Inside/Outside Soap carving

The inside/outside project was also a project where the class was tasked to create a sculpture with different materials. Working with soap proved to be difficult but I had a vision and came up with the first sculpt. I wanted the sculpture to resemble an egg hence oval shape, holes, and clay claws on the sculpture. The first three pictures seen bellow the title page was my first attempt. I received some good feedback from others on icollege on how to give my sculpture more details.

The last three pictures are my final sculpt for this project. The changes I made to the sculpture are night and day and I hope the viewers can see that. For this part of the sculpture, I wanted it to look like the claws had started to scratch and break out of the “shell” and give the soap a distressed look. I found this project to be the most enjoyable it was simple but also chaotic with sculpting the soap.

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