Climate Changes are causing humans..or not

I have been hearing from science classes ever since i started school that humans are causing climate change and how all the pollution and green house effect are causing temperature to rise up. However, there is a doubt amongst two group of scientist. One group is simply saying they do not believe that humans are causing temperature to go up. Here is the big question. What else is causing this temperature?


There is a big debate going amongst scientist and politicians what causing what and according to the numbers almost majority of the scientists believe 97-98 percent that humans are causing climate to change. As we have seen several videos in the class one with Bill Maher where he continues to argue with another man supposedly a republican man  in which the republican man keep on disagreeing with Bill. Global-Warming-2007-ABC-News-Release2

This is an interesting chart and it shows how people view of climate change. The first bar is the most interesting one where most people are assuming its going to happen but do not know why or do not even bother thinking. So what really causing this? Do we have enough reasonings?

This above link is an interesting article which talks about why some  of us do not believe humans are not causing climate change.

On the other hand, here is  the picture below what we have been learning from school. Simple scientific explanation of why climate change are causing by humans.

Fingerprints_1024   so we are seeing the two groups backing up each other for climate change reasonings. On the chart most people do not really research or pay attention what causing this  climate to change. I personally do believe humans are off course responsible for climate change however, there could be other reasons which will stay as doubt for most of us. Statistics are showing 97 percent of scientists believe that humans are causing climate to change and rest is up to us which way we will take it.