Prompt 1: Compassion Poster

Mixed Media, Collage on Posterboard

Poster 1: When I set out to make this poster, it was initially more stripped back and something more conventional, but after researching specific artists like Bisa Butler, I decided to take my collage and develop it more into what you see. I wanted to show a wide array of colors, and then compose them all into one focal subject, while still adhering to my theme and message.

Poster 2: With this poster, I wanted to tackle the mental aspect of being black, and the turmoil that it can come with. I picked colors that would feel appropriate to each shade and colored each one with color pencils.


  1. alove18

    Your video was definitely good. The artwork showed all of the things we learned in class, perspective, and atmospheric and linear perspectives. To read the scrip showed how you were actually sleeping while driving, causes an accident and great stress to yourself. Looks like you plot was a dream within a dream and you woke up…Sounds like a true Alfred Hitchcock sy-fy. Loved all your sketches, especially poster 2, showing your progress in drawing.

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