Prototype 1

In the duration of an in-class exercise, students were given five minutes to sketch an idea and 12 to create a quick prototype.

Basically BopUP is an application that I would sell to universities. It would pair to the Health app already on students’ phones to track their steps. Schools would have the ability to decide what to offer students for hitting a goal amount of steps every day. This could be discounts at the school store, free items, discounts at on-campus restaurants etc. 

Using the limited time and apps on my phone, I configured this first prototype of BopUP. The first picture represents what the app may look like, the second is the login for the app which would just be individuals’s student log-ins. The third picture is an idea for what the home screen to the app would look like. The final photo is a possible example of what the daily-prize, set by the school, may look like.

Not shown is “self stats”, “leaderboard”, and “rival race.”

Self stats would allow students to see their daily, weekly, monthly progress (the same as the health app).

Leaderboard would show students head-to-head with one another at their schools.

Rival race would take all of the steps from every school for the day, week, month, semester, and show them head-to-head against other schools. Those with the most steps at the end of the semester will receive a bash on their campus provided by my company. Monthly prizes for those with the highest steps may be free king of pops for those with the app or something of that nature.