Still Hope
February 2022
vine charcoal, compressed charcoal, and erasers
The reductive drawing project is making an object out to be a series of values. The process of this is laying down a even layer of charcoal and going in and erasing the values or adding more charcoal to to make a value more darker. Vine and compressed charcoal is mostly used and a series of different types of erasers. The easers that mostly used in a regular white eraser, art gum, and magic rub.
I began the project with a piece of vine charcoal and I began to layout a flat values for i can have something to work with. I used the side of the magic rub to begin carving out the basic Silhouettes of the object. Then I begin to start adding darker values to give the object more contrast. With this project you got to work in layers so I did a series of erasing and adding values to get the values of the object as correctly as possible. This project really didn’t have a lot of errors for me. the only issue is that the thumbnail was hard for me because erasing things in a little space was weird. I decided to go another route with the thumbnail and just draw out the basic outside shape of the items instead of trying to capture all the values in a little space.
I think i did fairly well on this project. The process of layering values is not new to me because the way this project was set up it almost exactly like my painting process. i felt like a was just painting with charcoal. I learned at better gauging a value of a object even its not in black and white.The other students did very well on their projects and just looking at what they created makes you better do because can see and talk about the techniques they used and discovered to get to their final project. These made me want to find out new techniques I could use to make my reductive drawings look really good.
The goal for this project was also just still practicing scale. I think a did a fairly good job at capturing the scale in the proportions of the objects. I could see this piece being in my portfolio I was very proud of the outcome of everything.