
Hello all.

My name is Jennifer and this blog is for my LT2010 class. As such it is supposed to be about me ‘technology enhanced’ life. Anyone who knows me would find that statement laughable.

To illustrate:

1.) I have a phone. It is three years old and of average intelligence. I have no intention of replacing it until absolutely necessary.

2.) I was stopped inWal-Mart once by a tv service sales guy and asked who my tv provider was. I told him I don’t have one. He was shocked and let me go without further harassment.

3.) I can’t acquire decent internet at my house. Only satellite which is awful and costs eight arms and a soul (or the equivalent). So we really don’t have functional Internet the way most people do. This means we can’t stream Netflix, yeah I know.

Despite all this, and more, I do find technology very useful. I am a strong believer in equal access to the Internet.