1.The rhetorical situation for this project was as follows: My team and I were working with the Client Jodi Mansbach, a representative from the organization Chattahoochee NOW! She presented us with Vision 53, a paper written about future plans for the Chattahoochee by Ryan Gravel. We were asked to repackage it in 4 different ways, a short presentation, a long presentation, a Pecha Kutcha, and a video/sideshow. This rhetorical context was very informal allowing me to feel comfortable working with the client and the rest of my group.
2.My copy of Writer/Designer: A Guide to Making Multimodal Projects was most useful in my work on this project. I referred to it many times when contacting Ms. Mansbach and the rest of my group.
3.I feel as if the standard long presentation and the short-pitch presentation evolved the most throughout the semester. Through the use of our groups individual meetings and feedback from our classmates after our presentations, it was easy to see how they changed/improved from one week to another.