Under The Kitchen Sink
Negative Space Drawing
Charcoal Pencil
Drawing 1 Spring Semester 2022
For this drawing my classmates and I had to draw what was under my kitchen sink. We were given the option of rearrange it to our pleasure, so we can have a better composition. However, I thought it was fine the way it was and decided to draw it straight on by lying on the floor. Had some back pain when I was done, but I was pleased with the results.
This is a negative shape drawing. Meaning instead of focusing on the objects we drew the shapes surrounding them. We weren’t allowed to lift our pencil/ sketch out the image. Shading or smudging of any kind was also taboo with this assignment. I got around not having dimension through shading by adding negative shapes that were distorted to fit the shape of the item. I don’t remember how much we were allowed to erase, but I wanted to do as little erasing as possible, and focused more on the scale of the objects than whether or not they were moving away from the foreground correctly, which is probably why a lot of the left side looks weird. Well, I’m rambling, I hope you like my image.
Quiet Drawing
A charcoal drawing of something that makes me feel “quiet”
Charcoal Pencil
Drawing 1 Spring Semester 2022
For this drawing we used an additive process. This means we had to gradually add more material to the image we were constructing, and weren’t allowed to remove it with an eraser. There was a “cheat” for that, but that’s not my style. Anywho, this was accomplished by using a pencil holding technique I forgot the name of and would be a hassle to describe in writing. The reason I chose this image of what you would never guess is my disco ball, is because it makes a humming sound with a lot of pretty lights. Its almost like being in the vacuum of space; and excluding the obvious suffering; Its empty and peaceful.