Skeleton (206 bones)
Axial (80)
Skull (22)
Skull Cavities
- Cranial
- Orbit
- Paranasal Sinuses
- Frontal
- Ethimoidal
- Maxillary
- Nasal
- Oral
Cranial Bones (8)
Frontal Bone
- Glabella
- Superciliary Arch
- Supraorbital Foramen(Notch)
- Supraorbital Margin
- Coronal Suture
Parietal Bones
- Parietal Foramen
- Parietal Eminence
- Sagittal Suture
- Coronal Suture
- Superior & Inferior Temporal Line
- Lambdoid Suture
- Squamous Suture
Temporal Bones
- Squamous Suture
- External Acoustic Meatus
- Tympanic Part
- Mastoid Process
- Styloid Process of Temporal Bone
- Zygomatic Process
- Articular Process
- Mandibular Fossa
- Jugular Foramen (w/Occipital bone)
- Foramen Lacerum (Temporal, Sphenoid, Occipital bones > Nothing)
- Internal Acoustic Meatus
- Carotid Canal (Temporal Bone > Internal Carotid Artery)
Occipital Bone
- Foramen Magnum
- Foramen Lacerum (Temporal, Sphenoid, Occipital bones > Nothing)
- Hypoglossal Canal
- Jugular Foramen (w/Temporal bone)
- Condylar Canal
- External Occiptal Protruberance
Sphenoid Bone
- Greater Wings (form part of middle cranial fossa, lateral surface of skull, and orbits)
- Lesser Wings (form part of anterior cranial fossa; contain optic canals)
- Optic Canals
- Optic Groove (depression on body between optic canals)
- Body of Sphenoid
- Sphenoidal Sinuses
- Foramen Rotundum
- Foramen Ovale
- Foramen Spinosum
- Foramen Lacerum (Temporal, Sphenoid, Occipital bones > Nothing)
- Medial & Lateral Pterygoid Plates (attachment sites: chewing muscles)
- Sella Turcica (houses pituitary gland)
- Inferior Orbital Fissure (Maxilla, sphenoid, & zygomatic bones > Infraorbital nerve branch, CN V2)
- Superior Orbital Fissure (Sphenoid bone > Ophthalmic neins, oculomotor nerve CN III, trochlear nerve CN IV, ophthalamic branch of trigeminal nerve CN V1, abducens nerve CN VI)
Ethmoid Bone
- Cribriform Plate
- Cribriform Foramina (passageway for olfactory nerves)
- Crista Galli (attachment site for cranial dural septa to help stabilize brain within skull)
- Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid
Cranial Passageways
- Carotid Canal (Temporal Bone > Internal Carotid Artery)
- Cribriform Foramina (Ethmoid Bone/Cribriform Plate > Olfactory nerves CN 1)
- Foramen Lacerum (Temporal, Sphenoid, Occipital bones > Nothing)
- Foramen Magnum (Occipital Bone > Vertebral arteries, spinal cord, accessory nerves CN XI)
- Foramen Ovale (Sphenoid Bone > Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve CN V3)
- Foramen Rotundum (Sphenoid Bone > Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve CN V2)
- Foramen Spinosum (Sphenoid Bone > Middle meningeal vessels)
- Hypoglossal Canal (Occipital bone > Hypoglossal nerve CN XII)
- Inferior Orbital Fissure (Maxilla, sphenoid, & zygomatic bones > Infraorbital nerve branch, CN V2)
- Jugular Foramen (Temporal & Occipital bones > Internal jugular vein, glossopharynegeal nerve CN XI, vagus nerve CN X, accessory nerve CN XI)
- Mastoid Foramen (Temporal bone > Mastoid emissary veins)
- Optic Canal (Sphenoid bone > Optic nerve CN II)
- Stylomastoid Foramen (Temporal bone > Facial nerve CN VII)
- Superior Orbital Fissure (Sphenoid bone > Ophthalmic neins, oculomotor nerve CN III, trochlear nerve CN IV, ophthalamic branch of trigeminal nerve CN V1, abducens nerve CN VI)
- Supraorbital Foramen (Frontal bone > Supraorbital artery, supraorbital nerve CN V1)
Cranial Sutures – immovable joints, dense regular CT; these are the 4 largest
- Coronal
- Sagittal
- Lambdoid
- Squamous
Cranial Fossae – curved depressions in the cranial floor
- Anterior Cranial Fossa (shallowest, frontal lobe)
- Middle Cranial Fossa (temporal lobes, pituitary gland)
- Posterior Cranial Fossa (most inferior & posterior, brain stem & cerebellum)
Other Landmarks of the Skull
- Glabella (‘smooth’ area between orbits)
- Supercilliary Arch (‘above eyelid’ aka brow ridges; males =more pronounced)
- Alveolar Process of Maxillae (contains top teeth)
- Alveolar Process of Mandible (contains bottom teeth)
Facial Bones (14)
Zygomatic Bones
- Zygomatic Arch
- Temporal Process
- Inferior Orbital Fissure (Maxilla, sphenoid, & zygomatic bones > Infraorbital nerve branch, CN V2)
Lacrimal Bones
Nasal Bones
Inferior Nasal Chonchae
Palatine Bones
- Inferior Orbital Fissure (Maxilla, sphenoid, & zygomatic bones > Infraorbital nerve branch, CN V2)
- Infraorbital Foramen (Maxilla > Infraorbital artery, infraorbital nerve CN V2)
- Palatine Process of Maxillae
- Coronoid Process of Mandible
- Alveolar Process
- Mental Foramen
- Mental Process
Facial Passageways
- Greater & Lesser Palatine Foramina (Palatine bone > Palatine vessels, G &L palatine nerves CN V2)
- Incisive Foramen (Maxilla > Nasopalatine nerve CN V2)
- Infraorbital Foramen (Maxilla > Infraorbital artery, infraorbital nerve CN V2)
- Lacrimal Grove (Lacrimal bone > Nasolacrimal duct)
- Mandibular Foramen (Mandible > Inferior alveolar blood vessels, inferior alveolar nerve CN V3)
- Mental Foramen (Mandible > Mental blood vessels, mental nerve CN V3)
Associated Bones of the Skull (7)
Auditory Ossicles (6)
Hyoid Bone (1)
Vertebral Column (26)
General Characteristic of all Vertebrae
- Intravertebral Disc
- Intravertebral Foramen
- Transverse Process
- Spinous Process
Cervical Vertebrae (7)
- Atlas C1 (lacks a body & spinal process)
- Transverse Foramen
- Transverse Process
- Vertebral Foramen
- Axis C2
- Body of Axis (fuses to the former body of the Atlas: the Dens)
- Dens (‘tooth’; pivot for the lateral rotation of atlas & skull)
- Transverse Foramen
- Transverse Process
- Pedicle of Axis
- Vertebral Foramen
- Spinous Process
- Vertebra Prominens C7 (not Bifid; much longer)
- General Characteristics of Cervical Vertebrae:
- Body (small, kidney bean shape)
- Transverse Process (small, contain transverse foramina)
- Transverse Foramen (except sometimes C7)
- Spinous Process (Bifid; Atlas has no spinous process)
- Do NOT have Costal Facets for Ribs
- Vertebral Foramen
- Lamina of Cervical Vertebrae
- Pedicle of Cervical Vertebrae
Thoracic Vertebrae (12)
- T1-T12
- each articulates laterally with one or two pairs of ribs
- General Characteristics of Thoracic Vertebrae:
- Body (medium sized, heart-shaped)
- Costal Facets for Ribs (present on body and transverse process)
- Transverse Process (medium sized)
- Do NOT have Transverse Foramina
- Spinous Process (long, mostly project inferiorly; ‘giraffe head’)
- Vertebral Foramen
- Lamina of Thoracic Vertebrae
- Pedicle of Thoracic Vertebrae
Lumbar Vertebrae (5)
- ‘small’ of the back (L1-L5)
- General Characteristics of Lumbar Vertebrae:
- Body (Largest; oval or round)
- Do NOT have Costal Facets for Ribs
- Transverse Process (large, thick, and blunt)
- Do NOT have Transverse Foramina
- Spinous Process (short, thick, & blunt; project posteriorly; ‘moose head’)
- Vertebral Foramen
- Lamina of Lumbar Vertebrae
- Pedicle of Lumbar Vertebrae
Sacrum (1)
- sacral vertebrae-5 fused together (S1-S5)
- Sacral-Iliac Joint
Coccyx (1)
- aka ‘tailbone’
- coccogeal vertebrae – 4 fused together (Co1-Co4)
- may fuse to sacrum eventually
Spinal Curvatures
- Cervical (secondary)
- Thoracic (primary)
- Lumbar (secondary)
- Sacral (primary)
Thoracic Cage (25)
Sternum (1)
- Costal Cartilages
- Costal Notches
- Jugular Notch of Sternum
- Manubrium
- Suprasternal Notch
- Clavicular Notch
- Sternal Angle
- Body of Sternum
- Xiphoid Process
Ribs (24)
- True Ribs
- False Ribs
- Floating Ribs
- Costal Cartilages
Appendicular (126)
Pectoral Girdle (4)
- Acromial End of Clavicle
- Sternal End of Clavicle
- Acromion
- Coracoid Process
- Glenoid Cavity
- Infraspinous Fossa
- Lateral Border of Scapula
- Medial Border of Scapula
- Spine of Scapula
- Subscapular Fossa
- Supraspinous Fossa
Skeleton of Upper Limbs (30 per limb, 60 total)
Humerus (2)
- Anatomical Neck of Humerus
- Capitulum of Humerus
- Deltoid Tuberosity of Humerus
- Greater Tubercle
- Head of Humerus
- Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus
- Lesser Tubercle
- Medial Epicondyle of Humerus
- Olecranon Fossa of Humerus
- Surgical Neck of Humerus
- Trochlea of Humerus
Radius (2)
- Head of Radius
- Neck of Radius
- Radial Tuberosity
- Styloid Process of Radius
Ulna (2)
- Olecranon
- Styloid Process of Ulna
- Trochlear Notch of Ulna
Carpals (16)
Metacarpals (10)
Phalanges (28)
- Distal Phalanx of Fingers
- Middle Phalanx of Fingers
- Proximal Phalanx of Fingers
Pelvic Girdle (2)
Os Coxae
- Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
- Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
- Iliac Crest
- Greater Sciatic Notch
- Obturator Foramen (w/Ischium)
- Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine
- Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
- Sacral-Iliac Joint
- Ischial Tuberosity
- Lesser Sciatic Notch
- Obturator Foramen (w/Ilium)
- Acetabulum
- Pelvic Inlet
- Pubic Symphysis
- Subpubic Angle
Skeleton of Lower Limbs (30 per limb, 60 total)
Femur (2)
- Gluteal Tuberosity
- Greater Trochanter
- Head of Femur
- Lateral Condyle of Femur
- Lateral Epicondyle of Femur
- Lesser Trochanter
- Linear Aspera
- Medial Condyle of Femur
- Medial Epicondyle of Femur
- Neck of Femur
Patella (2)
Tibia (2)
- Lateral Condyle of Tibia
- Medial Condyle of Tibia
- Tibial Tuberosity
Fibula (2)
- Head of Fibula
- Neck of Fibula
Tarsals (14)
- Calcaneus (heel bone)
- Talus (ankle bone)
Metatarsals (10)
Phalanges (28)
- Distal Phalanx of Toes
- Middle Phalanx of Toes
- Proximal Phalanx of Toes