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Mini-Prompt: Nature Sculpture

Taking from the work of Andy Goldsworthy, I looked at the elements of what was around my house and visually applied my own touch to it. Also somewhat astronomically accurate, as what you see is aged and even deceased material surrounded by a bright nucleus of sorts, or in essence: a Comet.

Prompt 4: Self-Portrait

This is my self-portrait. I wanted to incorporate everything that I define my identity with to the best of my ability. Color pencils made up the structure, while pens made up details in my face. Game cartridges made up more of my facial features and also my ears, while different tech made up my lips. Lastly, I chose two items that define where I’m from, that being the camera and the Braves cap.

Prompt 2: Drawing Dreams

Poster 1: The Crash
This was the climax of my dream, so I wanted to treat it with a level of care and attention and put the subject right in the middle to make it clear what had happened. It was the most surreal part of the dream and I wanted to depict that the best I could.

Poster 2: Interior
I wanted to show the setting that the dream took place in, and the place where everything in the dream takes a turn for the worst. The interior of my car is made to look like the actual interior of my ’94 Ford Explorer, as I’ve spent a lot of time in that car, and felt as if it wouldn’t have been fair to draw it solely on one sheet of paper.

Poster 3: Flames
To me, this is what it feels like to wake up in the morning specifically for work. I work in a very hot setting, and sometimes it essentially feels like I can feel like I’m on auto-pilot during my job. I wanted to capture that feeling of possession and unconsciousness.

Prompt 1: Compassion Poster

Mixed Media, Collage on Posterboard

Poster 1: When I set out to make this poster, it was initially more stripped back and something more conventional, but after researching specific artists like Bisa Butler, I decided to take my collage and develop it more into what you see. I wanted to show a wide array of colors, and then compose them all into one focal subject, while still adhering to my theme and message.

Poster 2: With this poster, I wanted to tackle the mental aspect of being black, and the turmoil that it can come with. I picked colors that would feel appropriate to each shade and colored each one with color pencils.

Dream Project Storyboard – “Road Rage”

Although it was relatively hard for me to get properly uploaded, I had a lot of fun making this. My initial thought was to always go for the look of a comic book, and to the best of my ability, I think I did ok.

It follows my dream of sleeping before work. In the dream, I’m driving to work, but my consciousness and soul are behind the wheel. As I begin to wake up, my conscious slowly starts to lose control of the car and eventually swerves into a tree.

What emerges is my conscious, and as the fire from the car grows, so does my soul. A ring of fire envelopes around my conscious, as my body spawns, suited up and ready for work. After screaming, I eventually jolt out of bed.