Week Fourteen: Portfolio Update

Good morning and welcome back from break! I hope all who are reading had an amazing time off and took the opportunity to relax as well as catch up with any work if needed. As we are just about done with this project, I spent this week working on my hero screen and preparing my writing samples. Since the inspiration for my hero screen was a last-minute idea, I took to using Canva as a way of making something simple and elegant. As I am still working on it, I have yet to implement it into my actual website. Hopefully this weekend it comes out as planned and I can tidy up that part of my portfolio.

As for my actual website, this week I worked on polishing up my ‘About Me’ section and fixing the kinks I had regarding my scaling. I have finally been able to focus on the aesthetics of my website as my logo is just about done with a chosen color palette. Now I plan to go into next week putting everything together and officially uploading my full code for viewers to see. Creating my own website this year has been quite a challenging assignment, but I look forward to how the finished product comes out.

Week Twelve: Portfolio Update

Hello, wishing everyone a great Friday today and I hope this week has been well as we wrap up before Fall break. As stated in last week’s update, I had a meeting with my friend to discuss logo progression. It was very successful as she had created 13 different possible designs for me, as well as variations of the script for my initials. After careful review, I came down to choosing 2 logos that I wanted her to go forward with developing. I also gave her my thoughts on the initial variations and we decided that it would be best for her to make that decision based on stylistic choice and what would pair well. I now await her next update as she uses my critique to go forward.

As for me, this week while I initially planned to work on my website, I instead found myself more focused on my personal stories. So far this year I have mainly only written stories pertaining to my classes. While I have old works, they are not necessarily something I would want to put at the forefront of my website. So with that, I concerned myself with working on current short stories and I may post one I’m writing for a class. Going into next week, while it is intended to be our break, I plan on working hard on my website and doing as much as I can. Until then, happy holidays to everyone, and hope all reading have a relaxing, much-needed break.

Week Eleven: Portfolio Update

Another Friday is here, and we have one more week left until Thanksgiving break. I’m personally not sure how much of a break it’ll be with how much work still to be done, but I’ll enjoy it all the same. This week, I have continued to work on my website layout, changing fonts and adding more from my filler color palette. I also managed to fix the minor hiccups from last week. Other than that, I unfortunately did not make as much progress as I would’ve wanted as time caught up with me. Regardless, I plan to make up for it this weekend and in the coming week. 

Saturday tomorrow, I plan to set up a call with my friend who is assisting me with my logo. Today she contacted me informing me she would have a few digitalized sketches to show me and from there she will work on creating the final product. I am quite excited and looking forward to the call. As she works on that, in the meantime I will be continuing to work on my website. Based on my logo I will start to select my official fonts and finalize the layout for my home page. It is sure to be a productive time.

Week Ten: Portfolio Update

Happy Friday!! We are now entering the holiday season or as I better identify it: burnout season. With only a few weeks left till the semester ends, I am starting to feel my body shutting down, and the need for a break has intensified. Regardless, the only thing I can do is work to end things on a solid note.

This week, I worked on putting my sketch plans to fruition as I enlisted the help of one of my best friends Destiny. As a graphic design student, she has agreed to help me create my logo, which I had planned to be a central part of my portfolio. Since I want it to be the standout of my website and I’m still deciding on color schemes, I decided to first wait until we can come down to a few final options for her ideas and base the rest of the website’s final look around the chosen logo. We spent time discussing a range of possible color palettes, blogs and portfolios I was personally inspired by, and looking at various logos that match the look I am going for. We ended things with me feeling very hopeful and I’m so grateful for her help. We also discussed ideas for my hero screen but we’ll see how that works out. One thing at a time.

Now that I have my logo creation in motion, I turned my focus toward creating the base layout for my website. Since I completely scraped my previous work, it was a more tedious process and I did run into a few snags but I plan to quickly rectify these issues during the weekend and upcoming week through the previously provided tutorials and other sources. I also intend to include my actual work close to the end as I want to take Thanksgiving break to clean up some past written short stories (and possibly write one or two new ones). So information will be the last step as far as my planning goes. Next week’s focus: Continue to create layouts and fix HTML issues.

Week Nine: Portfolio Update

Happy Halloween weekend to everyone! Hope those who celebrate have a great time enjoying the holiday. This week, I decided to work on my portfolio by returning to my proposal of sketching out multiple ideas. I planned out what I would want my actual portfolio page to look like as well as my hero screen. I took inspiration from the various authors I had referenced in my Week Six post and considered what I should feature on my page that would be best fitting for me. After a few rough sketches, I then used Coolors to create 5 different color palettes. For each one, I used the web design feature provided to get an idea of how the colors would work with my finished product. If any alterations needed to be made, I did so and then saved them. I wasn’t completely sure if any of the palettes I chose will be used but at least it better helped me figure out what look I am going for.

With everything being said, I think going through with my sketches was greatly beneficial to me. While I have not made a final decision yet on which one I like best, doing this will help me with going forward next week. It will for sure be productive time spent and I can’t wait to see how things come together.

Portfolio Sketch
One of my rough sketches here

Week Eight: Portfolio Building

Happy Friday! This will be quite a short post but it’s officially time to start creating my portfolio, and thankfully I had a template provided by my professor to begin. While we just spent two weeks learning about HTML and CSS, actually creating a portfolio was much more intimidating than I was ready for. 

I mainly spent this week tweaking the template I was already given by changing the color scheme, adding photos, etc. I definitely have my work cut out for me these next few weeks as I want to be fully satisfied with my final product. I think it will benefit me to actually write down what I imagine I want my portfolio to contain and maybe even do a rough sketch of how I want it to look. Even if it doesn’t turn out exactly similar, I’ll at least have a good foundation to get me through this process.