English 4500: Under 30 Following The Vision
Interning with Under 30 Following The Vision as an intern and contributing writer was a game changer for me. As an individual priding myself on my unique style, I was forced to look at the magazine as a whole and change my perspective on what was needed for the magazine. English 4500 was needed to bring college knowledge to the real world. It taught me to look into the brand of the company and find what fits.
Jeannell Darden
The driving force behind Jeannell Darden’s vision has always been to personally raise her children as well as to secure her family financially. Well, Darden did just that. In 2005, she decided to stop using relaxers and to work with the hair God have her, but the question was, what does this entail. This process for many people is called “going natural.” Going natural involves the method of not using chemicals in one’s hair and working with the texture and patterns you have had since birth. Darden knew this was the step she wanted to take so she started making her own product, Coco Curls Natural Hair Care out of her house. Coco Curls is a natural hair product company that specializes in creating and developing products that soothe and moisturize hair while retaining spirally curls. A graduate from Georgia Tech with Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Darden left her career behind and decided to pursue her dream.
Coming to the decision to stop using relaxers was a hard one for Darden to make, but she had finally had enough. The next question that Darden needed to be answered was, “What products will moisturize her hair?” One was too pricey, another was too oily or maybe missing moisture altogether. Darden saw all this and decided a product she made would satisfy her needs much more so, Coco Curls Natural Hair Care was created. Since its creation in 2005, she has sponsored meet-up groups with women and children with complementary products and aid in beauty. Darden uses ingredients in her products such as Shea Butter, Aloe Vera Juice, Jojoba Oil, and even more natural ingredients. Her product has not only been sold nationwide but also worldwide.
Darden offers various events in which people can come from all over and she shows how she uses each product and works into the individual’s hair. During these events she takes questions about her product and addresses any concerns people will have. Many have said her event was informative and they will come again to learn more about Darden’s product as well as how to use it on specific styles. There are also many great reviews from various blogs on the product as well as styling tips. Many customers have said they love her product and would recommend it to others.
With a career in engineering starting something completely different from that was hard for Darden, but she used her research and knowledge to make a product that she knew people would need. She read Madame CJ Walker’s book in an African American Entrepreneurship class and inspired to begin to begin developing her own product. She also loves seeing the reaction on women’s faces when her company provides solutions that make these women feel great about their hair. She hopes to inspire other African American women to pursue their dreams by sharing her story to the world.
Darden has been nominated by Under 30 Following the Vision, because just like many entrepreneurs she had no idea where her dream would take her she just followed God’s path and he led her to making a product that is raved about by people all over the country and even the world. This Atlanta based product has been circulated and everyone’s talking about the wonderful things it does. She gives back to the community by giving them an affordable product that they can use that will actually do what it’s supposed to do while giving that healthy, moisturized look. She also allows many other bloggers and artists come to her event to support them.
Darden believes that in order to take her vision to the next level, she needs an influx of cash to allow her company, Coco Curls to hire key personnel to boost their marketing and Public Relations efforts. With these things, Coco Curls could be taken to the next level and there would be an increase in sales, as well as, provide flexibility to purchase and manufacture product in larger quantities. They are also developing more products for their line and more support would give them a successful rollout. Darden’s dream was different from others, when her first daughter was born she realized the professional job setting would not work for her yet with the support of her husband, she quit her secure job and pursued what made her happy and in turn, she has made many women all over happy. Congratulations to Jeannell Darden for such a wonderful product and for giving back to the community.