
I believe that I have a moderately growing respect for LGBTQ for enduring the amount of disrespect and unfairness given to them for years and especially to Bobbi Campbell for being one of the faces for helping people with AIDS/HIV by sharing his ideals of staying strong until the very end. He truthfully keeps the heads of people high by telling them “to live and die with dignity.”

I think that as long as LGBTQ people are being discriminated for their gender/ sexuality, HIV/AIDS rates will only get higher from there because as a non-LGBTQ person, we push them towards a position where they can’t do anything without human rights. Forcing them out of a job, kicking them out of their homes, and so much more because we can’t accept that even though their sexuality and gender is different, their beliefs and morals are still like anyone else: human. And when we push to that position, they do immoral things for their own benefits including drugs, overuse of alcohol, and especially sex. Now, I’m not saying that we should have LGBTQ people to be the majority; it would be fair to share the same rights.

With that in mind, the future of LGBTQ people as well as the treatment/cure for HIV/AIDS is uncertain, but I feel like it will only get better day by day. Progressing through my 17 years of life, I’m seeing more social movements and parades where the main topic is giving LGBTQ a chance to show what they have to offer and more people like my fellow teachers and students focusing on the topic of HIV and AIDS. Everyone deserves a chance in the end.

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