Jennifer's Blog


Month: March 2016 (page 1 of 2)

Digital Record of Delta #2

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This image shows us the bottom of the page which is usually reserved for more guidance for the site as well as additional services that might not be present on the main tabs of the home page. The site proves to be sustainable and useful for other languages besides English. The bottom section also shows a wide range of categories for tech help and shows use of multimodality where they utilize not only email or phone but social media as well.

Digital Record of Delta #1

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You can see the themes of color be utilized well on the homepage. This image is the first thing you’ll be greeted with when you first enter the domain which shows great pragmatism making sure that the homepage is functional and useful for the purpose of the site. This homepage shows us many functions of the site by labeling them clearly on the tabs.

Course Archive


  • Claim: Within Atlanta’s exterior built environments, one can observe a growing concern with environmental sustainability.
  • Within our research group’s work, locate evidence that could be used to support this claim. (At least 3 instances of evidence, for just one instance of evidence cannot establish the validity of this claim.)
    • Stone Mountain Park (dnorwood6)
      • Stone Mountain Park is seen as contributing to Atlanta’s sustainability as the lakes and forests around it are protected and kept clean by park rangers and staff. Having such vasts areas of trees and greenery keeps animals and foliage around. They also contribute to cleaner air because trees take carbon dioxide out and replace it with oxygen.
    • The Streetcar (jwright78)
      • This description goes into detail about how MARTA’s venture with the streetcar has been beneficial to citizens, tourists, and workers of Downtown Atlanta. It provides adequate means to travel to the hotspots downtown without taking a car which would contribute to pollution and Atlanta’s traffic.
    • Atlanta Beltline  (sfortune3) 
      • Source tells us that the Beltline has made multiple attempts at rescuing the site of rail tracks. The rail tracks have been turned into a site for citizens to commute to work, exercise, meet with friends and use for recreation. The beltline promotes bike use to commute rather than cars. The Ponce City Market was an old building which otherwise would have been destroyed and the materials would have went to landfills.
  • Identify two scholarly sources that could be useful in supporting this claim and explain how exactly it could be used.
    • Teal, Randall.” The Process of Place: A Temporal View of Sustainability in the Built Environment.” (by slogan5)

      • This article shows us the way the environment should be more sustainable. The practices of environmental conservation also blends into the built environment and how it might involve our actions. With the help of our conscious decisions, we all could either add to the growing issues of environmental conservation or help decrease the problems rising with global warming or oil fracking.
    • Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces by Kathleen Scholl and Gowri Gulwadi (by kbuwe1)
      • This article also addresses the way that campus landscapes should be more sustainable with students and help them to focus and relax. This change in environment will help the overall built environment affect on the students. By making this step towards a more sustainable environment, the campus can therefore benefit and be more accommodating to more students than previously thought with no green spaces.
  • Identify two popular sources that could be useful in supporting this claim and explain how exactly it could be used.
    • “Six Lessons from Riding the Atlanta Streetcar for Eight Weeks.” Atlanta Magazine. N.p., 6 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
      • This source identifies the pros and cons of riding the streetcar as a means of commuting to work, home, and play. The article deems the streetcar as a cheap and sustainable option over driving to and from our destinations. This transportation also makes availability to other parts of the city possible to everyone and not just people with cars. 
    • Armstrong, Rachel. “Future of Built Environments.” The Guardian. Guardian Sustainable Business, 13 June 2010. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
      • Article explains how built environment expectations will make sure future buildings will support sustainable and healthy lifestyle. The article goes over the way that the built environment could have an effect on the overall health of citizens. This change in affect is making strides in sustainability so that the environment not only causes beneficial affects to the citizens but also has a renewed sense of the built environment.  
  • Compose a bibliography of 6 sources that could be useful for helping us understand the topic and explain in what specific ways the sources might be useful.
    • “Six Lessons from Riding the Atlanta Streetcar for Eight Weeks.” Atlanta Magazine. N.p., 6 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. (acrooks4)
    • Hosey, Lance. “Sexism Is Alive and Well in Architecture.” The Huffington Post., 13 July 2015. Web. 28 Jan. 2016
    • Tick, Suzanne. “His & Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society.” Metropolis. Metropolis Magazine, 2015. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
    • Armstrong, Rachel. “Future of Built Environments.” The Guardian. Guardian Sustainable Business, 13 June 2010. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
    • Scholl, Kathleen G., and Gowri Gulwadi Gulwad. “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces.” Journal of Learning Spaces. University of North Carolina: Greensboro, 2015. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
    • NERSESSOVA, IRINA. Tapestry of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York. disClosure, 10556133, 2014, Issue 23. Web.
  • Locate and Image that could be used to represent the claimpark4-2507tx3
    • The addition of the playground can add to the sustainability of the built environment by making it more approachable by families instead of using the land for only one specific group.
  • Evaluation: Using my experience on trying to find specific aspects of our projects, I can see that as a group we have documented the tags well and therefore making it easier to navigate the pertinent information. I also see the way the website is arranged and it seems well organized. If we were to look for a bibliography source we could find all of them within the respectable category. However I found it frustrating to not be able to further search for tags within the categories of reading summaries or bibliographies. However, the overall experience trying to find information was relatively easy.


  • Claim: Within Atlanta’s interior built environments, one can observe a growing concern with environmental sustainability.
  • Within our research group’s work, locate evidence that could be used to support this claim. (At least 3 instances of evidence, for just one instance of evidence cannot establish the validity of this claim.)
    • Chattahoochee Coffee Company (by tjabbar1)
      • For this student’s environment description, they did Chattahoochee Coffee Company. In this coffee shop, they found that they were welcomed there. They have a modern type vibe on the inside and big windows so that people can see the surrounding environment. From the windows, the Chattahoochee River can be seen along with surrounding trees and plants. The atmosphere provides a clean community for families and friends.
    • Krog Street Market (by sjohn7)
      • This student researched a ‘calm, but also sophisticated’ place known as Krog Street Market. According to the student, this market is an ecofriendly environment that is vibrant, calm, and elegant. This place is brighten up by the flower shops and the  organic vegetable shops. Shops like these helps the surrounding environment become as healthy as it can be.The community feels good as well as they are providing healthy food and a beautiful vibe to the community.
    • Buford Highway Farmer’s Market (by mbrooks39)
      • In this student’s research on the Buford Highway Farmers Market, they explain how the market produces and puts out fresh food everyday. This helps with the environment because the market is selling food that is organic. This helps with less chemicals used on the food and gets people healthier.  They say that the market is  “family owned and operated since 1984” so it can be seen that it is a great family place to go and shop. 
  • Identify two scholarly sources that could be useful in supporting this claim and explain how exactly it could be used.
    • Hyodo, Jamie. Advances in Consumer Research. 2011, Vol. 39, p858-867. 10p. 6 Charts.       Database:Business Source Complete
      • For this article, the author explains how the color in a room affects a person’s mood. He explains that different colors means different things to people depending on that person’s background. Colors like warm, vibrant colors can make people feel happy and excited while dark colors can put more of a serious tone and business type environment. All of these colors can attract consumers and make them want to stay in their shops. Colors of shops help the environment based on the type of paint they used and it is chipping or causing led poison. At the end of the day, the goal is for people to feel welcomed.
    • Iacomussi, Paola, et al. “Visual Comfort With LED Lighting.” Energy Procedia 78.6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015 (2015): 729-734. ScienceDirect. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
      • In this article, a few people did research on LED light and how it is better in an interior environment then a regular light bulb. LED lights are known to last longer, be brighter, and allows people to save on energy. All these qualities not only allow buyers to save money on their pockets but unknowingly allows them to make their community into a safer, healthier, and better place to live in.
  • Identify two popular sources that could be useful in supporting this claim and explain how exactly it could be used.
    • Fisher, Randy. Healthy, Sustainable Interior Design: A Conversation with ASID. 11 July 2012.
      • In this article, Randy Fisher, Executive Vice President and CEO of ASID,  is interviewed about the sustainable interior design that he uses at his company. In the interview, he explains that most people stay inside so having an improved indoor environment allows a positive impact on people. He continues to explain that the main focus is health. With healthier things like furniture and equipment, people can do their regular routine but now in a better environment.
    • Blackstone, John. “Inside Google Workplaces, from Perks to Nap Pods.”CBS News. N.p., 22 Jan. 2013. Web.
      • In this article, Google explains how their work environment helps their workers have better working habits. They have things like nap pods that allows workers to take power naps and one they wake up they are refresh. Then they have over 1,000 bike ridden by the workers. This allows for exercise and a better environment with a non-pollution area. Also, Google tries to have their food color coded (green, yellow, and red). Green are foods like salads while red is food like candy. They want their workers to have healthy and have a refreshed mind all the time.
  • Compose a bibliography of 6 sources that could be useful for helping us understand the topic and explain in what specific ways the sources might be useful.
    • Blackstone, John. “Inside Google Workplaces, from Perks to Nap Pods.”CBS News. N.p., 22 Jan. 2013. Web.
    • “Chipping Away At Paint-Can Claims.” Consumer Reports 80.9 (2015): 8. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
    • Fisher, Randy. Healthy, Sustainable Interior Design: A Conversation with ASID. 11 July 2012.
    • Hyodo, Jamie. Advances in Consumer Research. 2011, Vol. 39, p858-867. 10p. 6 Charts. ,        Database:Business Source Complete
    • Iacomussi, Paola, et al. “Visual Comfort With LED Lighting.” Energy Procedia 78.6th
    • Ragan, Ann Marie. “Designing a Healthy Interior Environment.” ag.ndsu. N.p., 2014–2015. Web.
  • Locate and Image that could be used to represent the claim.
    • We see that the pack of cookies is sold at this farmer’s market and helps lead to sustainability by making products that cater to other people other than the majority race.


Better Online Living through Content Moderation


Importance of Content Moderation

The article opens up the overall tone of this message well by first addressing the importance of having content moderation as an option for all internet users. Not only are all people going through different struggles and issues but all people have different ranges of sensitivity to the things said online and because of this free reign to post whatever you want, there should be a filter through which people can block out triggering information. And though our society views this filter as a way of cushioning the ‘weak’, it also acts as a organization tool that people can use when not all content on the internet is pertinent or relevant to them. And with the internet being a  unmoderated mode of expression, having content moderation helps those take back control of the things they wish to encounter while surfing this open world. Especially in an increasingly open and transparent world, the importance of practicing safety from verbal abuse or threats is an increasingly pertinent tool to have not just for those who are dealing with PTSD but to anyone who doesn’t want to see the constant abuse of a friend online. Having an easy access to block out the hurtful comments makes it easier to take control of your online environment.

The Other Side of the Argument 

This article also showcases the thoughts of the opposing force well without condescending their notions. The opposing force seems to think that in order to build up a stronger society that there has to be an environment of free exposure without content moderation. The constant exposure is likened to that of Exposure Theory when treating fears. But what they lack to see in this ordeal of moderation, is that exposure to such a negative environment for long periods of time will do more harm for the personal psyche than good. Not taking into consideration the legality of online bullying, the opposing force sees this as a way of silencing certain people’s voice. They see the solution as easy as just deleting the app or staying off the internet.

How It Can Impact Others

Though all the points held by the opposing force all hold some thread of credibility, we can also see that they only address the issue without looking at the certain impact it can have on the person. Content Moderation is an important aspect to have on the internet since the impact of certain images, ideas, or opinions on the internet is subjective and is differently perceived by other people. And with the experiences and backgrounds of other people varying to such a degree, we see that Content Moderation is a good fluid way to address the different needs that people need online. And since the filtering is not impeding on anyone else’s rights, there should be no issue in whether or not a person can legally hold their own power of what they encounter online. Each person should be able to set up their own boundaries and create a safe environment where they can experience being online just like everyone else instead of being told to ‘stay off the internet’ as a solution.

Color Walking


Significance of Color

While this brief article falls short on length, the article is nothing short of being visually explosive. The post describes a experiment that he urges others to partake in as well and after looking at the impact of this experience, you can see why people are partaking in this. The whole premise of the experiment is to fixate on a specific color and follow the color where you eyes may catch it through the city. Not only does this demonstrate the importance of colors but also signifies the day to day insignificance of it as well. It takes continuous effort to realize the vividness of colors and how the world is comprised of bright and meaningful tones.  Yet when we realize this, the world opens up to the possibilities of a more vibrant perspective. And instead of focusing on just one color, the article suggest you change colors to the fluid emotions of the color’s impact on you. The more you get lost, the more effective this experiment is on you since you get to go to different ends of the city while moving organically to the way you notice a spark of color.

The Cityscape and Its Impact on You

Getting lost in the city with the sole motivator for your movements being color, also opens up the city to you in different ways than your normal commute hurrying through it. The colors of certain infrastructures no longer are a blur in the normal cityscape but they are a new direction. You can begin seeing the purposeful colors in the way the city is built and see the importance of those colors on the overall mood of the whole city. This interesting blend of both colors, movement, and landscape shows the intricate connections all of those ideals have on you yet you as a person won’t take the intricacy in without being urged to do so.

Colors Being Defined

The way colors are being defined is also an aspect of this article where colors are no longer just confined to crayons or other explicit ways but to the way a certain light catches a blue tinge. This documentation in the article of one color walk also paints a vivd picture for the audience since we don’t personally see the things they do, we imagine it ourselves. And looking back at the entirety of their walk you can see a cohesive mesh of colors and objects; things you would not notice had they not pointed them out. By looking at a simple aspect of a walk in the perspective of just color, you can notice the way a tone or mood may change within the city or room and you see the entirety of their walk as a story-like documentation of their walk. And though it would be rather difficult to focus on all colors at the same time, focusing on colors and their vibrant influence on our perspective can help us grasp the bright life that we have grown to see as mundane and dull. This reading also relates to the way we should begin to look at our built environment. We should not see the colors as a entity on its own but a supporting character that helps tell the overall story of the interior or exterior.

Built Environment Description: Dancing Goats

I visited Dancing Goats Coffee Company which was located in Atlanta very near the Georgia Tech campus. They opened up in the restored Sears building. The company was founded in 1988 yet didn’t move to Atlanta until 1994. As soon as you enter the coffee shop, you can first see the emblem of their company all across various mediums like t-shirt merchandise and coffee cups to coffee drainers and makers. The main store front, though had lots of artifacts, was arranged to be very open, approachable, and cohesive. The overall color scheme of the coffee shop is easily identifiable with the main colors used in the shop being a bright orange, a cool teal, and the rest of the color was ranging from smooth grey to eggshell white. The singular usage of these colors makes the tone of the shop very cohesive and agreeable. There is no question to the tone or mood the shop hopes to set. And even though the outside room was arranged in a different manner, they still come together to create two distinct yet harmonious tone. The outside patio room was arranged more fluidly and organically and had the different color tone of warm reds and oranges while utilizing the natural texture of woods. Both rooms as well as the side sitting area of benches, still conveyed this familiar feeling making it easily maneuverable. The open space made you more open to move around and explore the different corners of the shop. And looking at the people in the coffee shop and the specific location of the coffee shop, you can see the main demographic is college students or young adults. This space was utilized as a safe and quiet place for people to get their work done in an appropriate space. And though the coffee shop doesn’t advertise to college students, you can see from the specific location and modern theme that the coffee shop naturally appeals to the nearby young adults. In the end, the whole coffee shop made me feel hip and modern. The colors made everything very agreeable and made the whole space genuine. Not only was the coffee great, but the environment they harbor was something ,as a college student, I flock towards.

Digital Record of Dancing Goats #6


Deeper inside the coffee shop you can see a seating area that portrays a very modern kitchen feel. There is even a movable ladder to get to the cupboards on top of the table. Even though the whole style of Dancing Goats is modern, it still makes you feel at home and comfortable. The shop is also very open and spacious which further promotes this feeling of comfort.

Digital Records of Dancing Goats #5


Even in the natural colors of the oranges and the color of the coffee bags, you can see the universal color theme still prevalent. On the wall you see a plaque that explains the name of Dancing Goats and shows the history behind coffee as a history as well as the coffee they produce and roast in house.

Digital Record of Dancing Goats #4


The restrooms show the general color theme Dancing Goats has with bright orange and teal blue. This art on the walls and doors shows a unique way to signify bathrooms and makes a different statement. We also see the very strict gender lines that this promotes with the separated and distinct genders portrayed on the majority of the wall.

Digital Record of Dancing Goats #3

Coffee Artifact

The artifact I got from Dancing Goats was one of their iced lattes which clearly shows their symbol that is adorned everywhere inside from coffee cups to t-shirt merchandise. But you can see that Dancing Goats isn’t the roaster or maker of the coffee but is under the reign of Batdorf and Bronson. This coffee cup is minimalistic and relays the nature you see inside the coffee shop.

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