
Points from In-Class “Speed Dating”:

  • People are alerted and productive when reminded
  • People often work better in the two days before something is due
  • Some assignments have more of a time weight than others as they may take more responsibility
  • People use their phone-calendar to save the date for later events
  • Some people want looser schedules
  • People would like the option to move around their tasks to see other ways of completing everything
  • People don’t make plans with friends because they feel like they have to do something/ they don’t know their schedules
  • Budgeting money is a challenge
  • Need reassurance that they can spend time with friends
  • To know her time-patterns would motivate her to stay on track
  • Would improve sleep and happiness
  • Feeling in control of your schedule


Inferences: People feel unstable in not knowing what they have to do. icollege is not too keen on outright explaining assignments. People have trouble juggling school and work and often miss assignments. Many people procrastinate and find that they get their best work done the days before something is done. People want to have a grasp of these patterns about them and schedule their calendars accordingly to ease their mind from taking on more tasks.


Already-Existing Functions:



https://www.rescuetime.com : for people to understand where their time goes


Other online observations:

People of reddit observe that when you get things done earlier, you enjoy the time later on more. Some people find it hard to motivate them out of bed. People waste a lot of time stressing about what they have to do. Some people rely on coffee and lack sleep. It seems that the motivation to complete tasks is more than half of the battle. 

Successful people work on self-reward systems: sometimes it is as easy as picturing the reward of completion while others need specific physical means. 

I found that sometimes people experience burn-out if over-exerting themselves. It seems everyone is striving towards balance that will likely improve their mental and physical health.