ENGL 1102 is the second of two first year composition modules. I traditionally teach this class with a focus on developing larger research projects devised by students but often all generating from work with a local or community partner. For several years, this work happened with the NAMES Project, which housed the AIDS Quilt while it was here in Atlanta. It was relocated back to San Francisco in 2019, however, and so this particular semester we looked at other spaces to generate this work.
The parameters of the course also changed as it was delivered completely online. Working both synchronously and asynchronously, the class completed projects in a very different way. The results of this course are mixed, with some students having a difficult time working in this format (online). I extended office hours and held class each week, even when students were not required to come so that they knew there were opportunities to ask me questions and discuss goals. Some assignments I found transferred well to an online format, and others really needed to be rethought, or abandoned altogether. One thing I can say about teaching during the pandemic is that regardless of the set-up (online synchronous, online asynchronous, blended face-to-face), lessons were learned, especially lessons from the previous, “transitional” semester.
Here is the full, downloadable syllabus: ENGL_1102-033_Su20_Rose