Neuro Warrior
This project was about making a piece of armor that represented a cause the we wanted to emphasize. I wanted to show the power and capability that neurodivergent people have. The mask is supposed to be a physical representation of “masking” that neurodivergent people use to “fit in” to a neurotypical work. I could not get a great picture of the wearable garment sadly, but it was to show that even though it is not easily seen we are still capable of defending ourselves. The staff that I made is supposed to almost be like a third eye in a way. It’s power is to open the minds/ eyes of people who do not believe in the disabilities they can not see. With this project I had to learn patience when it came to drying times. I know better then to fiddle with glue that is not fully dry even though it may look ready. Over I really enjoyed this project and the materials that I worked with!
- Material- Rigid wrap, Cardboard, packing tape, tacky glue, air dry clay, acrylic paint, posca pens, and mod podge
- Size- Varies