A Literacy Narrative, Interview Style

The following questions and answers detail some of my thoughts and experience with reading, writing, and AI (which I have mostly interpreted as generative AI). I present this as a rather informal Q&A format, but to see how ChatGPT attempted to weave the same information into a more cohesive narrative, here is the link:


I think the language of my responses below better captures the essence of my personality and experience, but the ChatGPT-constructed narrative does do more to create cohesion, as my prompt specifically instructed.

For what it’s worth, ChatGPT identified the central theme of the narrative as “the transformative power of language—how writing, reading, and thinking shape personal identity, intellectual growth, and teaching practices. It explores how these elements intertwine to create a lifelong journey of discovery, reflection, and connection, both with oneself and the broader world.”


What is your earliest memory of writing?

I remember writing “themes” in high school, probably 10th grade, late 90s. These were short essays on a given topic or with a given form. I don’t remember completing specific steps of the process, but they were handwritten. At least some of the process was done in class. Computers weren’t really an option from what I recall—not in the classroom. I don’t remember much writing on computers until college.

What is your earliest memory of being taught to write?

I remember learning to write in cursive when I was in third grade. It was difficult for me, and being left-handed seemed to make it worse. The pencil or ink would smear across the page and get all over my hand that didn’t have anywhere to go but all over the freshly scribbled letters.

*Note to self: It takes a bit of mental energy to dig around the closet of my mind’s memories to find this kind of stuff. I don’t poke around in this closet much—probably because the memory of learning to write might reside on top of some poorly hidden metaphorical skeleton.

Did your parents read to you?

I remember my mother reading to me. My grandmother and aunt more so. I cannot remember my father ever reading to me.

Did they have books lying around the house?

A few here and there, self-help type books maybe, but I rarely saw them read.

Did you have an influential school teacher and if so, what do you remember of them?

Since I have reading and writing on the brain, I do remember that my fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Reif, was a fantastic out-loud reader of fiction. She helped stories come alive and probably helped influence my relationship with reading/literature.

What part did reading play in your development as a writer?

Dr. Suess and Shell Silverstein books gave me an appreciation for verbal gymnastics and rhyme and meter when I was young.  I have written a few short pieces of poetry in my life, and in some distant way, those children’s books influenced them all. Later in life, I was drawn to The Divine Comedy for both its story and style—same with Homer’s epics. If I write creatively (which is rare), then those works are serving as some kind of inspiration and maybe even archetypes.

Did you ever read a precis or watch a movie instead of reading the book?

Hell yeah, but I would prefer the gift of uninterrupted time and quiet brain space for reading the book.

Did you have an influential professor and if so, what do you remember of them?

Undergraduate: I had a film professor who I liked, maybe because we just got to watch movies most of the time and talk about them instead of the harder work of writing papers. He may have planted a seed in my mind that the job of a teacher/professor might be a decent way to make a living. He seemed pleased enough to be getting paid for what he was doing. I didn’t really understand the other responsibilities of a higher-ed professor though.

Before I committed to a concentration at GSU, Dr. Pullman convinced me to choose rhet-comp instead of literature and that I would have an avenue to study AI. He was right, and I am thankful for his influence.

Describe your writing processes and behaviors.

Part of my process is to internally think, think, and think some more. This often resembles what I would call an internal dialogue with myself. I would like to think of it like a dialectic where I am desperate to uncover the information I need to write and make appropriate/logical/original connections between that information and prior knowledge.  It’s getting harder and harder to compartmentalize my writing project(s), and they tend to dominate my brain space. Honestly, I have had dreams recently where the topic of my writing/thinking has been the subject matter, and when I wake up, I even feel like I have worked something out while I slept. I really wish I could do more pre-writing in my sleep for no other reason than efficiency, but I am impossibly far from realizing that. Other than that, my processes vary and can be either relatively linear or more scattered. I sometimes feel like I get trapped writing a never-ending introduction as my thinking faucet remains open and active as write.

How do you teach writing?

Frequently. Is the short answer. It depends on the course though. For co-req/remedial English, I start by focusing on writing at the sentence level and then expand to the paragraph and essay—and then the research and documentation components of academic and/or persuasive writing. That’s the sequence, anyway.

For second semester freshman, I am taking different approach this semester. I am having them write one short first-drafty piece every week that is a response to an idea/quotation from the assigned course text (a self-help type book). I hope to teach them something about writing as we look at their works together as a class.


What is your earliest memory of reading?

Jurassic Park when I was in 5th grade—at the community pool in the summer. What a book.

What part does reading play in your writing?

Reading the way I do currently is probably way too analytical and inefficient, but the thinking patterns I develop doing that might be beneficial as a writer because I am used to mentally and linguistically trying to, for lack of a better terminology, figure stuff out.

Have you ever read a summary or watched a movie instead of reading an assigned book?

I wouldn’t have my degree in English if I didn’t. I don’t read efficiently enough, and I didn’t love most of the assigned literature enough to give it the time and attention it probably deserved.

Does listening to someone read a book provide you with the same experience as reading it yourself? Elaborate.

No, not at all. Two very different experiences. When I read, I am more in control of the pacing, which allows for more internal dialogue with myself about what I am reading. I also take notes when I read. I do not do that when I am listening, although I probably could if I really wanted to. Listening would be more efficient for me, but it would not allow for same depth of connections as reading does for me.


Do you have an opinion about the present state of the economy?

I am trying not to. I only have so many effs to give right now, and I am actively trying to give up politics. The state of the economy is too close to politics for me. I recognize that I am very privileged to be able to tune out like this. I am mid-way through a stable career that pays the bills. I choose to teach partly as insulation from concerns about the economy. Since I am studying AI, I feel like I might be further insulating myself (at least a little bit) from the potential negative impact AI might have on employment in higher ed. That’s what I have to tell myself anyway.

Do you have an opinion about NATO?

It seems to have served an important purpose of thwarting expansionist dictatorial powers. That seems worth preserving to me, even at a significant financial cost to the US.

Do you have an opinion about the relationship between sacrifice and faith?

I have plenty of both satisfying and unsatisfying opinions about faith. I suppose if you choose to have faith in one thing (particularly one conception of God), you could be sacrificing the chance to have faith in another–depends on how all-encompassing your conception of God is though. The faith I wrestle with for myself requires an acknowledgement of sacrifice made on my behalf and the duty to love sacrificially, so I see a strong relationship between the two ideas.

Do you ever use words you can’t define?

Yuval Noah Harari talks about how difficult it is to define fundamental concepts. I use words like love, faith, AI, writing, literature, American, and learning, all the time, but I cannot define them as well as clearly as I wish I could.

How comfortable are you with saying, “I don’t know.”?

It depends on the day, but I hope that I am getting more comfortable with it as time passes and I learn just how much is out there that I don’t know.


Do you have an internal monologue?

I do, and I want to learn more about it. The theory of linguistic determinism says that the internal dialogue I have with myself in English could completely shape and constrain my thoughts. I know alternative theories say otherwise, but they still indicate a relationship between thoughts and language worth exploring and understanding.

Do you ever edit as your narrate to yourself?

Sort of. I think there is constant editing going on. It might be very similar to how LLMs predict the next word. I have to shuffle through my vocabulary to choose the right word in real time, so there could be considerations taking place that one could call edits.

What is it like to think wordlessly?

Probably some kind of combination of internal visual and emotional processing would be my guess. I am pretty sure my dreams are devoid of actual language, so there may be some wordless thinking going on there.

Is there a difference between rationalizing and thinking?

Rationalizing seems like a specific application or direction for thinking.


Have you used AI?

Yes. Specifically ChatGPT, claude.ai, and perplexity.ai, but AI is so embedded within other technologies that I probably use other forms without even knowing it.

How many times?

Intentionally, at least a few times every week.

Toward what ends?

I am using it (perplexity.ai especially) much more often as a search/research tool. I used to use it more experimentally out of curiosity.

Current thoughts about it?

It is terrifying and fascinating. Knowing what many of the experts say about it’s destructive potential and harmful present impacts on the environment, labor forces, and artists, I wonder if using it (even for educational reasons) could be contributing to a world that doesn’t align with my own values.

Final Project: ChatGPT UX Case Study

Introduction and Project Focus:

Perhaps it’s a fool’s errand to attempt to improve the design and user experience of the fastest growing app in history. ChatGPT reached 1 million users in 5 days after its release and 100 million users in just two months. Some if-it-ain’t-broke,-don’t-fix-it wisdom might seem obvious to apply with this wildly successful product, but UX experts Gavin Lew and Robert Schumacher issue an important warning in their 2020 book AI and UX. According to them, users who encounter problems early on with their use of any product are likely to abandon the product, often never to return. Therefore, if OpenAI (parent company of ChatGPT 3.5) wants to hold on to their massive user base and attract and keep new users (and, equally importantly, transition users to their upgraded paid version), it is imperative that their ChatGPT 3.5 generative AI model delivers an accessible design and experience without any frustrating flaws. But to create the most desirable experience, UX designers must first figure out what their users are seeking and what exactly they need and desire from the product.

For this study of ChatGPT, the issue of use cases is the first area of focus. Beyond addressing the UX problems related to serving the most appropriate and popular use cases, there are two other aspects of the ChatGPT experience that merited attention: interface design/functionality and response accuracy. Informed by industry research, academic research, and focus group testing, this case study presents analysis and recommendations for ChatGPT’s improvement related to use cases, interface design/functionality, and response accuracy.

Competitive Analysis:

A recent (February 2024) competitive analysis study from Copenhagen Economics looks at the current state of generative AI:


Included in the report’s executive summary is the following:

“This white paper provides a preliminary review of current developments in the GenAI space and the emerging implications for competition. Further research is needed to shed additional light on the evolving competitive situation in GenAI, as well as any case-specific matters, particularly as this is a fast-evolving sector.”

Also included is this analysis of the most notable generative AI models:

“First, most foundation model developers (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic, Mistral) already provide their own user-facing applications. At the same time, many foundation model developers offer rival developers the ability to build applications on top of their existing models via open models or closed APIs (e.g., Jasper.ai writing assistant built on OpenAI GPT models).

 Second, players in different levels of the value chain often specialise in specific domains (e.g., BloombergGPT in finance, or Isomorphic Labs in the pharmaceutical drugs discovery process) or tasks (GitHub coding copilot, or Perplexity.ai in search). The success of these models suggests that specialisation is a viable business model.”

The second observation there is especially important for this ChatGPT case study because it reveals a difference between models that serve specific domain purposes and those (like ChatGPT, claude.ai, and Llama 2, and Gemini) which function more generally or without strongly defined purposes.

There are also a number of comprehensive comparison guides for generative AI models, and this February 2024 guide does an effective job of assessing a handful of the most common use cases:


This comparison guide offers valuable information for the UX researcher by pointing out some of the pros and cons of each model. Its analysis suggests that ChatGPT 3.5 lacks two distinct features that some other free generative AI models offer: live connection to internet and the ability to upload files for analysis. While the lack of these features may be hurting ChatGPT 3.5’s ability to compete with other free generative AI models, the paid subscription upgrade (ChatGPT 4) does offer both internet connectivity and the ability to upload files for the system to read. From a profit standpoint, it may make sense for OpenAI not to offer all its available features in the free version, but if other companies are offering them at no charge, then those other companies are positioning themselves to deliver a superior overall user experience among free generative AI models. To remain competitive, ChatGPT 3.5 should incorporate internet connectivity and file uploading. However, they could limit file sizes and number of responses that include live internet in order to maintain an incentive for users to upgrade. It seems important to at least demonstrate for users all that the upgraded version of a product is capable of.

Issue #1: Identifying Use Cases

Understanding a product’s primary use is key to designing the best experience for the user. Designers are used to having an end goal or ultimate purpose in mind when they seek to improve how a particular product works. If the product is a shovel, the designers know to work on creating the best digging experience for the target users. Understanding that products could have secondary or multiple uses is important as well, and sometimes those uses must be factored into design. In the case of a Swiss Army Knife, the designers considered a number of different uses for their product and then chose to accommodate all of those uses within a compact device.

ChatGPT and other similar generative AI tools are somewhat unique as human-created technologies because unlike most tools which are created to solve defined problems, generative AI is more like a solution looking for problems to solve. This is evident in their user interface as it currently provides users with four different suggestions for how it can “help you today.”


Google’s generative AI model Gemini presents users with a very similar set of use options. While these options may change daily or upon new access of the tool, this example from Gemini shows two of four options that are related to cooking. This makes it appear as if Gemini is limited in what it can do. Even the first and fourth suggestions about brainstorming for presentation ideas and outlining a logical sales pitch are similar.

Many first-time users of ChatGPT or other models are likely accessing their chosen tool with no defined purpose, so it may be helpful to include some very specific options for how the product can be used. However, the options provided on the webpage may not be the best strategy for engaging curious explorers. The current suggestions give some sense of what ChatGPT might be able to do, but they are also overly specific. A better option might be to highlight the broader tasks that ChatGPT can help with, along with multiple examples of each task (instead of just one), and then have the tool initiate the chat and help the user narrow down to something specific they want or need help with. Here is a mockup:

Issue #2: Interface Design and Functionality

Method for testing interface and functionality:

A group of 12 first-year college students used ChatGPT for a prewriting activity designed to help them explore a topic or tentative thesis statement. The use case was thus pre-determined and defined for them, although they had a choice between which initial prompt to use.

The demographics of the student test group are reflective of the college they attend: racially diverse, majority female, majority traditional college students age 18-24. While different groups of users will have different needs and expectations of ChatGPT, this group is a likely target audience for generative AI models as they may learn to use the technology in college and then bring their knowledge and use of generative AI with them as they enter into their career fields.

Prompts options for product test:

Prompt for exploring a topic:
Please help me prepare for writing my persuasive essay about [insert topic]. Ask me questions–one at a time–that will help me come to a thesis, understand the strengths and weaknesses of my position and any opposing view(s).


Prompt for finding and understanding potential credible sources:
Can you point me to some prominent researchers who have published on [insert topic] and very briefly summarize their positions?

Prompt for testing a tentative thesis when you have a guess of what your position might be:
Let’s engage in a dialectic exercise. I will present my tentative thesis, and then you will take the role of Socrates and ask me yes or no questions (one at a time) to expose any potential flaws or contradictions in my position.    

Data Collected: Students submitted their ChatGPT pre-writing activity conversations in the form of sharable links provided by ChatGPT. The user interface of ChatGPT does include a helpful “share” button at the top right of the screen (desktop version).

This share button creates a special link that captures an entire chat session that others can view without having to access the original user’s account. The user can also choose whether to remain named or anonymous in the shared version of the chat. Users in this case study generally found the share feature offered by ChatGPT to be easy to locate and use.

The researcher also conducted a focus group to gather opinions and insights regarding the design and experience of the students.

The full ChatGPT conversations collected from students are of limited value for UX purposes, but from a qualitative perspective they do reveal something important. Each student prompted and replied to ChatGPT in very different ways. Some used more formal, properly punctuated language while others were far more informal, using abbreviations and texting language. Despite this, the responses from ChatGPT did not show variation in tone and style. It might make sense to have ChatGPT adjust its formality according to user inputs—or make the level of formality an adjustable option for the user.

Focus Group Discussion Summary and Interface Recommendations:

  • A majority of the students reported using some type of generative AI before, typically for academic reasons, but none of the students were regular users except for one who said she used Snapchat’s AI feature. This particular student remarked that she liked the Snapchat feature better than ChatGPT because the Snapchat AI did not decline to answer questions like ChatGPT does and Snapchat’s AI was not as “neutral.”
  • Students found the website for ChatGPT easily and reported no problems with creating an account. Some reported that creating the account/signing in using their existing Google account made things easier.
    • Recommendation: Keep the simplified sign-in process for Google users.
  • Initial impressions of the interface were mixed with some liking the “clean” layout and others calling it “simple in a bad way.” Some users felt like they did not know exactly what to do first within the site. Based on some users’ confusion, the layout would not score extremely well on a five second test.
    • Recommendation: Reduce confusion about what to users should do first by having ChatGPT start the conversation with a letter-by-letter appearance of text instead of the static “How can I help you?” message. This text would automatically open the chat conversation instead of waiting for the user to initiate the first response.
  • Some students appreciated the ability to change their personal settings to show the site in dark mode, but most students did not seek or find that option. Some felt that the dark mode option from their browser was sufficient.
    • Recommendation: add a simple dark mode toggle switch at the top of the interface:
  • All students accessed the desktop version of the tool, but many said they would consider using the mobile app.
  • About half of the students did notice the accuracy disclaimer at the bottom of the screen, and some students agreed that a pop-up notification at the start of a chat would be better because the disclaimer is not highly visible.
    • Recommendation: Increase font size of disclaimer and add disclaimer as a pop-up message at the beginning of a chat session. Include an option on the pop-up that says, “Do not show this message again.”
  • Students commented that the letter-by-letter appearance of the text is “cool” and makes it feel like “someone is typing to you.”
  • Students generally agreed that the ability to verbally enter prompts and responses would be a good feature to add. Most did not realize that they could use certain internet browsers for that same feature.
  • Almost all students found it easy to get responses from ChatGPT, except for one student who had issues when using a Safari browser. When she switched to Chrome, that resolved her issues.
    • Recommendation: improve the tool’s functionality in Safari or stop offering the tool through Safari altogether. No experience may be better than a frustrating experience in this case.
  • Student generally had no issues with the speed of ChatGPT responses, but some thought the length of responses were too long.
    • Recommendation: Have ChatGPT ask users if its responses are sufficient in length during the chat.


Issue #3: Accuracy of Responses

There are a handful of reasons why potential users of generative AI instead choose to steer clear of the technology. Concerns about both intellectual property rights and bias related to the training of these models are enough to keep some away completely. A more pressing concern for UX designers is the accuracy of responses generated by the different models. For any users on the fence about trying ChatGPT, one inaccurate response may be enough to cement their opinion of the tool as unhelpful or even dangerous. As many users are using ChatGPT as a source of information on a range of topics and as an alternative to Google search, it is essential that responses include accurate information and avoid the so-called “hallucinations” and misinformation that harm the tool’s credibility and lead to the frustrating experiences that drive users to other alternatives. Furthermore, since ChatGPT 3.5’s training data cuts off at January of 2022 and it lacks internet connection, it will not usually provide information for events after January 2022. If it does, then it is most likely providing misinformation because it has no way of accessing new information. Other free models (like perplexity.ai, for example) do include internet connectivity and are able to pull up-to-date information giving them a major edge over ChatGPT 3.5.

Industry studies and scholarly research are pointing toward improvements in accuracy for generative AI. One 2023 study by Walters and Wilder shows that GPT4 showed a significant decline in the inclusion of false citations compared to ChatGPT 3.5. In the study, 55% of sources created by ChatGPT 3.5 were found to be fictitious whereas only 18% of those created by GPT4 were. It is likely that GPT4’s access to the internet contributed to this improved accuracy as the model was able to better verify the existence of sources. This is further reason to make internet connectivity a priority change for ChatGPT.

Other industry studies also suggest the rapid improvement in generative AI accuracy.

Originality.ai released data in February of 2024 showing GPT4 outperforming ChatGPT 3.5 in a fact checking task (Gillham), and Anyscale released data indicating GPT4 outperforms both ChatGPT 3.5 and humans in identifying accurate summaries of news reports (Kadous, 2024). This is good news for the user experience, but generative AI already has a significant stigma when it comes to accuracy. Some misinformation that makes its way into generative AI responses is a result of the program simply trying to execute on a prompt without taking into account any need for accuracy, but other inaccuracies can be the direct result of biases that influence outputs.  

Since the optimal user experience of ChatGPT includes program outputs with accurate information, designers need to ensure the model’s training data is more representative of marginalized online communities and cultures. This means finding better quality data than the primarily English language based swaths of internet collected by Common Crawl (Baak, 2024).

Another source of bias that generates less accurate information is the custom response feature of ChatGPT. This feature allows users to tailor the responses they receive based on their own preferences. For example:

A response from ChatGPT based on these instructions thus becomes biased and will ignore certain information, making the responses potentially less accurate.


Although these kinds of tailored responses do create a preferred user experience, in the long run, the presentation of biased info to users (even if they ask for it) is going to hurt the overall reputation of ChatGPT and other generative AI models. This is an ethical problem for UX designers that deserves careful consideration. There may be ways to provide users some of their preferences in terms of length and formality of responses without reflecting a user’s own bias back at them.


ChatGPT revolutionized the world on behalf of generative AI in 2022, but today it faces strong competition from similar free (and freemium) models that offer important features that ChatGPT only offers in its subscription based GPT4 model. There are a handful of minor changes that ChatGPT could make to its interface to enhance users’ overall experience, but if OpenAI chooses to keep ChatGPT 3.5 offline, they are taking a major risk. The level of misinformation in the responses of generative AI systems is a major concern to many, and users concerned with accuracy very well might choose to experiment with more accurate free internet-connected models like Perplexity.ai and Gemini before they choose to pay $20 per month for that feature in GPT4.



Baak, S. (2024, February 6). Training data for the price of a sandwich. Mozilla Insights. https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/research/library/generative-ai-training-data/common-crawl/

Gillham, J. (2024, February 2). AI fact checking accuracy study. Originality.ai. https://originality.ai/blog/ai-fact-checking-accuracy

Kadous, W. (2023, August 23). Llama 2 is about as factually accurate as GPT-4 for summaries and is 30X cheaper. https://www.anyscale.com/blog/llama-2-is-about-as-factually-accurate-as-gpt-4-for-summaries-and-is-30x-cheaper

Lew, G., & Schumacher, R. Jr. (2020). AI and UX: Why artificial intelligence needs user experience. O’Reilly.

Walters, W. H., & Wilder, E. I. (2023). Fabrication and errors in the bibliographic citations generated by ChatGPT. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41032-5

Project Update: Reflecting on Data Collection Through a Focus Group Session

I would be willing to bet that I have participated in far more focus groups than the average person. When I was hustling to pay off my student loans in the 2010s, I discovered that the city of Atlanta had a slew of market research companies that would pay me for my time and opinions on a number of different products: restaurant foods, scratch-off lottery tickets, pilot episodes of television shows and commercials, deep sea fishing excursions, NASCAR race events, household appliances. Those are just some of the focus groups I remember participating in.

There is a bit of a dirty secret to my former success in selling my opinions to market research companies though, and I wouldn’t say that I am proud of it now. I had to lie…rather, I chose to lie in order to qualify for most of the studies that I participated in. If a market research company’s screener was recruiting for subjects to taste a new menu item for a fast-food chain that sold seafood, then they needed to find people who ate at these establishments. They would call all the people on their database list of potential subjects and work to fill quotas that typically required some diversity in the group of subjects (age, race, gender, income, etc.), but the subjects all had to have one thing in common: they had to be a target audience for the product, likely users or consumers of the product. The market research companies didn’t want vegans in their Chickfila focus groups, unless they were testing out a new non-meat option or something.

But there is a critical flaw in the way these focus groups operate. It is a problem that opens up an avenue for unscrupulous people like me (old-me, anyway) to easily exploit their system. The company that wants the focus group data typically outsources this task to third parties. Company X hires a market research firm to collect data, and that market research firm often relies on another market research company to assemble the groups of participants. (At least this is how I saw it working in the 2010s.) The real breakdown seemed to occur with relying on the initial screeners to produce a group of people who fit the specifics that Chickfila or their hired market research firm decided they wanted data from. The call screeners’ job was to find participants, and back then, I quickly realized that doing so was not always easy for them to do. Sometimes I would get through a 10-20 minute screening process (answering questions about demographics and purchasing behavior) only to have the screener say, “Sorry, you don’t qualify” or “You do qualify, but I already have enough males in their 30s.”

Experienced screeners worked more efficiently and could figure out if I qualified much faster by asking the right questions in the right order (obviously diverting from their scripted questionnaire). And the occasional desperate-for-subjects screener would be intentionally leading in their questioning: “Are you sure you haven’t bought a scratch-off lottery ticket in the past week?” I think the screeners were even incented financially to fill groups, earning bonuses for quantifiables that encouraged them to ignore quality. Either way, once I caught on to the different motivations of the parties involved, I started to play the game. I would be intentionally vague in my screener call responses, allowing “good” screeners to lead me to the desirable answers. Then I would show up to the focus group, participate as much as I could, offer legitimate and genuine feedback whenever possible, and then collect my check or gift card. Rinse, repeat.

My dishonesty involved lying about mostly my consumer behavior. It wouldn’t have been easy to lie about demographic information because much of that would be obvious when I showed up to the focus group and they verified my date of birth and address. My race would have been relatively obvious too, although, one time my wife (accomplice and fellow liar) did get herself qualified for a self-tanner product and showed up as the only non-orange person at the group! I guess she didn’t think that one completely through, but she still got her honorarium.

After participating in a focus group, my wife and I would often discuss the performance of the focus group leader. As educators, we both knew what leading a group discussion entailed and we marveled at just how incompetent some of these market research professionals were at their jobs. There were also the rare few who were excellent, but the bad ones were always worth gossiping about. In my hubris, I almost always thought I could do better. Considering my level of experience as a participant toward the middle and end of my multi-year run as a frequent focus group imposter, I was probably somewhat right.

When it came time this semester for me to collect data for my current UX project, I thought about my experience with focus groups and decided that doing a dozen interviews at once would be an efficient way to go about this step. It was time for me to see if I really could run a focus group better than the professionals I critiqued years ago.

I was prepared. I had two pages of questions all related to the generative AI system that my students-turned-informal-research-participants had used just days prior. I also had 15 years of experience leading discussions on all types of subjects with diverse groups of students, including high schoolers, college students, and even incarcerated men in a state prison. I was ready to prove myself as a market research genius.

Ultimately, I failed at achieving true focus group leader glory for two reasons:

#1. It is difficult to keep the participants on topic. My list of questions was well thought out and logical. One question or set of questions logically led to another, but my research subjects were not privy to this planning and therefore jumped ahead and backwards many times. This made it harder to elicit the feedback I was seeking. Fortunately, I recorded the session so I could sift out the data, but I believe there were lost opportunities and lost data because of the way I failed to control and redirect the respondents at times. It was a balancing act because more feedback is generally preferable to no feedback, and I didn’t want to shut the respondents down.

#2. I found it extremely difficult to avoid leading my respondents toward my own opinions and observations regarding the user experience of the product (ChatGPT). Hubris strikes again. I could not remain an impartial enough recorder of responses. I saw opportunities to seek additional feedback from respondents that would confirm my own opinions, and I couldn’t help myself.

Despite these shortcomings, I did collect data that will allow me to better assess the user experience of the target product. If I could do the focus group again, I think I would start with more open-ended questions and allow the discussion to go where the respondents lead it, rather than trying to rigidly stick to the list of questions I developed.

Final Project Outline and Schedule: ChatGPT Student Users Case Study

Project Goal: This project seeks to investigate and analyze how students in a first-year college writing course interact with the ChatGPT website/app in the context of educational assignment. From a UX perspective, the researcher wants to understand how the generative AI tool is used, whether students show variations in how they use the tool, and if there might be changes that could improve the experience for student users.



(Completed 3/4/2024) Create and post project outline/schedule

(Completed 3/4/2024) Create questions for focus group discussion

By 3/12/2024: Update assignment instructions

3/12/2024: Provide instructions for student writing assignment that will incorporate ChatGPT usage

3/12/2024:  Students create OpenAI accounts

3/12 and 3/14: Students complete the pre-writing/invention assignment

3/14/2024: Students submit links to their ChatGPT conversations

3/19/2024: Conduct focus group discussion

3/20-4/15/2024: Synthesize data and findings; write report (Organizational Structure of Report: Explore, Define, Ideate)

By 4/22/2024: Post final report


Target Research Sample: ~12 ENGL 1101 students at GGC. 

GGC student demographic profile:

Application of student demographic information: The researcher believes the institutional data for the college is representative of the student sample he is working with. The researcher has deemed that the benefits of having more accurate demographic data for the research sample is not worth the costs (time and effort) of collecting the data. An attempt to collect this data would be an additional burden and privacy encroachment for the research participants. The risks of not collecting the data are minimal but could result in some problems with the interpretation of certain data that is collected and the accurate representation of the student population of the institution. Generally, the researcher should take into account the diversity of the student population (specifically racial diversity and students with disabilities that impact learning) when designing the case study. Information on student socioeconomic status would be helpful as well because of correlations with access to technology. To that end, 2021 data shows that 62% of GGC students received Pell grants (compared to 47% at comparison group institutions). In sum, GGC serves a student body that is far more diverse and financially in need than other institutions in a comparison group of similar institutions.


Methods: Students will use ChatGPT for a prewriting activity that will help them explore their own tentative thesis statement or topic.

Prewriting Activity Prompts:

Please help me prepare for writing my persuasive essay about a significant problem for Generation Z. Ask me questions–one at a time–that will help me come to a thesis, understand the strengths and weaknesses of my position and any opposing view(s). The problem I want to focus on is…


Please help me prepare for writing my persuasive essay about a controversial issue in my field of study. Ask me questions–one at a time–that will help me narrow down my topic to a specific debatable question, come to a thesis, understand the strengths and weaknesses of my position, and understand any opposing view(s).


Please help me prepare for writing my persuasive essay about a social justice issue. Ask me questions–one at a time–that will help me come to a thesis, understand the strengths and weaknesses of my position and any opposing view(s). The problem I want to focus on is…


Let’s engage in a dialectic exercise. I will present my tentative thesis, and then you will take the role of Socrates and ask me yes or no questions (one at a time) to expose any potential flaws or contradictions in my position.

Data Collected: Students will be asked to submit their ChatGPT conversations in the form of sharable links provided by ChatGPT. The researcher can use this data for qualitative and quantitative analysis (number of replies and length of replies). Qualitative data will also be collected from a focus group discussion.

Focus Group Discussion Questions:

(Researcher will start with background info on research purpose, discussion of consent, and info about groupthink)

How would you describe your prior use of generative AI (like ChatGPT, claude.ai, etc.)?

              Never used it/Used once/Used a few times/Use regularly

              For what purposes?


Did you use the mobile app or desktop website?     Mobile / Desktop

What were your initial impressions of the appearance of the tool? Design? Functionality? Features?



How easy was it to…

find and access ChatGPT and create your account?  

Very Easy / Somewhat Easy / Somewhat Difficult / Very Difficult


use ChatGPT to….

get responses (any responses—helpful or unhelpful)

              Very Easy / Somewhat Easy / Somewhat Difficult / Very Difficult


share the link to your ChatGPT conversation?

              Very Easy / Somewhat Easy / Somewhat Difficult / Very Difficult



What about…

Speed of ChatGPT responses?  

Scroll speed of the screen as ChatGPT responds?

Appearance of the interface? Colors, font size? Layout?



Additional features

              Did you notice the thumbs down button? Did you use it?

                             Did not notice /Noticed but didn’t use / Noticed and used

              Did you notice the message that says, “ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking

important information”?

              Noticed / Did not notice


Other features you wished the interface had?


Features that you wished the interface would change or remove?


Accessibility questions

How could the tool be better designed to improve the experience for people with disabilities?


Using ChatGPT for UX Persona Creation and Canva for Matching Persona Images

I used ChatGPT 3.5 (free version) to create some personas that could theoretically apply to my UX project. After that, I asked ChatGPT to help me think about ways I could apply the different characteristics from the personas to improve the UX design of ChatGPT’s own interface and functionality. Overall, I think the feedback that I got from the machine was helpful for UX research. Some answers were a bit vague or obvious, but even the vague answers were often decent starting points. The full conversation will be included below, so feel to judge for yourself how helpful AI can be as a UX research assistant. Of course, any shortcomings of the machine responses may only be reflecting the shortcomings of the prompts and prompt writer.
I also used Canva to create matching images (posted above) for the personas. Using image generation was a new experience for me, and I found the results impressive for a free version. I originally tried the Bing image generator without any luck at all. That one runs on Dall-e 3 and is supposed to be excellent, but I couldn’t get it to generate anything. With Canva, it did take a bit of work and multiple “re-generation” attempts for each image to come out looking realistic. The prompts that ChatGPT gave me to feed to Canva were too long. I had to just write my own. Here is what the one for the third persona looked like:
Realistic image of 35 year old male military vet in plain clothes sitting at a laptop.
That was a revised prompt. Since the first attempt did not include “in plain clothes,” all the images were of a man in military uniform. Of course, I could have just left out the “military vet” altogether, but I wanted to see if this extra detail would have an impact on the image. Maybe the physical stature of this persona is reflective of the military vet detail, just as the glasses on the last persona are probably reflective of the “visual impairment” detail that I included. When creating these images, issues with eyes and hands seem to be especially prominent (see hands on lower third image), but it is so easy to re-generate that a user can get as picky as they want–at least within the usage limits of the free version anyway. I suppose there is value in giving a persona a visual image for the researcher to connect with, yet I don’t see this serving my own research very much. It did give me decent visuals to help spice up this post though!
Here is a link to my ChatGPT session (better formatting), or you can read the basic full text below:

UX Persona Creation and Application

Jason PalmerFebruary 23, 2024
Please help me by creating four different personas for user experience/user design research. The product they are using is ChatGPT. They are all college students. Two of them are traditional and two of them are non-traditional students. Two of them have disabilities that impact how they learn and use technology. They are all students at a diverse four-year college in suburban Atlanta. Provide other useful characteristics, details, and insights for each of these four different personas: things like what they might use the product for, how they might go about using it, prior experience, etc.

Sure, I can provide some hypothetical personas for ChatGPT users. However, please note that the following personas are fictional and are based on general assumptions and typical user behaviors, not on real individuals.

  1. Traditional Student – Natalie:
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Female
  • Major: Psychology
  • Background: Grew up in a suburban area, comes from a middle-class family.
  • Disability: Dyslexia
  • Tech Comfort: Somewhat comfortable, uses a laptop and smartphone regularly.
  • ChatGPT Usage: Uses ChatGPT for research and writing assistance, especially for tasks that involve extensive reading or writing. Finds ChatGPT’s summarization and paraphrasing features helpful.
  • Experience: Natalie has used language assistance tools in the past and is looking for a more versatile tool that can help her with her specific learning needs. She appreciates AI tools that can understand natural language and provide accurate and concise responses.
  1. Non-Traditional Student – Jason:
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Background: Military veteran, came back to college after serving.
  • Disability: PTSD
  • Tech Comfort: Very comfortable with technology, has experience with coding and software development.
  • ChatGPT Usage: Uses ChatGPT to assist with coding tasks, such as generating code snippets or checking for errors in his code. Also uses ChatGPT for brainstorming and project planning.
  • Experience: Jason is familiar with AI and machine learning technologies. He values efficiency and accuracy in the tools he uses. He appreciates ChatGPT’s ability to understand technical language and provide relevant information.
  1. Traditional Student – Sarah:
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Major: Journalism
  • Background: Grew up in a rural area, comes from a working-class family.
  • Disability: ADHD
  • Tech Comfort: Comfortable with technology, uses a laptop and smartphone regularly. Struggles with focus and organization.
  • ChatGPT Usage: Uses ChatGPT for brainstorming and organizing ideas for articles and assignments. Finds the tool’s ability to generate ideas and provide structure helpful.
  • Experience: Sarah has used other productivity tools in the past but has found them to be overwhelming or too rigid. She appreciates ChatGPT’s flexibility and ease of use.
  1. Non-Traditional Student – Michael:
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Male
  • Major: Business Administration
  • Background: Grew up in a suburban area, comes from an upper-middle-class family.
  • Disability: Visual Impairment (Partially Blind)
  • Tech Comfort: Comfortable with technology, uses screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • ChatGPT Usage: Uses ChatGPT for research and writing assistance, especially for tasks that involve extensive reading or writing. Finds ChatGPT’s summarization and paraphrasing features helpful.
  • Experience: Michael has used other language assistance tools in the past but has found them to be less accurate or accessible. He appreciates ChatGPT’s ability to understand natural language and provide accurate responses.
Now provide a summary for persona #1 (Natalie) that explains how the UX designer of an updated version of ChatGPT could apply the characteristics of the personas (especially the disability information) to an updated version of the ChatGPT interfaces (both web and mobile).

Based on the persona of Natalie, a UX designer for an updated version of ChatGPT could consider several key characteristics to enhance the accessibility and usability of the product for users with dyslexia:

  1. Readable Text: Ensure that the text on the interface is clear, easy to read, and uses dyslexia-friendly fonts such as OpenDyslexic or Dyslexie. The designer can also consider options for adjustable font size and contrast settings to accommodate individual preferences.
  2. Intuitive Navigation: Simplify the navigation of the interface by using clear icons and labeling, and avoid using complex or ambiguous language that might be difficult for users with dyslexia to understand.
  3. Assistive Technology Integration: Make sure that the interface is compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies commonly used by individuals with dyslexia.
  4. Language Processing Features: Enhance the language processing capabilities of the ChatGPT to provide accurate and concise responses that are easier for users with dyslexia to understand. This might include features like summarization and paraphrasing, as well as the ability to break down complex information into simpler terms.
  5. Customizable Settings: Allow users to customize the interface according to their individual needs, such as adjusting the speed of text presentation or enabling visual cues to aid in comprehension.
  6. User Education and Support: Provide clear instructions and guidance on how to use the interface effectively, and offer accessible support resources such as tutorials or FAQs.

By taking these characteristics into account, the UX designer can create an updated version of ChatGPT that is more accessible and user-friendly for individuals with dyslexia like Natalie.

Now, taking into account all of the users’ usage characteristics, what specific changes to the ChatGPT interface and functionality should the UX designer consider? Please be as specific as possible, providing examples and explanations of the possible changes.

Certainly, let’s consider the specific changes the UX designer of ChatGPT might want to consider for each of the personas mentioned earlier:

  1. Natalie (Traditional Student with Dyslexia):
    • Interface Changes: Increase font size options, provide a dyslexia-friendly font option, offer adjustable contrast settings, and minimize visual clutter.
    • Functionality Changes: Introduce a summarization feature that condenses lengthy text responses into key points, offer an option to paraphrase complex or jargon-filled responses into simpler language, and provide a spell-check feature that highlights potential spelling errors.
    • Example: Instead of displaying a long paragraph in a single block of text, the interface could provide a summarized version with bullet points, using simpler language and shorter sentences.
  2. Jason (Non-Traditional Student with PTSD):
    • Interface Changes: Provide a dark mode option for users who are sensitive to bright screens, offer customizable notification settings, and implement a progress tracker for long tasks to help manage focus and anxiety.
    • Functionality Changes: Introduce a distraction-free mode that hides non-essential elements of the interface, incorporate a timer feature to encourage breaks during long sessions, and add a feature that allows users to save and resume tasks.
    • Example: The interface could include a “Focus Mode” that hides the chatbox and displays only the current task, with a timer and progress bar visible to help Jason track his work.
  3. Sarah (Traditional Student with ADHD):
    • Interface Changes: Implement a clear and hierarchical layout, offer color-coded categories for tasks, and provide a task list feature with the option to set reminders.
    • Functionality Changes: Introduce an auto-save feature to prevent data loss due to distraction, include a focus mode that temporarily disables notifications, and add a “Brainstorming Mode” that helps organize ideas into a structured outline.
    • Example: The interface could have a “Task Manager” feature that displays Sarah’s assignments and allows her to set deadlines and receive reminders, helping her stay organized and on track.
  4. Michael (Non-Traditional Student with Visual Impairment):
    • Interface Changes: Ensure the interface is compatible with screen readers and supports keyboard navigation, provide a high-contrast mode, and offer adjustable magnification options.
    • Functionality Changes: Implement a voice command feature that allows users to navigate the interface hands-free, offer an audio summary option for lengthy responses, and include keyboard shortcuts for common actions.
    • Example: The interface could have a “Voice Control” feature that lets Michael navigate the interface and access functions using voice commands, reducing the need for manual interaction.

By considering these specific changes tailored to the needs of each persona, the UX designer can create an updated version of ChatGPT that offers a more accessible and user-friendly experience for everyone, taking into account their usage characteristics and disabilities.

Let’s now assume that our different personas all have different cultural backgrounds. What considerations does this place on the UX designer?

When considering the cultural backgrounds of the personas using ChatGPT, the UX designer should take into account the following considerations:

  1. Language and Communication Styles: Different cultures have unique language and communication styles. For example, some cultures may prefer indirect communication, while others may value directness. The UX designer should ensure that ChatGPT’s language models are trained to understand and respond appropriately to these different styles.
  2. Visual Design and Color Schemes: Colors and visual design elements can have cultural significance. For example, certain colors may have positive or negative connotations depending on the culture. The UX designer should consider cultural sensitivities when choosing color schemes and visual design elements for the interface.
  3. User Preferences and Expectations: Different cultures may have different preferences and expectations when it comes to technology and user interfaces. For example, some cultures may prefer minimalist designs, while others may prefer more visually rich interfaces. The UX designer should conduct user research to understand the preferences and expectations of the personas from different cultural backgrounds.
  4. Content and Content Localization: Content on the ChatGPT interface should be culturally sensitive and inclusive. The UX designer should consider the cultural context of the content and ensure that it is appropriate and relevant to all users, regardless of their cultural background.
  5. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Cultural inclusivity goes hand-in-hand with accessibility and inclusivity. The UX designer should ensure that ChatGPT’s interface is accessible to users from different cultural backgrounds, including those with disabilities, by implementing features such as multilingual support, culturally diverse avatars, and user-friendly interfaces.

Overall, the UX designer should take a culturally sensitive and inclusive approach when designing ChatGPT’s interface, taking into account the unique needs, preferences, and expectations of the personas from different cultural backgrounds. This will help create a more inclusive and user-friendly experience for all users.

Let’s assign different cultural backgrounds to our personas.

Sure, let’s assign different cultural backgrounds to our personas:

  1. Traditional Student with Dyslexia – Natalie:
    • Cultural Background: Natalie comes from a culturally diverse family with Hispanic roots. She speaks both English and Spanish fluently.
  2. Non-Traditional Student with PTSD – Jason:
    • Cultural Background: Jason grew up in a small town in the Southern United States and has a strong sense of Southern culture and traditions.
  3. Traditional Student with ADHD – Sarah:
    • Cultural Background: Sarah comes from a multicultural background. Her mother is Chinese, and her father is African American. She is fluent in English and conversational in Mandarin.
  4. Non-Traditional Student with Visual Impairment – Michael:
    • Cultural Background: Michael is originally from the Philippines and moved to the United States for college. He is fluent in English and Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines.

With these diverse cultural backgrounds in mind, the UX designer should consider the specific cultural sensitivities, communication styles, and preferences of each persona when designing ChatGPT’s interface. This will help create a more inclusive and culturally sensitive experience for all users.

Now lets make some UX improvement suggestions for each of the personas based on cultural background.

Certainly! Here are some UX improvement suggestions for each of the personas based on their cultural backgrounds:

  1. Natalie (Hispanic Background):
    • UX Improvement: Offer a language option for Spanish-speaking users like Natalie. ChatGPT could have an option to switch between English and Spanish language modes, allowing users like Natalie to communicate more comfortably in their preferred language.
  2. Jason (Southern United States Background):
    • UX Improvement: Incorporate elements of Southern culture into the interface design, such as using warm, earthy tones and friendly, informal language. This could help Jason feel more at home while using the product.
  3. Sarah (Multicultural Background):
    • UX Improvement: Provide a culturally diverse set of avatars and user interface elements that reflect Sarah’s multicultural background. This could include avatars with different ethnicities and customizable design elements that allow users to express their unique cultural identities.
  4. Michael (Filipino Background):
    • UX Improvement: Integrate multilingual support for Tagalog-speaking users like Michael. ChatGPT could include an option to switch between English and Tagalog language modes, allowing users to communicate more comfortably in their preferred language.

These UX improvements take into account the unique cultural backgrounds of each persona and aim to create a more inclusive and culturally sensitive experience for all users.

Do you have any other suggestions for how a UX designer could use these personas to improve ChatGPT? Is there anything we may have missed in the creation of the personas that could lead to a better product and experience for the diverse range of ChatGPT users?

Certainly! Here are some additional suggestions for how a UX designer could use these personas to improve ChatGPT:

  1. Cultural Sensitivity Training for AI: To ensure that ChatGPT’s responses are culturally sensitive and appropriate, the UX designer could work with AI trainers to provide cultural sensitivity training to the language models. This could involve incorporating diverse cultural perspectives and values into the training data and ensuring that the language models understand and respect cultural differences.
  2. User Research and Feedback: The UX designer could conduct user research and gather feedback from users from diverse cultural backgrounds to understand their specific needs, preferences, and pain points. This could involve conducting focus groups, interviews, surveys, and usability testing with users from different cultural backgrounds.
  3. Localization and Translation: To make ChatGPT more accessible to users from different cultural backgrounds, the UX designer could work on localizing the interface and content for different languages and regions. This could involve translating the interface and content into multiple languages and adapting the design to suit the cultural norms and preferences of different regions.
  4. Cultural Contextualization: The UX designer could work on contextualizing ChatGPT’s responses to better reflect the cultural context of the user. For example, if a user asks a question about a cultural tradition or practice, ChatGPT could provide a response that takes into account the cultural context and significance of the tradition or practice.
  5. Inclusive Design and Accessibility: To ensure that ChatGPT is accessible to users from diverse cultural backgrounds, the UX designer could work on making the interface and content more inclusive and accessible. This could involve incorporating features such as text-to-speech, screen readers, and voice commands to make ChatGPT more accessible to users with disabilities.

By taking these suggestions into account, the UX designer can create a more inclusive and culturally sensitive experience for all users of ChatGPT, regardless of their cultural background.

Can you give me a good prompt to use for an image generator that could provide me with images of each of these personas? Include the relevant details the image generator would need.

Certainly! Here’s a good prompt for an image generator that could provide you with images of each of these personas:

Prompt: Generate a set of diverse avatar images representing the following personas:

  1. Natalie – A 21-year-old female college student majoring in Psychology. She is of Hispanic descent, has dyslexia, and speaks both English and Spanish fluently.
  2. Jason – A 35-year-old male college student majoring in Computer Science. He is a military veteran with PTSD and has a strong sense of Southern culture and traditions.
  3. Sarah – A 20-year-old female college student majoring in Journalism. She is of mixed Chinese and African American heritage, has ADHD, and is conversational in Mandarin.
  4. Michael – A 29-year-old male college student majoring in Business Administration. He is originally from the Philippines, has visual impairment, and is fluent in English and Tagalog.

Details Needed:

  • Gender: Male or Female
  • Age: 20-35
  • Ethnicity/Cultural Background: Hispanic (Natalie), Southern United States (Jason), Mixed Chinese and African American (Sarah), Filipino (Michael)
  • Disabilities: Dyslexia (Natalie), PTSD (Jason), ADHD (Sarah), Visual Impairment (Michael)
  • Major/Field of Study: Psychology (Natalie), Computer Science (Jason), Journalism (Sarah), Business Administration (Michael)
  • Languages Spoken: English, Spanish (Natalie), English (Jason), English, Mandarin (Sarah), English, Tagalog (Michael)

The image generator could use these details to create a diverse set of avatar images that accurately represent each of the personas.

Please abbreviate that significantly and ask for just one image showing them with handwritten name tags on their shirts.

Certainly, here’s a more concise version of the prompt:

Prompt: Generate one image of four avatars, each representing a college student with a handwritten name tag on their shirt. Each student should be visibly different, representing the following personas:

  1. Natalie: 21-year-old female with Hispanic background, dyslexia, Psychology major, speaks English and Spanish.
  2. Jason: 35-year-old male with Southern United States background, PTSD, Computer Science major, English speaker.
  3. Sarah: 20-year-old female with mixed Chinese and African American heritage, ADHD, Journalism major, speaks English and Mandarin.
  4. Michael: 29-year-old male from the Philippines, visual impairment, Business Administration major, speaks English and Tagalog.

Details Needed:

  • Gender: Male or Female
  • Age: 20-35
  • Ethnicity/Cultural Background: Hispanic (Natalie), Southern United States (Jason), Mixed Chinese and African American (Sarah), Filipino (Michael)
  • Disabilities: Dyslexia (Natalie), PTSD (Jason), ADHD (Sarah), Visual Impairment (Michael)
  • Major/Field of Study: Psychology (Natalie), Computer Science (Jason), Journalism (Sarah), Business Administration (Michael)
  • Languages Spoken: English, Spanish (Natalie), English (Jason), English, Mandarin (Sarah), English, Tagalog (Michael)

Please provide a single image showing all four avatars, each with a handwritten name tag on their shirt.




Thoughts on the Ethics of Offering Incentives for Surveys and Questionnaires

At the end of each semester, my students are provided with a link to a survey seeking their feedback regarding my performance as an instructor for their course. This is standard practice at many institutions and typically organized and/or administered at the direction of an institutional effectiveness office, not the instructors themselves. Although the students at my institution receive an email notification that their participation is needed/requested (and a reminder email or two), the emails include only a vague (meaningless?) incentive of institutional improvement connected to the request.

Because an educational institution should theoretically value higher levels of participation in end of course surveys, and because the level of my own students’ participation can be viewed (unfairly) as an indirect reflection of my professional capabilities, I have often wondered whether I should provide some type of incentive for my own students to complete their evaluation surveys. I am aware that some of my colleagues do provide extra credit for end of course survey completion, but this strikes me as somewhat unethical because a student (i.e. research participant) who is aware of a reward attached to their participation could then have a different outlook on the subject of the research or the research itself. In other words, rewards make people happy. Rewards change people’s moods and perceptions. Rewards, then, can introduce a type of subtle bias. This is why I have typically eschewed rewards to encourage participation in my end of course surveys. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that I have eliminated bias. Not at all.

When people (like students) come to expect rewards for completing surveys, researchers could potentially create a bias simply by not offering some kind of expected incentive for a person’s time and thoughts. If a person feels like they are being compelled to complete a survey without any promise of a reward, they may be unhappy/annoyed/frustrated about doing so, and those kinds of feelings could potentially filter into their survey responses—perhaps even unconsciously.

By not offering my own students rewards for their participation in my end of course surveys, I do fear that I am impacting their responses in an unintended way connected to their emotional state when completing the survey. This is made worse because of my colleagues who do offer incentives and thereby create a stronger expectation on the part of students, an expectation that is naturally followed with disappointment when not met.

Instead of being “damned if I do, damned if I don’t,” I am more “favored if I do, damned if I don’t” when it comes to providing incentives for survey participation. But either way, I would argue that the data is damned.

If the principles of offering (and refraining from) survey incentives which I have laid out for my own course surveys hold generally true for all research efforts that include voluntary data collection, then it seems the researcher concerned with participant bias is faced with a no-win situation: provide a reward and introduce a favorable response bias -or- refrain from providing a reward and introduce a potential unfavorable response bias.

This matter is further complicated by factors such as socioeconomic status since those who are more in need of incentives may be more susceptible to bias (in my case, students with lower grades and more in need of extra credit would be impacted differently by rewards than those who do not need them). A 2019 study supports the idea that “There is also a risk that incentives may introduce bias, by being more appealing to those with lower socioeconomic status.” Although that particular article is concerned with bias in terms of the sample generated, the connection between incentives and participants’ attitudes/responses should be a matter of concern as well.

So what is an ethical researcher to do?

At Georgia State University, where I am a graduate student, the course evaluation process doesn’t exactly provide an incentive for students who complete instructor evaluations. Instead, they withhold a student’s ability to view their final grades until they cooperate and submit their reviews.

This doesn’t seem like the most ethical way of solving the participation problem, but I do imagine it is effective at generating high response rates without costing the institution a nickel. A better approach, I think, is working harder to educate students (research participants) about the risks involved in providing incentives and punishments when trying to encourage participation in research. This at least gives students some answers as to why an incentive is not being offered and hopefully garners more credibility for the study in the eyes of the people who are being asked to participate. I have taken to this approach with my course evaluations, and I think it may be somewhat effective at preventing the bias I am seeking to eliminate. It is not, however, the most effective way to increase response rates.


Implications for my UX research

There is probably no perfect system for achieving optimal survey participation while also eliminating bias, but researchers can at least be thoughtful and careful about their efforts. Although I have not designed my final UX course project yet, I can imagine the need for survey responses to inform my efforts. Perhaps I will simply try to encourage participation by explaining the virtue of my educational field work and also explaining the problems associated with offering incentives. Perhaps I will just offer incentives to participants and carefully explain this choice within my report. Another option might be to try to diffuse the potential bias created by an incentive by adding a question at the beginning of the questionnaire like the following:

“Could providing incentives to participate in surveys make respondents less honest (i.e. more positive) in their answers?”

Such a question would at least force the participants to consider the issue right before they answer other questions where their unbiased feedback is sought. I can see how creating that kind of basic awareness could encourage less biased, more honest responses.


Other readings and notes

Most sources I found related to this issue deal more with introducing bias in the sample. I didn’t find any that specifically deal with the quality of responses being impacted by incentives.

This article found that incentives provided upfront work better than incentives provided after participation. I would have expected the opposite, and I suppose that is me not believing the best in people.

“Prepaid incentives (unconditional incentives) are more effective in increasing response rates in comparison to payment after survey completion (conditional incentives) [6465]. This could be explained by social exchange theory as providing participants monetary incentives in advance encourages them because they feel they should reciprocate for the reward they receive by completing the survey.”

This is decent write up of different types of bias in surveys and surveying.

ChatGPT and claude.ai reflect mostly what I found (or didn’t find) when looking into this issue, but when pressed a bit, ChatGPT gave me something closer to what I was looking for in terms of response bias. Of course, just because it gave me what I was after, I wouldn’t trust it without further verification from some better human sources. (These generative AI systems are no solution for confirmation bias, and I do fear they might make that even problem worse.)

UX Research Notes: Using Screen Recording to Capture ChatGPT Usage

On a Friday morning I recruited two family members to participate in a brief research activity using ChatGPT. I used screen recording through Microsoft Teams to capture the participants’ interactions with the free version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT tool (ChatGPT 3.5). My goal as the researcher was exploratory in nature, seeking some feedback on the interface and functionality of the ChatGPT desktop web application.

Instead of simply providing the participants access to the ChatGPT website without any defined purpose for interacting with it, I designed an activity to encourage them to make use of the tool. The instructions for the activity were as follows:

Instructions: Use the generative-AI tool (ChatGPT or claude.ai) to engage in a virtual debate. You can ask the AI tool to be your debate partner and for suggestions on a topic, or you may suggest a topic. The goal is to “win” the debate.

*Note: topics related to recent current events don’t work well because the generative AI tools do not have access to information after 2021 (ChatGPT) and 2022 (claude.ai). 

Both users were given this same information on a sheet of paper and verbally informed of the purpose for the activity. They were not given time parameters for completing the activity, and were instead told to take as much time as they needed to complete the activity, or they could stop when they were bored or felt like they could no longer make progress toward their goal.

The two participants were significantly different in terms of demographics. This seemed desirable because younger and older tech users sometimes have different approaches and attitudes toward interacting with technology. Here are the participant profiles:

Participant 1 (P1): 10-13 years old, white male, from a diverse suburb of Atlanta, public school educated, never used ChatGPT or other generative-AI platforms.

Participant 2 (P2): 35-40 years old, white female, from a diverse suburb of Atlanta, college educated, very limited past use of ChatGPT—maybe 2 or 3 times total for work and curiosity reasons.

Results Summary

P1 engaged with ChatGPT for over 20 minutes, exploring different topics he proposed, then asking for a suggestion for a topic from ChatGPT which he debated, and finally proposing one last topic himself which he also debated.

  • Interactions by the numbers: 14 typed prompts/replies, average length 20 words.

P2 engaged with ChatGPT for 10 minutes, focusing on only one topic which she proposed.

  • Interactions by the numbers: 9 typed prompts/replies, average length 13 words.

UX Observations

Both participants found the system to be intuitive and easy to use.

Neither participant made use of the small icons below each ChatGPT response (thumbs down, regenerate, copy). When asked why, participant 2 said she never uses those features (especially the “like/dislike” buttons) because she doesn’t care to inform the algorithms used for determining the types of content she is fed on social media sites.

Both participants commented that the speed at which ChatGPT responses displayed and auto-scrolled was too fast. From Participant 1:

“I would have the I would have chat GPT pull up its arguments slower because it feels like a lot to read it. The pace felt really, really fast. It was almost like stressful to read them. And I’m really fast reader, and I still couldn’t read it all.”

Although I did not want to interrupt the session, I was curious to know if participant 1 was reading the full responses generated by ChatGPT, so I asked him in the middle of his session. He replied that he was just “skimming” them. The fact that he chose to skim was likely because the responses were autos-scrolling quickly and somewhat lengthy compared to the short prompts/replies he was typing.

Both participants also said they liked the disclaimer at the bottom of the screen that says “ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.” But both participants did not notice this until the end of their session. Neither was sure if it was there at the beginning and participant 2 suggested it ought to be a pop-up at the beginning that must be X’ed out by the user.

Participant 1 suggested custom font options, especially in terms of size for readability.

Participant 1 also suggested the ability to input prompts/replies with speech and an option to have ChatGPT’s responses read out loud to the user.

Final Thoughts

Using the Teams screen recording option was easy, and the transcript proved useful despite its inaccuracies. I would use Teams in the future for similar data collection and the recording of post-use interviews.

In the future, I would encourage participants to verbalize more of their thoughts during the use of the product. I was able to get some good feedback after my participants completed their tasks, but more in-the-moment feedback would give me more material to work with in a post-use interview.

Using MS Teams Screen Recording for UX Research

When conducting UX research on digital artifacts, like websites or mobile apps, UX designers can benefit greatly from seeing how a user interacts with the product in real time. Researchers/designers rely on data to make decisions about how to improve a product, and a complete look at a user’s interactions can provide insightful data points. In the past, designers who wanted this kind of data may have been limited to looking over a user’s shoulder as they interacted with a product, or they may have relied on post-use reports in text formats which, although helpful, would have been lacking any kind of “soft” data that can be gleaned from observing a user in action.

Today, there is no shortage of tools for UX researchers to choose from when it comes to screen recording. The choices are overwhelming and even finding reliable comparisons is tricky as so many of the reviews are sponsored by the companies who are selling them—sometimes in misleading ways that are hard to detect. This one, for example, has nothing negative at all to say about Camtasia. This comparison here seems a bit more reliable and points to Camtasia’s high upfront costs as a drawback.

Since evaluating and testing new screen recording tools is such a time consuming process, it might make sense for a UX researcher to simply rely on the platforms they already know and use for other personal and professional reasons. Ubiquitous tools like Zoom and Apple’s facetime allow for screen sharing and Zoom has recording options as well. (Facetime recording is possible by adding an app to the device.)

One productivity platform used by over 300 million people around the world is Microsoft’s Teams. It too has screen sharing and recording capabilities. Since this is a platform I have been required to use in the past and have come to know a bit better than other options, I decided to review it through the lens of a UX researcher/designer. My opinion is that Teams is an effective and reasonably easy to operate option for screen sharing and recording, especially for people who already have access through institutions and organizations that are already paying the licensing fees to use the product.

Below are some more detailed thoughts and a demo of using Teams for UX research purposes.


There are at least two ways to start a new session: “Meet Now” and “Add New Meeting”, but if the purpose is to get more than one person together with some advanced notice, the “Add New Meeting” option provides the means to invite others and directly syncs with their Outlook calendars (assuming they have and use the related MS Outlook for email). The other “Meet Now” option works quickly and allows the meeting creator to invite users to a meeting in progress. Either way, it is relatively easy to invite others to a meeting session. If the guests are also part of the organization, they can be invited with a search feature. If the invited guests are not part of the organization, they can still join, but the meeting creator must send them a link.

I am sure as a UX researcher, an important goal is to make the process of joining a session as easy as possible. As Teams continues to gain market share as a productivity platform for organizations, I think it could overtake Zoom and others as the platform of choice for people who want to record screen sharing sessions. Using the most well known and most used platform is a good move for a UX researcher, even if doing so sacrifices some functions available from other tools. Research participants should not have to download new apps and learn new interfaces. Placing those barriers in the way will only make it harder for a UX researcher to get willing subjects.

Because of Team’s design as meeting facilitating tool, a meeting session allows multiple people to join and view the meeting. I have been in meetings with around 50 people before. I don’t know how many one meeting can handle, but I would imagine other platforms could be more limited than Teams in this regard.

It is important to note that Teams meetings, like Zoom calls, can be run from a browser or an installed app. I have found this feature especially helpful when one or the other gives me issues. It’s nice to have the option to switch, usually from the app to the browser in my case. Of course, for invited guests who do not have the Teams app, the browser option should still allow them to join and participate.

I did notice as I created a demo meeting using “Add New Meeting” for this review that there was an option to “record automatically.” That seems helpful, because I have had sessions before that I meant to record and forgot. A pop-up once the meeting is started that asks if the user would like to record would be even better, but I do not think I have seen this happen before. Of course, the downside to the pre-meeting record setting is that one might get caught unaware of being recorded after the meeting has already started. 

Teams meetings offer users dozens of background filters that range from a simple blurred background to professional looking office backgrounds to distracting animations. These are helpful for privacy purposes and add an element of fun as well, but the animated backgrounds could pose problems for researchers and participants who need to focus on a specific artifact.

For a look at some of the features of Teams screen recordings offer during a session, I created the following demo:

UX Demo 3 with Jason Palmer-20240202_152729-Meeting Recording.mp4

I get the feeling that most screen recording tools are about the same. It might make sense for UX researchers to just pick one they are already somewhat familiar with (like Teams, or Zoom) and learn how to maximize its utility–as opposed to spending their time shopping around and trying to learn new interfaces and functions.

For me, Teams seems like a competent and effective tool with enough versatility for most UX research purposes.

UX Project: Fully Functional Demo Website Coded by ChatGPT

Demo website created with ChatGPT; click image to view working demo.

I have never written a line of computer code in my life. I don’t know the first thing about the differences between HTML and Java, or any other software languages. But harnessing the power of ChatGPT today, I created the website pictured above in less than an hour. Mind you, this was not some drag and drop, customizable website template process like many website builders offer (Wix and WordPress, for example). I have used those without breaking a sweat before (this WordPress site you are reading is an example), but those are not coding efforts. What the free version of ChatGPT was able to create for me was functional HTML code generated completely from scratch (or rather, translated and generated from my written English language prompts). I then pasted the code into the free web “space” offered by W3Schools and voila! Operational website.

The UX class assignment I was working on gave me the option to create a mockup of a to-do list application/website (think basic non-operational image) or go a step further and play around with GenAI to see if I could create a working model. Despite my fascination with ChatGPT, and my frequent use and exploration of it over the past year as an educational tool, I was hesitant to use it for coding purposes. I was intimidated. A quick demo at the end our online class meeting changed my posture though (thanks Franco and Dr. Pullman!). 

Here is a summary of how I created my online to-do list website.

  1. Set up account at W3Schools (<5 minutes).
  2. Went to ChatGPT and prompted it as follows: “Please create a web page in html that includes a to-do list feature that allows the user to add items to one of three catagories, each of which has a column on the page. Name the three categories home, teaching, and scholarship. Provide me the html code.” (<5 minutes)  *I still have no clue what HTML code is or how it works. I only asked it to use HTML because I thought I heard someone say it is the easiest or most basic code to work with.
  3. Copy the code generated by ChatGPT, and then go back to W3Schools, create “New Root File” and paste the code into the the text box. (2 minutes) *This was the only tricky step for me, and it was the step I was scared of before seeing my classmate do it. The user interface of W3Schools might make sense to people who know a little bit about coding and web design, but to me, a complete coding novice, it was not intuitive.
  4. Click “Run.”
  5. Preview the newly born website.
  6. Go back to ChatGPT, ask it to make specific changes and rewrite the entire code. Then go to W3Schools, delete the root file and replace with the new code. (40 minutes) *I did this probably six or seven times, requesting one or two changes each time, and then testing it out. 

          Here is a link to the entire conversation I had with ChatGPT if you want to see all of the prompts I              gave it. Note: I do communicate with the machine as if it is a human assistant/tutor/student, so I              typically use pleases, thank yous, etc. I do this mostly because I don’t want to develop less polite                  communication habits, not because I think of the machine as a person–but I don’t claim to be                    completely immune to the ELIZA effect either.

Key Takeaway

When I found out last year that ChatGPT could write functional code when prompted by English text, I had a hunch that English (or any common spoken/written human language) had just become the new computer language. But I then read somewhere (wish I could remember where I saw it) that English could never really replace the learned skill of computer coding because the English language is too ambiguous, vague, and complex to work on the logic level of a computer. That sounded plausible, so I shelfed my hypothesis hunch and left it for another day. Well, today is that day. I am now convinced that the “skill” of learning, understanding, and writing computer code can be almost completely replaced by the combination of GenAI and effective English prompt engineering. I do understand that there are still critical reasons why some people need to understand and practice coding, but the number of those people will drop precipitously now as non-techies like me partner up with GenAI to do what most of us never dreamed we could do in a digital space–at least not without hours upon hours of instruction in a host of computer languages. The new computer language is indeed English: specifically, concise English delivered repeatedly and patiently to a non-human audience with superhuman coding abilities. Whoever said English wouldn’t replace coding languages because it is too ambiguous, vague, etc. failed to realize that users of English can be insightful, creative, and persistent enough to overcome those inherent problems with the language. They also failed to realize that generative AI is (often, but not always) incredibly competent at making sense out of human language inputs. 

UX Takeaways

ChatGPT and other GenAI make the designer’s job way easier, but only if that designer can communicate properly with the machine and/or have some patience and recognize that designing with AI as co-pilot is an iterative process.

A designer still needs a solid plan and then decent feedback to make appropriate improvements. AI can provide both if prompted correctly, but human feedback should always be sought to help the designer catch their own blind spots.

Examining Some UX Case Studies and Creating a Case Study for ChatGPT, with ChatGPT

After looking at a handful of UX case studies, it appears that some combination of the following components comprise an effective study: 

Design Statement

Needs Assessment/Interviews with prospective users

Functionality requirements and constraints

Benchmarks (competitors)/Competitive Analysis



Task flows

Prototype drawings

Example of user experience/Test uses and findings

But some studies do a better job than others at grouping these components under broader headings that make the project easier to follow sequentially and thematically. The airbnb study described the process in these five steps: Explore, Define, Ideate, Develop & Learn. This seems to capture the generalities of a bunch of the elements that case studies have in common. The “Problem, Solution, Revenue” model seems like another good way to organize a case study–although I find it interesting that the revenue portion comes last. I would assume most “successful” developers allow the revenue stream to dictate the solution–for better or worse.

One case study that caught my attention is the Wikipedia study. I found this study especially interesting because, along with millions of other people, I am very familiar with the iconic interface and even appreciate the simplicity of its design. I couldn’t imagine it any other way–but many people more insightful and imaginative than I am have been making changes to the design of Wikipedia sites for years (there are actually hundreds different versions of Wikipedia).  One of the key takeaways from this study is the idea that fully functional prototypes “(versus mockups, or even a click-through prototypes) communicate designs significantly more clearly, and facilitate higher quality discussions and feedback.” Of course this comes at a steeper investment of time and resources, but the lesson should push UX researchers to strive beyond basic sketches and mockups. This Wikipedia case study is less complete than other examples, but it is worth a look because the components that are discussed are in-depth and relatable for anyone who has used Wikipedia extensively.

UX Case Study Designed by ChatGPT

I asked ChatGPT to design a UX case study (with itself as the subject). Here is the specific prompt I gave:

Me: Using a “Problem, Solution, Revenue” model, please create a UX case study for the ChatGPT website. (1/12/2024)


Title: Enhancing User Experience on ChatGPT Website

Problem: The ChatGPT website currently faces several user experience challenges, hindering optimal user engagement and satisfaction. Users often find it difficult to navigate through the website, locate relevant information, and understand the full range of capabilities offered by ChatGPT. Additionally, there is a lack of interactive elements that could enhance user interaction and make the website more user-friendly.

Solution: To address these challenges, we propose a comprehensive redesign of the ChatGPT website, focusing on improving navigation, providing clear information, and introducing interactive elements. The redesign will follow a user-centric approach, ensuring that visitors can easily access the information they need and understand the capabilities of ChatGPT.

  • Redesigned Homepage:
    • Clear and concise messaging to explain ChatGPT’s capabilities.
    • Streamlined navigation to guide users to different sections.
  • Interactive Demonstration:
    • A live demo section allowing users to interact with ChatGPT in real-time.
    • Clear instructions and examples to showcase the model’s capabilities.
  • Information Hierarchy:
    • Organize information in a clear hierarchy, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for.
    • Use visual cues and concise text to communicate key points.
  • User Onboarding:
    • Implement a user-friendly onboarding process to guide new users through ChatGPT’s features.
    • Provide tooltips and hints to help users navigate and understand the platform.
  • Responsive Design:
    • Ensure the website is fully responsive across various devices, providing a seamless experience on desktop, tablets, and mobile devices.

Revenue: The improved user experience is expected to lead to increased user engagement, longer session durations, and higher user satisfaction. This, in turn, can contribute to higher conversion rates for premium features and services offered by ChatGPT. By attracting and retaining more users through an enhanced website experience, we anticipate a positive impact on overall revenue generation.

Outcome: The redesigned ChatGPT website, with a focus on improved user experience, is expected to address the current challenges and create a more inviting and interactive platform. Users will have a clearer understanding of ChatGPT’s capabilities, leading to increased user satisfaction and potential revenue growth. Continuous monitoring and user feedback will be crucial to refining the website further and ensuring an ongoing positive user experience.


To start, I think this outline is far too vague to be very helpful. Maybe a smart UX designer could work with the initial problem analysis in the outline and make a bunch of personal judgements about specifics, but the examples I looked at were far more specific in identifying needs and problems. I shouldn’t be too surprised that the machine didn’t produce something more specifically critical about itself, but I did have higher hopes. Of course, there is always the chance that my own prompt wasn’t specific enough to start with.

What is especially interesting about the outline created by ChatGPT is how it suggests a revenue strategy that relies on increased user engagement. On its face, this seems at least a little specific, but I am also willing to bet the machine is just pulling a probability here  from its training data related to how tech companies generally drive their income, as opposed to evaluating or at least balancing the best ethical choice for the end-users.  The maximum-engagement model runs completely counter to what Sam Altman (CEO of OpenAI, ChatGPT’s parent company) said in congressional testimony last year. Altman, responding to concerns about tech addiction issues, claimed that “we try to design systems that do not maximize engagement.” His reasoning was that they lacked sufficient computing resources to even support more engagement. But like many (most?) other tech companies, OpenAI is now embracing the increased engagement model to drive revenue. This was even specifically mentioned on their recently released ChatGPT store. So the fact that ChatGPT included this typical revenue model in my request for a UX case study is not altogether surprising, but it does go directly against the previously stated claims of the company’s CEO. 

This idea is important for UX studies because designers have competing factors that drive their designs. Two major factors that can find themselves in conflict are the maximizing of revenue and the maximizing of benefit the product brings to the user. Very often these two factors can overlap, and that is best case scenario for all. When a product is tweaked or designed in way that makes it both cheaper to produce and safer or more enjoyable for the consumer, that is ideal. But when a company prioritizes profit over the user’s best interests, we can end up with tech products that cause problems in a user’s life that could outweigh the benefits. Screen addiction for kids and negative mental health outcomes for users are two potential downsides that ChatGPT initially ignores. This seems incredibly important for UX designers to keep in mind as they go about their research, planning, and execution.

Here my second prompt and response from ChatGPT. I was after a better (more specific and more user-focused revenue strategy) UX case study:

Me: Can you re-do that and be far more specific about the problems, and then instead of simply suggesting a revenue stream based on maximizing engagement, figure out a strategy for a revenue stream that protects the users from the harms and negative outcomes that could come from overuse and overreliance on tech products like ChatGPT.


Title: Mitigating User Risks: A User-Centric Redesign for ChatGPT Website


  1. Information Overload:
    • Users struggle to grasp the full scope and capabilities of ChatGPT due to a lack of clear and concise information on the website.
    • Ambiguity around the model’s limitations and potential risks leads to confusion.
  2. Navigational Challenges:
    • The current website structure lacks a logical flow, making it difficult for users to navigate and find relevant information.
    • Users often abandon the site due to frustration with the disorganized layout.
  3. Limited User Guidance:
    • New users lack sufficient guidance on how to interact with ChatGPT, resulting in a suboptimal user experience.
    • Ambiguous onboarding contributes to users feeling overwhelmed and disoriented.


  1. Detailed Information Architecture:
    • Create a dedicated section that clearly outlines ChatGPT’s capabilities, limitations, and ethical considerations.
    • Provide examples of appropriate use cases and communicate the importance of responsible AI use.
  2. Streamlined Navigation:
    • Implement a user-friendly navigation system with intuitive labels and a clear hierarchy to improve the overall website structure.
    • Prioritize key sections such as documentation, use cases, and ethical guidelines.
  3. Interactive Onboarding:
    • Develop an interactive onboarding process with step-by-step guidance on using ChatGPT responsibly.
    • Include educational elements to inform users about potential risks and the importance of ethical usage.
  4. User Education Hub:
    • Establish an educational hub containing articles, FAQs, and video content to help users understand the technology better.
    • Address common misconceptions and concerns to foster transparency.

Revenue Strategy: Instead of maximizing engagement without bounds, we propose a revenue strategy that prioritizes user well-being and safeguards against overuse:

  1. Usage Tiers:
    • Introduce tiered pricing plans with usage limits to encourage responsible usage.
    • Offer educational resources to users who approach or exceed their usage limits, promoting awareness of potential negative consequences.
  2. Ethical AI Certification:
    • Create a certification program for businesses and developers, emphasizing responsible and ethical AI usage.
    • Generate revenue through certification fees, with a portion allocated to ongoing user education initiatives.
  3. Premium Support for Ethical Use:
    • Offer premium support plans specifically tailored to guide users in ensuring ethical and responsible AI practices.
    • Revenue generated from premium support can be reinvested into user education and awareness programs.

Outcome: The redesigned ChatGPT website, focusing on user education and responsible usage, aims to mitigate potential risks associated with overuse and overreliance on AI technology. By implementing a revenue strategy that aligns with ethical principles, ChatGPT can foster a community of users who prioritize responsible AI practices, creating a positive impact on both user well-being and the product’s long-term sustainability. Continuous user feedback and iterative improvements will be crucial in refining the approach over time.


This is a marked improvement here which makes me think that much of the time when someone finds ChatGPT to be creating poor boilerplate writing, it could very well be due to their choice to accept the first thing the machine spits out. Better prompts create better responses, and a two-step process with a call for specific improvements to a first response yielded much better results for this meta-UX case study outline.

The altered revenue section is intriguing and maybe impressive because a tiered revenue/access model could be an actionable measurable strategy for the company to pursue. This could, at least in theory, have the users’ better interests in mind while still providing a revenue stream that OpenAI could adjust with their own setting of prices. Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that when we work a little harder on our own instructions and communication with the machine, giving it opportunities to improve like we would any student, we end up with better and better iterations of the original response. Maybe this is what fascinates me most about generative AI: the ability I have to treat it both as a tutor and student.