Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack



Very interesting article reminded me of somewhat “nickel and dimed” very practical. She basically dig out all the issue for being white and why white are being oppressive to others.

Out of 25 there are several i can clearly see as white being a dominant group. Here are my chick lists which i thought to be true and applies to me.

*I can, if I wish, arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.

*If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area that I can afford and in which I would want to live.

*I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.

*I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.

*Whether I use checks, credit cards, or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of financial reliability.

*I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.

*If a traffic cop pulls me over, or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven’t been singled out because of my race.

*I can be sure that if I need legal or medical help my race will not work against me.

*I can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having coworkers on the job suspect that I got it because of race.

All of these above issues  i personally thought are symbolism of white supremacy. We as a minorities see it face it everyday and all of these issues are brought in the class. How minorities neighborhood has all kind of garbage dumps less funded school higher crime rate, no neighborhood facilities, less jobs because of disadvantage for not being white, media controls pretty much whites therefore they get the favor.

I was somewhat surprised that actually all of them i could checked off and her all 25 points are on the point.

i am sure there are many i can add but these are the main ones.

As i said before implicit privileges giving out all the benefits  to whites and it wouldn’t be a problem if others like minorities were to get the same amount of privileges.