Jeff Clark's research on Tech development
- How does your selection of images reflect the technology trends used to enhance equity in education, and economic development? It shows that they are enhancing their own media development by producing quality photos through their advanced technology.
- Do your images about the challenges of technology in education, development ice allow you to reconsider the issues in a new way? I believe so.
- How has this assignment influenced your personal thoughts? It’s shown me that technology needs improvement all over the world and that some people need technology desperately.
- How has the assignment contributed to your understanding of technologies being used in the communities that you selected for this assignment? It’s being used to advance education but the need is also higher for faster and more reliable technology.
- How has this assignment enhanced your knowledge and use of the platform you selected and use of any technology you have learned? It’s made me realize that the United States takes the advancement of technology to its advantage. I believe that countries all over can achieve a lot with advanced technology.
- What are the challenges of technology in education and socioeconomic development? It isn’t easily accessible and readily available.