Emma’s Website Feedback

Today I had the pleasure of reviewing my classmate Emma VanDerLeest’s website. This is the second project I’ve had the opportunity to look over, and just like the first, it did not disappoint. Her focus is clear and shines a light on who she is, as a student, and in life. Emma’s home page is constructed with a two-tone blue color scheme that is very inviting. It also includes a self-portrait and motivational quotes. She includes a navigation list that grants an easy one-click redirect to what an employer looks for.

As I dove deeper into Emma’s site, I was able to get a glimpse of who she is in her bio (About Me). Once the page opened, I was greeted by an image of her smiling. The picture has a professional feel, and the artistry of depth of field brings attention to her. Though she is currently working as a Business Analyst, Emma’s goal is to become a fictional writer. This is something I admire and can relate to. 

The question I had about a Business Analyst graduating as an English Major was resolved as soon as I opened Emma’s resume page. The introduction, image, and quote give her website an excellent flow, and most importantly, adds personal detail. The job history is straightforward and offers links to past employers. She also includes a downloadable resume that is more in-depth. Her “resume child” answers questions that prospects might have for her. It was also nice to see the included social media links she’s connected to.

Emma’s blog stays within her professional field but also has hints and tips for everyone. Her most recent post offers tips to avoid procrastination (college students should read this at the midpoint of the semester). All four were business-oriented and made sense with her current job at Infor. I will include the tagline at the end of each post, “My door is always open,” is genius. However, I would’ve loved to have read some of her writing samples in her post. 

In closing, Emma’s website is her contact and a fun page. The contact page is put together with hyperlinks with easy access to contact her. It also reminded me that her door is always open (GENIUS!). The additional “fun page” offers a great story on Emma’s journey in building a personal PC. The piece was creative and provided details to all the hardware she used to create a console that fits all her needs.

Emma’s dream is to write, and when you read between the analytical aspect of her job, the artistry is there. She has an innovative and authentic way with words that can be seen on her website pages. In the future, I will keep my eye out for VanDerLeest in the fiction section at Barnes & Noble.

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