
  • 13 x 12.5 x 7.5
  • Lives underground
  • 2 forelegs (seizing prey) & 2 normal legs (crawler)
  • Round head
  • Compound eyes (very large view angle & detect fast movement)
  • Strong mandibles = biting tough exoskeletons of insects
  • Eats = moths, crikets, grasshoppers & flies
  • Scutellum, safeguards body from predators (small structure shaped like shield)

This time we kicked it up a notch and have to create a 3D insect out of wire. It is definitely more dirty than paper but not too bad. And all I used was a plier from my dad to get everything I want done. The requirement was the models had to be at least 12 inches so I drew a blueprint of it and use that as a guide. The project also had to be sturdy and able to stand on its own with just wires. So the obvious thing would be to getting the base aka legs to be with thicker wires. After shaping its 4 legs and bending them to make them all touch the ground, I have a stable base. Then at this point I got the thinner wires to form its body, for depth and volume. The head was next; I made a much smaller half sphere for its head. Then I made the round eyes and finally 2 forelegs, which had joints and are movable. Most of the ends of my wire work were squeezed with the plier so it would be secure and make everything as a whole look symmetrical. I made the 4 legs look 3D by spiraling thin wire around it from bottom to top. I saw a lot of my peers weave their wires, and was impressed how much talent there were. That is one thing that made mine different. Because mine is big in scale so I sacrifice detail for it. This was my 1st time ever doing wire art and was a good experience.