Rhetorical Precis: The Guardian Article

Matthew Teague, in the article “The new south: all roads lead to Atlanta, Georgia, city of black power” (2016), explains that contemporary Atlanta, known as the “purgatory of the South,” has gone through a restructuring in terms of race dynamics, and this played a role in the primaries of March 1st, 2016. Teague supports his claim by comparing the business-oriented white majority of the Buckhead neighborhood,  once in control of politics, and the black majority present in Downtown Atlanta and elaborating on the role of this division in the primaries.

The author’s purpose is to show the audience that Atlanta, as the hub of the South in both business and politics, is also racially divided, and the candidates for the primaries (Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders) are relying on different strategies in order to try to gain an advantage in this major city in politics and also influence the other primaries held on March 1st. The author writes in a descriptive and informative tone for politics enthusiasts and readers of the newspaper The Guardian.


Full article available at https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/25/the-new-south-atlanta-georgia-city-of-black-power

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