Week Five: Web Hosting

Happy Thursday and wishing a great week to all reading this. This week in my Digital Writing and Publishing class, I had to complete the task of creating my own web hosting account. When going into the assignment I was quite intimidated as the more I learned of the different features, the more I could feel myself getting overwhelmed at how to get everything together. Regardless, I found it to be an assignment that provided me with information I previously had zero knowledge of.

To get started, I first reached out to Claude AI to better understand domain names and the steps needed to acquire my own. Claude informed me of what the concept was and how it was a way to provide a unique identifier for a website or other internet services. It then went into details of the benefits of having a domain name such as marketability, ownership, security, and branding. All features that would personally be an advantage for me in my future career.

After my brief lesson on domain names, I turned to Reclaim Hosting where I registered to create my own web hosting account. When creating my account I made the decision to invest in a domain name. Reason being is, while I may not know the future of my website beyond this class, I wanted to be able to get the full experience and get as much insight into the benefits as possible. From then I would decide where to go with my page.

     Once creating my page, I then followed the YouTube link provided by my professor to learn about File Manager. This video gave me a basic understanding of how to use it and helped me feel a little more confident in exploring the site’s features.

After getting familiar with the website and thinking of how I will use it this year to help me with the industry I want to be in, I think the digital objects I would need to make would be mainly creative works that showcase my writing skills. Since I am still finding my niche with what genres best suit me, I will be sure to create a variety of works that do not stick with one genre and instead focus on stepping out of my comfort zone to see how I can use my creativity to create interesting stories. I will also use the lessons I am following in my other classes to aid in this process as I have been learning many different tips in regard to fiction writing. And while I do not think this is a necessity, more so a personal pleasure, I think another digital object I could make could be occasional blog posts that discuss recent inspiration and obsessions. I think as a writer, I am constantly taking inspiration and fixating on many things whether it’s a recently watched TV show, movie, etc. This can influence the works I create and my perspective as a creative overall. Therefore I think in my field this would be a great thing to feature on my site as it gives more insight into who I am and how that translates to what I make.

While this week’s assignment was one that I was unsure about, I found myself completing it with a more approachable outlook on what it could open me to and what I am capable of producing with it. I look forward to the next few weeks as we delve deeper.


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