Still Life Drawing
Negative Shape Drawing
Spring Semester
Drawing 1
This is another negative space drawing. What that means is that instead of focusing on the objects themselves you would have to focus on drawing the empty space around them. Now I know that is hard to believe since my process doesn’t show in this image, but believe me its true. Using negative space allows you to have a more accurate scale of whatever you are looking at by looking at the amount of space that separates it. Does that make sense? Good.
The rules in creating this image was to lift your pencil as minimally as possible, no sketching, and create dimension without shading in any way, shape, or form. I created dimension the same way I did in my “Under the Kitchen Sink” drawing(check it out if you haven’t seen it already). I distorted the shapes in the shapes to create an illusion of depth. An easy example of this is the plant vase at the right of my image. The one thing I would do differently is have a greater variety of opacity in the lines. If I did that the image’s foreground and background would stand apart from each other some more, so maybe next time.