The 1st project was great to do because all it consists of were plain sheets of paper. At 1st, it took me awhile to get started because I was focused on making them perfect. Meaning I was making the cutouts of my paper concise in measurements and basically spending too much time on a single piece. Thus I believe my 1st one (Night Watcher) out of the ten is my most complex. A lot of my work has individual pieces of paper folded and attached together to form a 3D matter. And as I go along, I did not have any idea of what it will become. I just use the paper to its fullest. I did not use any tape, only glue stick on certain areas on a few of my pieces. I practice the art of inserting and tucking paper into paper to keep them together without slipping out. Many of my classmates have interesting ideas and technique, like strips and pop-up book style. I however, like making a lot of angles and geometric shapes on my pieces. I did not waste any paper during the whole experience. I knew I wanted to make each piece all different from each other. So I start off with a base, like Night Watcher start with a rectangle box form and my 2nd one got a dome shaped base, etc. I have not done this type of thing in a while; I only know how to make a paper crane. So it was great to make these and see everyone’s work.