Week Nine: Portfolio Update

Happy Halloween weekend to everyone! Hope those who celebrate have a great time enjoying the holiday. This week, I decided to work on my portfolio by returning to my proposal of sketching out multiple ideas. I planned out what I would want my actual portfolio page to look like as well as my hero screen. I took inspiration from the various authors I had referenced in my Week Six post and considered what I should feature on my page that would be best fitting for me. After a few rough sketches, I then used Coolors to create 5 different color palettes. For each one, I used the web design feature provided to get an idea of how the colors would work with my finished product. If any alterations needed to be made, I did so and then saved them. I wasn’t completely sure if any of the palettes I chose will be used but at least it better helped me figure out what look I am going for.

With everything being said, I think going through with my sketches was greatly beneficial to me. While I have not made a final decision yet on which one I like best, doing this will help me with going forward next week. It will for sure be productive time spent and I can’t wait to see how things come together.

Portfolio Sketch
One of my rough sketches here

Week Eight: Portfolio Building

Happy Friday! This will be quite a short post but it’s officially time to start creating my portfolio, and thankfully I had a template provided by my professor to begin. While we just spent two weeks learning about HTML and CSS, actually creating a portfolio was much more intimidating than I was ready for. 

I mainly spent this week tweaking the template I was already given by changing the color scheme, adding photos, etc. I definitely have my work cut out for me these next few weeks as I want to be fully satisfied with my final product. I think it will benefit me to actually write down what I imagine I want my portfolio to contain and maybe even do a rough sketch of how I want it to look. Even if it doesn’t turn out exactly similar, I’ll at least have a good foundation to get me through this process. 

Week Seven: HTML/CSS

Happy Friday and Happy Spooky Month! These past two weeks have been a lot, as it was time for me to officially dive into the world of coding. The last time I remember properly learning about coding was in the 7th or 8th grade. If you were to ask me today, I wouldn’t even be able to recall anything from that class other than that I surprisingly got a good grade. Still, I tried to go into these tutorials with a clear mind and a hopeful attitude that I could quickly understand and create something great with what I learned.

Jumping straight into things, I decided to spend the day focusing on the HTML tutorial provided by my professor. Usually, I am one to fully read through everything before experimenting, but I found it to be a much easier process to code as I went along. I also surprisingly found myself comfortable working on it as while it had been a minute, the familiarity was still there. Learning about how to code text colors, backgrounds, and exploring what colors HTML supports was something I particularly enjoyed. Since this part of the tutorial was something I gravitated toward, I spent some time messing around with HSLA color values (hue, saturation, lightness, alpha) and seeing what different shades I could create and the different styles to apply them. 

Following that, I did find myself more stuck when I reached the image map section. I was intimidated by having to find the specific coordinates for my chosen images and admittedly, I did not leave that part of the tutorial feeling 100% confident. Still, I believe it is something I would just need to work on more and can soon fully understand. Overall, when it came to the HTML lesson, it was not as bad as I thought. There were some parts I really enjoyed and others that I naturally had to work on more. 

A couple of days later, I finally got around to the CSS tutorial. Seeing as the HTML one went much better than expected, I felt more confident that I would end the lesson having a good understanding of how things worked. Unlike HTML, because CSS is design-focused, it requires more specific codes which means more time spent figuring things out. The difference between working on both HTML and CSS is while I did find both to be enjoyable, HTML was somewhat more relaxing as CSS needed me to be very precise with what I typed. With that being said, even though it took longer it was much more rewarding to see what I could put together.

I ended these lessons not having any particular questions in mind. The tutorials went in great depth and I know that the more I practice the more prepared I’ll be when it comes to creating my final portfolio.