Jennifer's Blog


Tag: build environment description

Digital Record of Delta #4

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When maneuvering the site, you’ll also see a more useful page where they tell you more detailed tabs on all the options you have on this site. Having this one-stop shop for all the info of Delta helps people be more efficient and lessens the amount of questions one might have when they might not see the options they have on the initial home page.

Digital Record of Delta #3

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When searching for flexible flights, you’ll be greeted with this image. They show you all the possible days for departure as well as return flight options. This sliding scale helps the audience be able to effectively search for the best prices and the best days for them to go on their flights.

Digital Record of Delta #2

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This image shows us the bottom of the page which is usually reserved for more guidance for the site as well as additional services that might not be present on the main tabs of the home page. The site proves to be sustainable and useful for other languages besides English. The bottom section also shows a wide range of categories for tech help and shows use of multimodality where they utilize not only email or phone but social media as well.

Digital Record of Delta #1

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You can see the themes of color be utilized well on the homepage. This image is the first thing you’ll be greeted with when you first enter the domain which shows great pragmatism making sure that the homepage is functional and useful for the purpose of the site. This homepage shows us many functions of the site by labeling them clearly on the tabs.

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