience, Institute for Behavioral
Medicine Research, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Laboratory Technician: Behavioral Neuroscience, Neuroethology 2002 – 2007
Laboratory of Dr. Richmond Thompson, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine.

Research Associate: Laboratory of Dr. Louis Gainey. Biology Department, 2000 – 2001
University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME.

Independent Senior Research Project in Biology: Dr. Louis Gainey advisor. 2001
Biology Department, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME. 


Teaching Assistant, Behavioral Neuroscience, OSU 2011
Teaching Assistant, Marine Biology, USM 2001
Teaching Assistant, General Physiology, USM 2001
Teaching Assistant, Comparative Physiology, USM 2000


Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology; Best Poster Award (Postdoc) 2016
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NIH F32 NS092545) 2015-2018
Louise B. Vetter Award, Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society OSU chapter 2012
Presidential Fellowship, OSU 2012
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Travel Award 2012
OSU Neuroscience Poster Day; 2nd Place Pre-doctoral Division 2010
University Fellowship, OSU 2009
BS Biology: Summa Cum Laude 2001
Golden Key National Honor Society 2001
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society 1999, 2012
CRC Chemistry Achievement Award 1999


Ad Hoc Reviewer:
The American Midland Naturalist
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Behavioural Brain Research
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Clinical Interventions in Aging
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
Experimental Neurology
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
Hormones and Behavior
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 
Journal of Biological Rhythms
Journal of Experimental Zoology
Journal of Neuroendocrinology
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Molecular Psychiatry
Physiology & Behavior
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Scientific Reports

Institutional Service:
Support Staff Advocacy Committee, Bowdoin College, 2004-2006
Benefits Advisory Committee: Subcommittee on Medicare Benefits, Bowdoin College, 2005

Community Service:
Guest lecture in Physiological Psychology, Georgia State University, 2016
Informal Education and Training Mentor for Atlanta’s NET/Work Undergraduate Research Program, 2016
Informal Education Consultant for the Atlanta Science Festival 2013
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Summer Research Opportunities Program (CIC SROP) Conference discussion facilitator, 2010


American Association for the Advancement of Science
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
Society for Neuroscience
Society for Research on Biological Rhythms


32) McNeill IV, J.K., Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E. (2018) Functional significance of the excitatory effects of GABA in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Journal of Biological Rhythms (in press)

31) Ross, A.P., Norvelle, A., Choi, D.C., Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E., Huhman, K.L. (2017) Social housing and social isolation: Impact on stress and energy balance in male and female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Physiology & Behavior. 177:264-269. PMID:28511867 (PDF)

30) Walton, J.C., McNeill IV, J.K., Oliver, K.A., Albers, H.E. (2017) Temporal regulation of GABAA receptor subunit expression: Role in synaptic and extrasynaptic communication in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. eNeuro, 4(2). PMID: 28466071 PMCID: PMC5411165 (PDF)

29) Albers, H.E., Walton, J.C., Gamble, K.L., McNeill IV, J.K., Hummer, D.L. (2017) The dynamics of GABA signaling: Revelations from the circadian pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 44:35-82. PMID: 27894927 PMCID: PMC5225159 (PDF)

28) Walton, J.C., Aubrecht, T.G., Weil, Z.M., Leuner, B., Nelson, R.J. (2014) Photoperiodic regulation of hippocampal neurogenesis in adult male white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). European Journal of Neuroscience, 40(4):2674-2679. PMID: 24893623 PMCID: PMC4138284 (PDF)

27) Walton, J.C.*, Selvakumar, B.*, Weil, Z.M., Snyder, S.H., Nelson, R.J. (2013) Neuronal nitiric oxide synthase and NADPH oxidase interact to affect cognitive, affective, and social behaviors in mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 256:320-327. *Authors contributed equally to this work. PMID: 23948215 PMCID: PMC3832056 (PDF)

26) Walton, J.C., Chen, Z., Weil, Z.M., Travers, J.B., Nelson, R.J. (2013) Exogenous melatonin reproduces the effects of short day lengths on hippocampal function in male white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus. Neuroscience, 248:403-13. PMID: 23806713 PMCID: PMC3830612 (PDF)

25) Bedrosian, T.A., Herring, K.L., Walton, J.C., Fonken, L.K., Weil, Z.M., & Nelson, R.J. (2013) Evidence for feedback control of pineal melatonin secretion. Neuroscience Letters, 542:123-5. PMID: 23528860 (PDF)

24) Ashley, N.T., Walton, J.C., Haim, A., Zhang, N., Prince, L.A., Fruchey, A.M., Lieberman, R.A., Weil, Z.M., Nelson, R.J. (2013) Sleep deprivation attenuates endotoxin-induced cytokine gene expression independent of day length and circulating cortisol in photoperiodic rodents. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216:2581-2586. PMID: 23531821 (PDF)

23) Walton, J.C.*, Pyter, L.M.*, Weil, Z.M., Nelson, R.J. (2012) Photoperiod mediated changes in olfactory bulb neurogenesis and olfactory behavior in male white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). PLoS ONE. 7(8):e42743 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042743. *Authors contributed equally to this work. PMID: 22912730 PMCID: PMC3415390 (PDF)

22) Yoon, S.O., Park, D.J., Ozer, H.G, Ryu, J.C., Tep, C., Shin, Y.J., Lim, T.H., Pastorino, L., Kunwar, A.J., Walton, J.C., Nagahara, A.H., Lu, K.P., Nelson, R.J., Tuszynski, M.H., Huang, K. (2012) JNK3 perpetuates metabolic stress induced by Abeta peptides. Neuron. 75(5):824-37. PMID: 22958823 PMCID: PMC3438522 (PDF)

21) Walton, J.C., Haim, A., Spieldenner, J.M., Nelson, R.J. (2012) Photoperiod alters fear responses and basolateral amygdala neuronal spine density in white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). Behavioural Brain Research. 233(2):345-50. PMID: 22652395 PMCID: PMC3402626 (PDF)

20) Walton, J.C., Grier, A.J., Weil, Z.M., Nelson, R.J. (2012) Photoperiod and stress regulation of corticosteroid receptor, brain derived neurotrophic factor, and glucose transporter GLUT3 mRNA in the hippocampus of male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Neuroscience. 213:106-111. PMID: 22521589 (PDF)

19) Walton, J.C, Schilling, K., Zhu, M.X., Nelson, R.J., Oberdick, J.O. (2012) Sex-dependent behavioral functions of the Purkinje cell-specific Gαi/o binding protein, Pcp2(L7). Cerebellum. 11(4):982-1001 PMID: 22528962 (PDF)

18) Workman, J.L., Manny, N., Walton, J.C., Nelson, R.J. (2011) Short days lengths alter depressive-like responses, and hippocampal morphology in Siberian hamsters. Hormones and Behavior. 60(5):520-8. PMID: 21851822 (PDF)

17) Bedrosian, T.A., Fonken, L.K., Walton, J.C., Haim, A., & Nelson, R.J. (2011) Dim light at night provokes depression-like behaviors and reduces CA1 dendritic spine density in female hamsters. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 36(7):1062-9.  PMID: 21292405 (PDF)

16) Bedrosian, T.A., Fonken, L.K., Walton, J.C., Nelson, R.J. (2011) Chronic exposure to dim light at night suppresses immune responses in Siberian hamsters. Biology Letters. 7(3):468-71. PMID: 21270021 PMCID: PMC3097873 (PDF)

15) Walton, J.C., Weil, Z.M., Nelson, R.J. (2011) Influence of photoperiod on hormones, behavior, and immune function. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 32(3):303-19. PMID: 21156187 PMCID: PMC3139743 (PDF)

14) Walton, J.C., Chen, Z., Weil, Z.M., Travers, J.B., Pyter, L.M., Nelson, R.J. (2010) Photoperiod-mediated impairment of long term potentiation and learning and memory in male white-footed mice. Neuroscience. 175:127-32. PMID: 21145376 PMCID: PMC3029474 (PDF)

13) Fonken, L.K., Workman, J.L., Walton, J.C., Weil, Z.M., Morris, J.S., Haim, A., Nelson, R.J. (2010) Light at night increases body mass by shifting the time of food intake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 107(43):18664-9. PMID: 20937863 PMCID: PMC2972983 (PDF)

12) Karelina, K., Walton, J.C., Weil, Z.M., Norman, G.J., Nelson, R.J., DeVries, A.C. (2010) Estrous phase alters social behavior in a polygynous but not monogamous Peromyscus species. Hormones and Behavior. 58(2):193-9. PMID: 20382149 (PDF)

11) Bailey, M.T.*, Walton, J.C.*, Dowd, S.E., Weil, Z.M., Nelson, R.J. (2010) Photoperiod modulates gut bacteria composition in male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. *Authors contributed equally to this work. 4(4):577-84. PMID: 20045457 (PDF)

10) Norman, G.J., Karelina, K., Zhang, N., Walton, J.C., Morris J.S., DeVries, A.C. (2010) Stress and IL-1beta contribute to the development of depressive-like behavior following peripheral nerve injury. Molecular Psychiatry, 5(4):404-14. PMID: 19773812 (PDF)

9) Walton, J.C., Waxman, B., Hoffbuhr, K., Kennedy, M., Beth, E., Scangos, J., Thompson, R.R. (2010) Behavioral effects of hindbrain vasotocin in goldfish are seasonally variable but not sexually dimorphic. Neuropharmacology, 58(1):126-34. PMID: 19616564 PMCID: PMC3628676 (PDF)

8) Fonken, L.K., Finy, M.S., Walton, J.C., Weil, Z.M., Workman, J.L., Ross, J., Nelson, R.J. (2009) Influence of light at night on murine anxiety- and depressive-like responses. Behavioural Brain Research, 205(2):349-54. PMID: 19591880 (PDF)

7) Thompson, R.R., Walton, J.C. (2009) Vasotocin immunoreactivity in goldfish brains:
characterizing primitive circuits associated with social regulation. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 73(3):153-164. PMID: 19468212 (PDF)

6) Weil, Z.M., Norman, G.J., Karelina, K., Morris, J.S., Barker, J.M., Su, A.J., Walton, J.C., Nelson, R.J., DeVries, A.C. (2009) Sleep deprivation attenuates inflammatory responses and ischemic cell death. Experimental Neurology. 218(1):129-36. PMID: 19409382 PMCID: PMC2692570 (PDF)

5) Thompson, R.R., Walton, J.C., Bhalla, R., George, K.C., Beth, E. H. (2008) A primitive social circuit: Vasotocin–substance P interactions modulate social behavior through a peripheral feedback mechanism in goldfish. European Journal of Neuroscience 27(9):2285-93. PMID: 18445219 (PDF)

4) Thompson, R.R., George, K., Walton, J.C., Orr, S.P., Benson, J. (2006) Sex-specific influences of vasopressin on human social communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 103(20):7889-94. PMID: 16682649 PMCID: PMC1472540 (PDF)

3) Thompson, R.R., George, K., Dempsey, J., Walton, J.C. (2004) Visual sex discrimination in goldfish: seasonal, sexual and androgenic influences. Hormones and Behavior. 46(5):646-54. PMID: 15555507 (PDF)

2) Thompson, R.R., Walton, J.C. (2004) Peptide effects on social behavior: effects of vasotocin and isotocin on social approach behavior in male goldfish (Carassius auratus). Behavioral Neuroscience. 118(3):620-6. PMID: 15174940 (PDF)

1) Gainey, L.F., Walton, J.C., Greenberg, M.J. (2003) Branchial musculature of a venerid clam: pharmacology, distribution and innervation. Biological Bulletin. 204(1):81-95. PMID: 12588747 (PDF)


Thompson, R.R., Walton, J.C. (2013). Social regulatory functions of vasotocin and isotocin in fish. In: Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Related Peptides in the Regulation of Behavior. Edited by E. Choleris, D. Pfaff, M. Kavaliers, Cambridge University Press. ISBN:9780521190350


2015 “Biological Rhythms and the Curious Case of Shrinking Brains.” Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA

2013 “Photoperiod, Brain Plasticity, and Behavior in White-Footed Mice.” University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

2013 “Behavioral Outcomes of Targeted Gene Mutations and Transgenes in Mice: Limitations, Techniques, and Pitfalls.” The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME

2013 “Photoperiod, Brain Plasticity, and Behavior in White-Footed Mice.” Georgia State University Neuroscience Institute, Atlanta, GA

2009 “Seasonal Changes in Stress and Immune Function.” The Ohio State University Psi Chi Chapter, Columbus, OH


44) Walton, J.C., McNeill IV, J.K., Rosenhauer, A.M., Albers, H.E. (2017) Intracellular calcium in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the resetting of circadian phase, a potential role for CRAC channels. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

43) Walton, J.C., Song, E.Z., Perry, D.M., Larkin, T.E., Albers, H.E. (2016) Does somatodendritic peptide release and volume transmission in the anterior hypothalamus play a role in social communication? Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting. Best poster award winner.

42) Walton, J.C., McNeill IV, J.K., Albers, H.E. (2016) The effects of intracellular calcium antagonists on phase resetting in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

41) McNeill IV, J.K., Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E. (2016) Excitatory GABAA receptor responses in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

40) Ross, A.P., Norvelle, A., Choi, D.C., Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E., Huhman, K.L. (2016) Effects of social housing on measures of stress in male and female Syrian hamsters. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

39) Walton, J.C., McNeill IV, J.K., Albers, H.E. (2016) Circadian rhythms in the expression and function of GABAA receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Biennial Meeting.

38) McNeill IV, J.K., Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E. (2016) Does polarity of SCN GABAAR signaling regulate phase advances of the behavioral clock? Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Biennial Meeting.

37) Walton, J.C., McNeill IV, J.K., Albers, H.E. (2015) The influence of light on GABAA receptor expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of male Syrian hamsters. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

36) McNeill IV, J.K., Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E. (2015) Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Chloride Cotransporter (NKCC1) Regulation of Behavioral Circadian Rhythms. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

34) Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E. (2015) The role of GABAA receptors in photic entrainment of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Rhythms In the SouthEast Region Biennial Conference.

34) McNeill IV, J.K., Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E. (2015) Inhibition of Na+/K+/Cl- co-transporter 1 (NKCC1) increases phase delays of the circadian clock. Rhythms In the SouthEast Region Biennial Conference.

33) Cunningham, D., Mormol, J., Walton, J.C., Nelson, R.J., Herman, G.E. (2014) Consequences of the loss of cholesterol synthesis in the CNS by inactivation of the cholesterologenic enzyme NSDHL are developmental-stage and cell type specific. 28th International Mammalian Genome Conference.

32) Walton, J.C., McNeill IV, J.K., Ross, A.P., Albers, H.E. (2014) GABAA receptor δ and γ2 subunits are expressed in a 24 hour pattern in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of male Syrian hamsters. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

31) Walton, J.C., McNeill IV, J.K., Albers, H.E. (2014) Pattern of GABAA receptor δ subunit expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of male Syrian hamsters. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Biennial Meeting.

30) McNeill IV, J.K., Walton, J.C., Albers, H.E. (2014) Sustained inhibition of Na+/K+/Cl- co-transporter 1 (NKCC1) enhances the magnitude of light-induced phase delays of the circadian clock. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms Biennial Meeting.

29) Walton, J.C., Aubrecht, T.G., Weil, Z.M., Nelson, R.J. (2012) Photoperiod influences hippocampal neurogenesis in male white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

28) Sherwood, T.W., Cho, J.H., Walton, J.C., Lash, T., McTigue, D., Nelson, R.J., Askwith, C.C. (2012) ASIC1 activity is essential for normal cerebellar function. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

27) Walton, J.C., Chen, Z., Travers, J.B., Nelson, R.J. (2012) Photoperiod and melatonin alter hippocampal neuronal morphology, LTP, and spatial learning and memory in white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

26) Walton, J.C., Haim, A., Spieldenner, J.M., Nelson, R.J. (2012) Photoperiod alters fear responses and basolateral amygdala neuronal spine density in white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). Indiana University CISAB Animal Behavior Conference.

25) Selvakumar, B., Walton, J.C., Snyder, S.H., Nelson, R.J. (2011) Neuronal NOS and NADPH oxidase double knockout mice demonstrate coordinate regulation of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species signaling in the brain. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

24) Walton, J.C., Selvakumar, B., Snyder, S.H., Nelson, R.J. (2011) Behavioral outcomes of interrupted nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species signaling in the brain of neuronal NOS and NADPH oxidase double knockout mice. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

23) Oberdick, J., Walton, J.C., Nelson, R.J., Zhu, M.X., Schilling, K. (2011) Non-motor functions of the Purkinje cell-specific gi/o modulator PCP2(L7). Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

22) Walton, J.C., Chen, Z., Weil, Z.M., Travers, J.B., Nelson, R.J. (2010) Photoperiod-evoked impairment of LTP and learning and memory: a rodent model of brain plasticity. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

21) Yoon, S., Ozer, G., Tep, C., Shin, Y., Kunwar, J., Walton, J., Nelson, R., Huang, K. (2010) Global transcriptome analysis reveals that JNK3 activation is integral to FAD pathology by regulating ER stress response. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

20) Bedrosian, T.A., Fonken, L.K., Walton, J.C., Nelson, R.J. (2010) Dim light at night provokes depressive-like behavior and altered dendritic morphology within the hippocampus of female hamsters. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

19) Walton, J.C., Chen, Z., Weil, Z.M., Travers, J.B., Nelson, R.J. (2010) Photoperiod-evoked impairment of LTP and learning and memory: a rodent model of brain plasticity. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

18) Workman, J. L., Walton, J.C., Nelson, R.J. (2010) Short days increase depressive-like responses and decrease dendritic complexity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

17) Nelson, R.J., Walton, J.C., Fonken, L.K., Bedrosian, T.A. (2010) Light at night influences immune function. Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.

16) Fonken, L.K., Finy, M.S., Walton, J.C., Weil, Z.M., Workman, J.L., Ross, J., Nelson, R.J. (2009) Influence of light-at-night on murine anxiety- and depressive-like responses. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

15) Workman, J.L., Walton, J.C., Nelson. R.J. (2009) Short days alter hippocampal dendritic morphology in Siberian hamsters. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

14) Walton, J.C., Weil, Z.M., Nelson, R.J. (2009) The effect of constant light on immune function and wound healing in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

13) Karelina, K., Walton, J.C., Weil, Z.M., Norman, G.J., Wells, J.S., DeVries, A.C. (2009) Oxytocin and ovarian hormones mediate social behavior in Peromyscus leucopus. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

12) Fonken, L.K., Workman, J.L., Walton, J.C., Nelson, R.J. (2009) Short-term constant light increases body mass in Swiss-Webster mice. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

11) Norman, G.J., Morris J.S, Zhang, N., Karelina, K., Walton, J.C., DeVries, A.C. (2008) Psychosocial influences on neuropathic pain: modulation of mechanical allodynia and depressive-like behavior. Arlington, VA: Brain Research Meeting.

10) Kennedy, M.A., Stevens, C., Walton, J.C., Thompson, R.R. (2006) Gene sequences for alternative versions of the vasotocin receptor in the goldfish brain. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

9) Thompson, R.R., George, K., Walton, J.C., Benson, J., Orr, S.P. (2006) Sex-specific influences of vasopressin on human social communication. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

8) Walton, J.C., Beth, E., Thompson, R.R. (2005) The effects of vasotocin on social behavior in male and female goldfish and the influence of season on behavioral responsiveness to vasotocin. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

7) Thompson, R.R., Walton, J.C., George, K. (2005) Vasotocin-substance P interactions in the brains of goldfish. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

6) Thompson, R.R., George, K., Dempsey, J., Walton, J.C. (2004) The role of visual stimuli in goldfish sexual communication and the effects of androgens on behavioral responses to female visual stimuli. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting.

5) Scangos, J., Walton, J.C., Thompson, R.R. (2004) Seasonal and sexual differences in vasotocin’s behavioral effects in goldfish. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

4) Thompson, R.R., Walton, J.C. (2003) Central vasotocin infusions inhibit social behavior in male goldfish. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

3) Thompson, R.R. & Walton, J.C. (2003) Vastocin-like immunoreactivity in goldfish brains: A novel cell group in the telencephalon and a terminal plexus in the dorsal motor vagus. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

2) Gainey Jr., L.F., Walton, J.C., Greenberg, M.J. (2001) Neuromuscular anatomy of clam gills. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting.

1) Gainey Jr., L.F., Chicoine, D., Walton, J., Greenberg, M.J. (2000) Hydrogen sulfide potentiates muscle contraction in clam gills. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting.