France’s Economy: A Complete Look

France’s economy is the fifth largest economy in the world and represents around one-fifth of the Euro area gross domestic product (GDP). Its main competitor is Germany, which accounts for more than 17% of France’s Exports and 19% of total imports. The primary exports of France are Machinery, Transportation Equipment, Aerospace Equipment and Plastics, while its primary imports are Machinery, Automobiles and Crude Oil. France is also the second-largest exporter in Europe behind Germany, and the country consumes  large amounts of imported goods, which are less expensive than products “Made In France.”

Their wide range of goods and services has an export-to-GDP ratio close to 30% and its highest dollar value goods exports include Vehicles, Electronic Equipment & Pharmaceutical Products. Additionally, France is home to the world’s largest exporters of Farm and Agricultural Products, Wine, Spirits and Cheese. Since its imports are from European Countries, France is part of the European Union (EU). Outside of the EU, France imports the goods from China. In recent times, there has been an economic crisis sweeping France, and the government has had to face economic realities, such as reducing the budget deficit. Through its ups and downs, the economy of France remains as strong as ever.



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