- Once upon a time, there was a woman named Phoenix who was a member of the Shikari, a bounty hunting coalition. Every day, she would put on her advanced gear and she and her illegal robot dog would scour the city of Vira for her bounties. Back in 2030, the world made a revolutionary discovery and was able to use AI technology to create robot dogs. These dogs were programmed to be protectors of their owners but nothing more than that. They were perfect for families and the elderly because of their ability to simulate actual dog behavior but all were created with advanced service dog abilities. Robo dogs could call 911, protect homes in a break-in, fetch water or food, and even carry humans out of burning buildings. Almost everyone had to get one. However, shortly after the consumer craze of the Robo Dog, something went wrong. All of the dogs went rogue and ran rampant through cities. Almost all of the dogs were destroyed. One day she was assigned a bounty for another girl that she discovered also had an illegal robot dog. Because of that, she ends up finding her hiding in her underground home with her Robot dog Spike. Because of that, she realizes she doesn’t want to bring her in because her dog has not been compromised like her own dog Duke. Until finally she learns that the girl has been searching for her long-lost brother and using Spike to do so. Phoenix realizes that she once had a family too and if she had the chance to find them she would. Phoenix admits that she is Shakira but is not going to bring the girl in. The two become very close friends and go on many adventures together exploring new countries and worlds in search of her brother.