In this post I offer a combined annotation of two articles. The first is Audio, Archives, and the Affordance of Listening in a Pedagogy of “Difference” by Jean Bessette, and the latter is Rhetoric’s Other: Levinas, Listening, and the Ethical Response by Lisbeth Lipari.
In a podcast-like discussion, I attempt to bring both of these works together to process the following questions:
- How are digital media transforming the potential audiences for academic discourse?
- How is listening a “multimodal” activity?
- What if our understanding of critical thinking through writing were expanded to include critical thinking through musical/sonic composition? To put it another way, should we still be privileging a print-centered definition of literacy when the web is a multimodal authoring and reading environment?
- To what extent are classical models or definitions (Socratic, Aristotelian, Pre-Socratic, etc.) of rhetoric still relevant?
- Also highlight and define (sonically!) key and unfamiliar terms in the text you choose.
Not all of these questions will be fully answered, but hopefully the format of the podcast below will give rise to more thought on these subjects.
Please be advised: NONE of the Audio clips that I tried to include came through on SoundCloud. I must ask, therefore, that you explore the works that I referenced in on your own. They appear below in the order of their intended appearance, so please take a moment to listen to the beginning part of Sacrifice and any section of the interviews during the long gaps in the Podcast.
Useful Sounds, Links, and Sources
Nikki Giovanni–Soul Food, Sex, and Space

March 17, 2016. On Being. Photo by the Furious Flower Poetry Center.
Katy Payne–In the Presence of Elephants and Whales

August 13, 2015. On Being. Photo by Melissa Groo.
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